Brandts, J. (ed.); Korotov, S. (ed.); Křížek, M. (ed.); Segeth, K. (ed.); Šístek, J. (ed.); Vejchodský, T. (ed.) Proceedings of the international conference ‘Applications of mathematics’, Prague, Czech Republic, November 18–21, 2015. In honor of the birthday anniversaries of Ivo Babuška (90), Milan Práger (85), and Emil Vitásek (85). (English) Zbl 1329.00187 Prague: Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (ISBN 978-80-85823-65-3). xvi, 272 p. (2015). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1277.00032].Indexed articles:Biák, Martin; Janovská, Drahoslava, Differential algebraic equations of Filippov type., 1-16 [Zbl 1363.34037]Segeth, Karel, Preface., i-v [Zbl 1363.01025]Ersoy, Mehmet, Dimension reduction for incompressible pipe and open channel flow including friction., 17-33 [Zbl 1363.76004]Faragó, István; Korotov, Sergey; Szabó, Tamás, On continuous and discrete maximum/minimum principles for reaction-diffusion problems with the Neumann boundary condition., 34-44 [Zbl 1363.35061]Franco, Sebastião Romero; Farina, Leandro, Shoaling of nonlinear steady waves: maximum height and angle of breaking., 45-62 [Zbl 1363.76011]Janovský, Vladimír, Numerical analysis of a lumped parameter friction model., 63-76 [Zbl 1363.74066]Kárná, Lucie; Klapka, Štěpán, Message doubling and error detection in the binary symmetrical channel., 77-84 [Zbl 1363.94056]Kaur, Inderpreet; Mentrelli, Andrea; Bosseur, Frederic; Filippi, Jean Baptiste; Pagnini, Gianni, Wildland fire propagation modelling: A novel approach reconciling models based on moving interface methods and on reaction-diffusion equations., 85-99 [Zbl 1363.93030]Křížek, Michal, My wonderful numerical analysis teachers – Milan Práger and Emil Vitásek., vi-xiv [Zbl 1363.01019]Kautsky, Jaroslav, Factorization makes fast Walsh, PONS and other Hadamard-like transforms easy., 100-109 [Zbl 1363.15021]Kobayashi, Kenta, On the interpolation constants over triangular elements., 110-124 [Zbl 1363.65014]Křížek, Michal; Somer, Lawrence, Why quintic polynomial equations are not solvable in radicals., 125-131 [Zbl 1374.12005]Kučera, Václav, A note on necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence of the finite element method., 132-139 [Zbl 1363.65189]Kůs, Pavel, Convergence and stability of higher-order finite element solution of reaction-diffusion equation with Turing instability., 140-147 [Zbl 1363.65147]Mlýnek, Jaroslav; Knobloch, Roman; Srb, Radek, Use of a differential evolution algorithm for the optimization of the heat radiation intensity., 148-157 [Zbl 1363.80011]Nedoma, Jiří, Dynamic contact problems in bone neoplasm analyses and the primal-dual active set (PDAS) method., 158-183 [Zbl 1374.92071]Nemati, S.; Lima, P.; Ordokhani, Y., Numerical method for the mixed Volterra-Fredholm integral equations using hybrid Legendre functions., 184-193 [Zbl 1363.65222]Rüter, Marcus; Chen, Jiun-Shyan, A multi-space error estimation approach for meshfree methods., 194-205 [Zbl 1363.65192]Rybář, Vojtěch; Vejchodský, Tomáš, On the number of stationary patterns in reaction-diffusion systems., 206-216 [Zbl 1363.35179]Segeth, Karel, A note on tension spline., 217-224 [Zbl 1363.65021]Suárez, José P.; Plaza, Ángel; Moreno, Tania, Geometric diagram for representing shape quality in mesh refinement., 225-235 [Zbl 1363.65211]Sýkorová, Irena, Some remarks on mixed approximation problem., 236-241 [Zbl 1363.65018]Vejchodský, Tomáš, On the quality of local flux reconstructions for guaranteed error bounds., 242-255 [Zbl 1363.65193]Zhu, Peicheng, Viscosity solutions to a new phase-field model for martensitic phase transformations., 256-263 [Zbl 1363.35078] Cited in 2 Documents MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 00B30 Festschriften 00A69 General applied mathematics Biographic References: Babuška, Ivo; Práger, Milan; Vitásek, Emil Citations:Zbl 1277.00032 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link