
Chaos and synchronization of the fractional-order Chua’s system. (English) Zbl 1197.94233

Summary: Chaotic synchronization of fractional-order Chua’s system is further studied. An algorithm for numerical solution of fractional-order differential equations is presented; the chaos in a fractional-order Chua system with some parameters is discussed. The scheme of synchronization system consist of fractional-order Chua’s system is constructed. The synchronization conditions are investigated theoretically. And the synchronization thresholds are discussed by utilizing bifurcation graphs.
Editorial remark: There are doubts about a proper peer-reviewing procedure of this journal. The editor-in-chief has retired, but, according to a statement of the publisher, articles accepted under his guidance are published without additional control.


94C05 Analytic circuit theory
34A08 Fractional ordinary differential equations
37D45 Strange attractors, chaotic dynamics of systems with hyperbolic behavior
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