
An information fusion approach based on prime numbers coming from RSA algorithm and fractals for secure coding. (English) Zbl 1495.94052

Summary: In the present paper we will show a system to realize an innovative cryptographic code that ensures a high level of security using Information Fusion (IF) techniques. In detail, we have decided to merge two codes respectively generated by an algorithm of Cryptographic Public-key and by fractals relations. A companion IF method has been presented with a different use in [G. Iovane et al., ibid. 14, No. 3, 207–225 (2011; Zbl 1495.94053)]. Indeed, in the previous paper it was created an identification access key, while here we wish to generate a highly randomized Cryptography key to be used for encrypting. The choice of using fractals to generate numbers to be fused with codes of Public-Key Cryptography, is due to the randomness of these structures. The idea is to use these features for cryptographic applications such as One-Time-Pad. The presented new modified fusion technique, with respect to [loc. cit.], is called F&NIF (Fractal & Numerical Information Fusion).


94A60 Cryptography
28A80 Fractals


Zbl 1495.94053
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