Exner, Pavel (ed.) XVIth international congress on mathematical physics, Prague, Czech Republic, August 3–8, 2009. With DVD. (English) Zbl 1192.00040 Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-4304-62-7/hbk). xvii, 690 p. (2010). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference (15, 2006) has been reviewed (see Zbl 1170.81006).Indexed articles:Bazhanov, Vladimir V.; Mangazeev, Vladimir V.; Sergeev, Sergey M., Quantum geometry of 3-dimensional lattices and tetrahedron equation, 23-44 [Zbl 1211.83011]Christodoulou, Demetrios, The formation of black holes in general relativity, 45-55 [Zbl 1216.83009]Duplantier, Bertrand, Liouville quantum gravity & the KPZ relation: a rigorous perspective, 56-85 [Zbl 1213.83064]Erdős, László, Universality of Wigner random matrices, 86-105 [Zbl 1205.82080]Guionnet, Alice, Uses of free probability in random matrix theory, 106-122 [Zbl 1469.46061]Marklof, Jens, Kinetic transport in crystals, 162-179 [Zbl 1427.82049]Mastropietro, Vieri, Ising models, universality and the non renormalization of the quantum anomalies, 180-199 [Zbl 1203.81104]Pizzo, Alessandro, The infrared problem in nonrelativistic QED, 200-221 [Zbl 1203.81184]Šeba, Petr, Parking in the city: an example of limited resource sharing, 222-230 [Zbl 1205.90071]Seiringer, Robert, Hot topics in cold gases, 231-245 [Zbl 1462.82005]Serfaty, Sylvia; Sandier, Etienne, Vortex patterns in Ginzburg-Landau minimizers, 246-264 [Zbl 1427.82061]Nekrasov, Nikita A.; Shatashvili, Samson L., Quantization of integrable systems and four dimensional gauge theories, 265-289 [Zbl 1214.83049]Weinberg, Steven, Changing views of quantum field theory, 290-309 [Zbl 1205.81103]Kaloshin, Vadim; Zhang, Ke; Zheng, Yong, Almost dense orbit on energy surface, 314-322 [Zbl 1242.37060]Kuksin, Sergei B., Dissipative perturbations of KdV, 323-327 [Zbl 1204.35147]Pajor-Gyuliai, Zsolt; Szász, Domokos; Tóth, Imre P., Billiard models and energy transfer, 328-332 [Zbl 1203.37068]Sergeev, Alexander N.; Veselov, Alexander P., Quantum Calogero-Moser systems: a view from infinity, 333-337 [Zbl 1241.81096]Abdesselam, Abdelmalek, Renormalization group trajectories between two fixed points, 346-351 [Zbl 1203.81122]Adams, Stefan, Gradient models with non-convex interactions, 352-356 [Zbl 1205.82045]Disertori, Margherita, Supersymmetric Ward identities in quantum diffusion, 357-361 [Zbl 1205.82047]Makarov, Nikolai; Smirnov, Stanislav, Off-critical lattice models and massive SLEs, 362-371 [Zbl 1205.82055]Kupiainen, Antti, Diffusion in coupled map lattices, 381-385 [Zbl 1205.82053]Lukkarinen, Jani; Spohn, Herbert, Decay of equilibrium time correlations in a weakly nonlinear Schrödinger equation, 386-390 [Zbl 1205.82054]Nachtergaele, Bruno, Lieb-Robinson bounds and the existence of infinite system dynamics, 391-396 [Zbl 1205.82056]Liverani, C.; Olla, S., Heat equation from microscopic dynamics: a weak coupling approach, 397-400 [Zbl 1203.80001]Quastel, Jeremy, KPZ universality for KPZ, 401-405 [Zbl 1203.80003]Schlein, Benjamin, Derivation of effective evolution equations from many body quantum dynamics, 406-416 [Zbl 1205.82043]Dafermos, Mihalis; Rodnianski, Igor, A new physical-space approach to decay for the wave equation with applications to black hole spacetimes, 421-432 [Zbl 1211.83019]Golse, François, Nonlinear regularizing effect for hyperbolic partial differential equations, 433-437 [Zbl 1211.35185]Selberg, Sigmund; Tesfahun, Achenef, On the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon system in Lorenz gauge, 438-443 [Zbl 1205.83012]Sterbenz, Jacob; Tataru, Daniel, A regularity theorem for energy critical wave-maps, 444-451 [Zbl 1225.58014]Lubetzky, Eyal, Glauber dynamics for spin systems at high and critical temperatures, 464-469 [Zbl 1462.82027]Le Gall, Jean-Francois; Miermont, Grégory, On the scaling limit of random planar maps with large faces, 470-474 [Zbl 1238.60111]Valkó, Benedek, Scaling limits of Dyson’s \(\beta\)-ensemble, 481-485 [Zbl 1205.82085]Lechner, Gandalf, Deformations of operator algebras and the construction of quantum field theories, 490-495 [Zbl 1203.81161]Müger, Michael, On superselection theory of quantum fields in low dimensions, 496-503 [Zbl 1203.81150]Neshveyev, Sergey; Tuset, Lars, Quantizations of Poisson Lie groups as noncommutative in manifolds, 504-508 [Zbl 1203.81124]Waldmann, Stefan, Positivity in Rieffel’s strict deformation quantization, 509-513 [Zbl 1203.81086]Betz, Volker, Radiationless transitions through avoided crossings, 518-522 [Zbl 1203.81206]Frank, Rupert L.; Lieb, Elliott H.; Seiringer, Robert, Equivalence of Sobolev inequalities and Lieb-Thirring inequalities, 523-535 [Zbl 1203.81072]Renner, Renato, Optimal decoupling, 541-545 [Zbl 1202.81025]Tautenhahn, Martin; Veselić, Ivan, Spectral properties of discrete alloy-type models, 551-555 [Zbl 1205.82094]Aizenman, Michael; Warzel, Simone, Complete dynamical localization in disordered quantum multi-particle systems, 556-565 [Zbl 1205.82089]Bossard, Guillame, Extremal black holes and nilpotent orbits, 574-579 [Zbl 1205.83036]Kubizňák, David, Black hole spacetimes with Killing-Yano symmetries, 580-587 [Zbl 1206.83001]Samtleben, Henning, Maximal supersymmetry and non-abelian gauge groups, 588-592 [Zbl 1205.83005]Kreimer, Dirk, Three études in QFT, 596-601 [Zbl 1203.81119]Terras, Véronique, Algebraic Bethe ansatz approach to correlation functions: from exact representations on the lattice to asymptotic behavior, 614-618 [Zbl 1205.82065]Fournais, Søren; Kachmar, Ayman, Strength of superconductivity close to critical magnetic field, 625-629 [Zbl 1206.82143]Giuliani, Alessandro, The 2D Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice, 630-634 [Zbl 1205.82050]Huijse, Liza; Schoutens, Kareljan, Quantum phases of supersymmetric lattice models, 635-639 [Zbl 1203.81159]Langlois, David, Glimpses into the early Universe, 645-650 [Zbl 1205.83004] Cited in 1 Review MSC: 00A79 Physics 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 70-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems 76-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to fluid mechanics 81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory 82-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistical mechanics 83-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to relativity and gravitational theory Citations:Zbl 1170.81006 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Exner} (ed.), XVIth international congress on mathematical physics, Prague, Czech Republic, August 3--8, 2009. With DVD. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (2010; Zbl 1192.00040)