Maynard Smith, J.; Price, G. R. The logic of animal conflict. (English) Zbl 1369.92134 Nature, London 246, No. 5427, 15-18 (1973). Summary: Conflicts between animals of the same species usually are of “limited war” type, not causing serious injury. This is often explained as due to group or species selection for behaviour benefiting the species rather than individuals. Game theory and computer simulation analyses show, however, that a “limited war” strategy benefits individual animals as well as the species. Cited in 4 ReviewsCited in 775 Documents MSC: 92D50 Animal behavior 92D25 Population dynamics (general) 91A80 Applications of game theory Keywords:limited war PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Maynard Smith} and \textit{G. R. Price}, Nature, London 246, No. 5427, 15--18 (1973; Zbl 1369.92134) Full Text: DOI