Slamanig, Daniel (ed.); Tsigaridas, Elias (ed.); Zafeirakopoulos, Zafeirakis (ed.) Mathematical aspects of computer and information sciences. 8th international conference, MACIS 2019, Gebze, Turkey, November 13–15, 2019. Revised selected papers. (English) Zbl 1483.68012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11989. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-43119-8/pbk; 978-3-030-43120-4/ebook). xi, 464 p. (2020). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1381.68002].Indexed articles:Akoglu, Tulay Ayyildiz; Szanto, Agnes, Certified Hermite matrices from approximate roots – univariate case, 3-9 [Zbl 07441055]Sato, Yosuke; Sekigawa, Hiroshi; Fukasaku, Ryoya; Nabeshima, Katsusuke, On parametric border bases, 10-15 [Zbl 1541.13029]Diatta, Sény; Moroz, Guillaume; Pouget, Marc, Reliable computation of the singularities of the projection in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) of a generic surface of \(\mathbb{R}^4\), 16-34 [Zbl 07441057]Ledoux, Viviane; Moroz, Guillaume, Evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials on intervals and application to root finding, 35-41 [Zbl 07441058]Ablinger, Jakob, Proving two conjectural series for \(\zeta (7)\) and discovering more series for \(\zeta (7)\), 42-47 [Zbl 07441059]Nabeshima, Katsusuke; Tajima, Shinichi, Generalized integral dependence relations, 48-63 [Zbl 1541.13008]Levin, Alexander, Hilbert-type dimension polynomials of intermediate difference-differential field extensions, 64-79 [Zbl 1477.12004]Couto, Ana C. Camargos; Maza, Marc Moreno; Linder, David; Jeffrey, David J.; Corless, Robert M., Comprehensive LU factors of polynomial matrices, 80-88 [Zbl 07441062]Pan, Victor Y.; Luan, Qi; Svadlenka, John; Zhao, Liang, Sublinear cost low rank approximation via subspace sampling, 89-104 [Zbl 07441063]Luan, Qi; Pan, Victor Y., CUR LRA at sublinear cost based on volume maximization, 105-121 [Zbl 07441064]Imbach, Rémi; Pan, Victor Y., New practical advances in polynomial root clustering, 122-137 [Zbl 07441065]Mou, Chenqi; Lai, Jiahua, On the chordality of simple decomposition in top-down style, 138-152 [Zbl 1541.13028]Drămnesc, Isabela; Jebelean, Tudor, Automatic synthesis of merging and inserting algorithms on binary trees using multisets in Theorema, 153-168 [Zbl 07441067]Huang, Bo; Niu, Wei, Algebraic analysis of bifurcations and chaos for discrete dynamical systems, 169-184 [Zbl 07441068]Esirci, Fatma Nur; Bayrakci, Alp Arslan, Acceleration of spatial correlation based hardware Trojan detection using shared grids ratio, 187-201 [Zbl 07441069]Ulu, Metin Evrim; Cenk, Murat, A parallel GPU implementation of SWIFFTX, 202-217 [Zbl 07441070]Borges-Quintana, Mijail; Borges-Trenard, Miguel Ángel; Martínez-Moro, Edgar; Torres-Guerrero, Gustavo, Computing an invariant of a linear code, 218-233 [Zbl 1497.13050]Mehta, Sanyam; Saraswat, Vishal, Generalized secret sharing schemes using N\(^\mu\)MDS codes, 234-248 [Zbl 07441072]Yıldırım, Hamdi Murat, Exploiting linearity of modular multiplication, 249-269 [Zbl 07441073]Uncu, Ali Kemal, On a weighted spin of the Lebesgue identity, 273-279 [Zbl 1541.11087]Büyükçolak, Yasemin; Gözüpek, Didem; Özkan, Sibel, Edge-critical equimatchable bipartite graphs, 280-287 [Zbl 07441075]Alnajjarine, Nour; Lavrauw, Michel, Determining the rank of tensors in \(\mathbb{F}_q^2\otimes \mathbb{F}_q^3\otimes \mathbb{F}_q^3\), 288-294 [Zbl 1541.14073]Tarsissi, Lama; Vuillon, Laurent, Second order balance property on Christoffel words, 295-312 [Zbl 07441077]Wagner, Michael; Kampel, Ludwig; Simos, Dimitris E., IPO-Q: a quantum-inspired approach to the IPO strategy used in CA generation, 313-323 [Zbl 07441078]Sevim, Taha; Güvel, Muhammet Selçuk; Özkahya, Lale, A fast counting method for 6-motifs with low connectivity, 324-332 [Zbl 07441079]Alexandersson, Per; Restadh, Petter, LaserTank is NP-complete, 333-338 [Zbl 07441080]Florescu, Dorian; England, Matthew, Improved cross-validation for classifiers that make algorithmic choices to minimise runtime without compromising output correctness, 341-356 [Zbl 07441081]Carlini, Luca; Ay, Nihat; Görgen, Christiane, A numerical efficiency analysis of a common ancestor condition, 357-363 [Zbl 07441082]Çelik, Türkü Özlüm; Jamneshan, Asgar; Montúfar, Guido; Sturmfels, Bernd; Venturello, Lorenzo, Optimal transport to a variety, 364-381 [Zbl 07441083]Zhang, Haoliang; Xu, Hongbo; Shi, Jinqiao; Liu, Tingwen; Ya, Jing, SFV-CNN: deep text sentiment classification with scenario feature representation, 382-394 [Zbl 1540.68251]Isik, Sahin; Ozkan, Kemal, Common vector approach based image gradients computation for edge detection, 408-421 [Zbl 07441086]Mokhtari, Bilal; Melkemi, Kamal Eddine; Michelucci, Dominique; Foufou, Sebti, Optimizing query perturbations to enhance shape retrieval, 422-437 [Zbl 07441087]Kettaf, Chahrazed; Yousfate, Abderrahmane, Authorship attribution by functional discriminant analysis, 438-449 [Zbl 07441088]Mantzaflaris, Angelos, An overview of geometry plus simulation modules, 453-456 [Zbl 07441089]Jiménez-Pastor, Antonio, DD-finite functions implemented in Sage, 457-462 [Zbl 07441090] MSC: 68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science 65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest Citations:Zbl 1381.68002 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI