
Advances in modal logic. Vol. 10. Proceedings of the 10th conference (AiML 2014), Groningen, Netherlands, August 5–8, 2014. (English) Zbl 1318.03006

London: College Publications (ISBN 978-1-84890-151-3/pbk). x, 587 p. (2014).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1262.03005].
Indexed articles:
Abu Zaid, Faried; Grädel, Erich; Jaax, Stephan, Bisimulation safe fixed point logic, 1-15 [Zbl 1385.03015]
Balbiani, Philippe; Tinchev, Tinko, Definability and computability for PRSPDL, 16-33 [Zbl 1385.03033]
Belkhir, Walid; Rossi, Gisela; Rusinowitch, Michael, A parametrized propositional dynamic logic with application to service synthesis, 34-53 [Zbl 1385.03034]
Bezhanishvili, Nick; Ghilardi, Silvio, Multiple-conclusion rules, hypersequents syntax and step frames, 54-73 [Zbl 1385.03016]
Carreiro, Facundo; Venema, Yde, PDL inside the \(\mu\)-calculus: a syntactic and an automata-theoretic characterization, 74-93 [Zbl 1385.03035]
Ciardelli, Ivano, Modalities in the realm of questions: axiomatizing inquisitive epistemic logic, 94-113 [Zbl 1385.03006]
De, Michael; Omori, Hitoshi, More on empirical negation, 114-133 [Zbl 1385.03005]
Demri, Stéphane; Deters, Morgan, The effects of modalities in separation logics (extended abstract), 134-138 [Zbl 1385.03036]
van Ditmarsch, Hans; Fan, Jie; van der Hoek, Wiebe; Iliev, Petar, Some exponential lower bounds on formula-size in modal logic, 139-157 [Zbl 1385.03029]
van Eijck, Jan; Schwarzentruber, François, Epistemic probability logic simplified, 158-177 [Zbl 1385.03037]
Fan, Jie; Wang, Yanjing; van Ditmarsch, Hans, Almost necessary, 178-196 [Zbl 1385.03017]
French, Tim; Hales, James; Tay, Edwin, A composable language for action models, 197-216 [Zbl 1385.03007]
van Gool, Sam J., Free algebras for Gödel-Löb provability logic, 217-233 [Zbl 1385.03043]
Goranko, Valentin; Vester, Steen, Optimal decision procedures for satsfiability in fragments of alternating-time temporal logics, 234-253 [Zbl 1385.03013]
Gorín, Daniel; Schröder, Lutz, Subsumption checking in conjunctive coalgebraic fixpoint logics, 254-273 [Zbl 1385.03045]
Hella, Lauri; Kuusisto, Antti, One-dimensional fragment of first-order logic, 274-293 [Zbl 1385.03004]
Hella, Lauri; Luosto, Kerkko; Sano, Katsuhiko; Virtema, Jonni, The expressive power of modal dependence logic, 294-312 [Zbl 1385.03018]
Holliday, Wesley H., Partiality and adjointness in modal logic, 313-332 [Zbl 1385.03019]
Kikot, Stanislav; Shapirovsky, Ilya; Zolin, Evgeny, Filtration safe operations on frames, 333-352 [Zbl 1385.03020]
Kontinen, Juha; Müller, Julian-Steffen; Schnoor, Henning; Vollmer, Heribert, Modal indepence logic, 354-372 [Zbl 1385.03021]
Kudinov, Andrey, Neighbourhood frame product \(\mathrm{K}\times \mathrm{K}\), 373-386 [Zbl 1385.03022]
Marin, Sonia; Straßburger, Lutz, Label-free modular systems for classical and intuitionistic modal logics, 387-406 [Zbl 1385.03023]
Marti, Michel; Metcalfe, George, A Hennessy-Milner property for many-valued modal logics, 407-420 [Zbl 1385.03024]
Přenosil, Adam, A duality for distributive unimodal logic, 423-438 [Zbl 1385.03025]
Reynolds, Mark, A tableau for temporal logic over the reals, 439-458 [Zbl 1385.03014]
Rivieccio, Umberto, Bilattice public announcement logic, 459-477 [Zbl 1385.03008]
Schmidt, Renate A.; Stell, John G.; Rydeheard, David, Axiomatic and tableau-based reasoning for \(Kt (H, R)\), 478-497 [Zbl 1385.03026]
Shehtman, Valentin, Canonical filtrations and local tabularity, 498-512 [Zbl 1385.03027]
Su, Che-Ping, Paraconsistent justification logic: a starting point, 513-532 [Zbl 1385.03009]
Suzuki, Tomoyuki, On polarity frames: applications to substructural and lattice-based logics, 533-552 [Zbl 1385.03030]
Uckelman, Sara L., Reasoning about obligations in obligationes: a formal approach, 553-568 [Zbl 1385.03010]
Wang, Yanjing; Fan, Jie, Conditionally knowing what, 569-587 [Zbl 1385.03011]


03-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations
03B45 Modal logic (including the logic of norms)
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1262.03005