
The denominators of power sums of arithmetic progressions. (English) Zbl 1423.11029

The authors study the denominators of polynomials that represent the power sums of arithmetic progressions: \[ {\mathcal S}_{m,r}^n(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{x-1}(km+r)^n=r^n+(m+r)^n+\dots+((x-1)m+r)^n. \] They extend their earlier results on the case of power sum’s (when \(r=0,m=1\)). Specially, they give a simple explicit criterion for the integrality of the coefficients of these polynomials, and show further applications about the sequence of denominators of the Bernoulli polynomials.


11B25 Arithmetic progressions
11B68 Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials



Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences:

a(n) is the smallest positive integer such that a(n)*(1^n + 2^n + ... + x^n) is a polynomial in x with integer coefficients.
Positive integers k such that the derivative of the k-th Bernoulli polynomial B(k,x) contains only integer coefficients.
Least number k such that all coefficients of k*B(n,x), the n-th Bernoulli polynomial, are integers.
a(n) = denominator(Bernoulli_{n+1}(x) - Bernoulli_{n+1}).
a(n) = denominator(Bernoulli_{n}(x)) / denominator(Bernoulli_{n}).
a(n) = b(2*n-1)/b(2*n) where b(n) = A195441(n-1) = denominator(Bernoulli_{n}(x) - Bernoulli_{n}).
a(n) = b(2*n)/b(2*n+1) where b(n) = denominator(Bernoulli_{n}(x)).
Indices k such that A195441(k) = A195441(k+1).
Numbers that appear in A195441 at least once for two consecutive indices.
a(n) = (denominator of B(n,x)) / (the squarefree kernel of n+1), where B(n,x) is the n-th Bernoulli polynomial.
Denominator of the second derivative of the n-th Bernoulli polynomial B(n,x).
Positive integers k such that the second derivative of the k-th Bernoulli polynomial B(k,x) contains only integer coefficients.
Positive integers k such that the third derivative of the k-th Bernoulli polynomial B(k, x) contains only integer coefficients.
Positive integers k such that the fourth derivative of the k-th Bernoulli polynomial B(k, x) contains only integer coefficients.
Positive integers k such that the fifth derivative of the k-th Bernoulli polynomial B(k, x) contains only integer coefficients.


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