
Combinatorial properties of differentially 2-uniform substitutions. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1475.94159

Summary: A combinatorial approach to the investigation and methods of construction of differentially 2-uniform substitutions of the vector space over the finite field \(F_2\) is proposed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the family of sets associated with a differentially 2-uniform substitution to be a symmetric block design are given. It is shown that a substitution is differentially 2-uniform if and only if it is a solution of a similarity equations system connecting a family of translations with a family of unequal weights involutions. We suggest methods of construction of differentially 2-uniform substitutions by means of the Cayley table of an additive group of finite field \(F_{2^m}\).


94A60 Cryptography
60C05 Combinatorial probability
05B05 Combinatorial aspects of block designs


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