
Mathematical aspects of computer and information sciences. 8th international conference, MACIS 2019, Gebze, Turkey, November 13–15, 2019. Revised selected papers. (English) Zbl 1483.68012

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11989. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-43119-8/pbk; 978-3-030-43120-4/ebook). xi, 464 p. (2020).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1381.68002].
Indexed articles:
Akoglu, Tulay Ayyildiz; Szanto, Agnes, Certified Hermite matrices from approximate roots – univariate case, 3-9 [Zbl 07441055]
Sato, Yosuke; Sekigawa, Hiroshi; Fukasaku, Ryoya; Nabeshima, Katsusuke, On parametric border bases, 10-15 [Zbl 1541.13029]
Diatta, Sény; Moroz, Guillaume; Pouget, Marc, Reliable computation of the singularities of the projection in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) of a generic surface of \(\mathbb{R}^4\), 16-34 [Zbl 07441057]
Ledoux, Viviane; Moroz, Guillaume, Evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials on intervals and application to root finding, 35-41 [Zbl 07441058]
Ablinger, Jakob, Proving two conjectural series for \(\zeta (7)\) and discovering more series for \(\zeta (7)\), 42-47 [Zbl 07441059]
Nabeshima, Katsusuke; Tajima, Shinichi, Generalized integral dependence relations, 48-63 [Zbl 1541.13008]
Levin, Alexander, Hilbert-type dimension polynomials of intermediate difference-differential field extensions, 64-79 [Zbl 1477.12004]
Couto, Ana C. Camargos; Maza, Marc Moreno; Linder, David; Jeffrey, David J.; Corless, Robert M., Comprehensive LU factors of polynomial matrices, 80-88 [Zbl 07441062]
Pan, Victor Y.; Luan, Qi; Svadlenka, John; Zhao, Liang, Sublinear cost low rank approximation via subspace sampling, 89-104 [Zbl 07441063]
Luan, Qi; Pan, Victor Y., CUR LRA at sublinear cost based on volume maximization, 105-121 [Zbl 07441064]
Imbach, Rémi; Pan, Victor Y., New practical advances in polynomial root clustering, 122-137 [Zbl 07441065]
Mou, Chenqi; Lai, Jiahua, On the chordality of simple decomposition in top-down style, 138-152 [Zbl 1541.13028]
Drămnesc, Isabela; Jebelean, Tudor, Automatic synthesis of merging and inserting algorithms on binary trees using multisets in Theorema, 153-168 [Zbl 07441067]
Huang, Bo; Niu, Wei, Algebraic analysis of bifurcations and chaos for discrete dynamical systems, 169-184 [Zbl 07441068]
Esirci, Fatma Nur; Bayrakci, Alp Arslan, Acceleration of spatial correlation based hardware Trojan detection using shared grids ratio, 187-201 [Zbl 07441069]
Ulu, Metin Evrim; Cenk, Murat, A parallel GPU implementation of SWIFFTX, 202-217 [Zbl 07441070]
Borges-Quintana, Mijail; Borges-Trenard, Miguel Ángel; Martínez-Moro, Edgar; Torres-Guerrero, Gustavo, Computing an invariant of a linear code, 218-233 [Zbl 1497.13050]
Mehta, Sanyam; Saraswat, Vishal, Generalized secret sharing schemes using N\(^\mu\)MDS codes, 234-248 [Zbl 07441072]
Yıldırım, Hamdi Murat, Exploiting linearity of modular multiplication, 249-269 [Zbl 07441073]
Uncu, Ali Kemal, On a weighted spin of the Lebesgue identity, 273-279 [Zbl 1541.11087]
Büyükçolak, Yasemin; Gözüpek, Didem; Özkan, Sibel, Edge-critical equimatchable bipartite graphs, 280-287 [Zbl 07441075]
Alnajjarine, Nour; Lavrauw, Michel, Determining the rank of tensors in \(\mathbb{F}_q^2\otimes \mathbb{F}_q^3\otimes \mathbb{F}_q^3\), 288-294 [Zbl 1541.14073]
Tarsissi, Lama; Vuillon, Laurent, Second order balance property on Christoffel words, 295-312 [Zbl 07441077]
Wagner, Michael; Kampel, Ludwig; Simos, Dimitris E., IPO-Q: a quantum-inspired approach to the IPO strategy used in CA generation, 313-323 [Zbl 07441078]
Sevim, Taha; Güvel, Muhammet Selçuk; Özkahya, Lale, A fast counting method for 6-motifs with low connectivity, 324-332 [Zbl 07441079]
Alexandersson, Per; Restadh, Petter, LaserTank is NP-complete, 333-338 [Zbl 07441080]
Florescu, Dorian; England, Matthew, Improved cross-validation for classifiers that make algorithmic choices to minimise runtime without compromising output correctness, 341-356 [Zbl 07441081]
Carlini, Luca; Ay, Nihat; Görgen, Christiane, A numerical efficiency analysis of a common ancestor condition, 357-363 [Zbl 07441082]
Çelik, Türkü Özlüm; Jamneshan, Asgar; Montúfar, Guido; Sturmfels, Bernd; Venturello, Lorenzo, Optimal transport to a variety, 364-381 [Zbl 07441083]
Zhang, Haoliang; Xu, Hongbo; Shi, Jinqiao; Liu, Tingwen; Ya, Jing, SFV-CNN: deep text sentiment classification with scenario feature representation, 382-394 [Zbl 1540.68251]
Isik, Sahin; Ozkan, Kemal, Common vector approach based image gradients computation for edge detection, 408-421 [Zbl 07441086]
Mokhtari, Bilal; Melkemi, Kamal Eddine; Michelucci, Dominique; Foufou, Sebti, Optimizing query perturbations to enhance shape retrieval, 422-437 [Zbl 07441087]
Kettaf, Chahrazed; Yousfate, Abderrahmane, Authorship attribution by functional discriminant analysis, 438-449 [Zbl 07441088]
Mantzaflaris, Angelos, An overview of geometry plus simulation modules, 453-456 [Zbl 07441089]
Jiménez-Pastor, Antonio, DD-finite functions implemented in Sage, 457-462 [Zbl 07441090]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1381.68002
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