De, Amrita; Das, Payel; Kanoria, Mridula Thermal damages of living tissues due to hyperthermic perfusion. (English) Zbl 1504.92085 Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. Mech. 9, No. 4, 1-11 (2022). MSC: 92C99 Physiological, cellular and medical topics 74F05 Thermal effects in solid mechanics Keywords:bioheat equation; blood vessels; hyperthermic perfusion; Laplace transform; Fourier series expansion technique; moving heat source × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link References: [1] H.H. Pennes, Analysis of tissue and arterial blood temperatures in the resting human forearm, Journal of Applied Physiology 1(2)(1948) 93-122. [2] A. Sur, S. Mondal, M. Kanoria, Influence of moving heat source on skin tissue in the context of two-temperature memory-dependent heat transport law, Journal of Thermal Stresses 43 (1) (2020) 55-71. [3] J. Van der Zee, Heating the patient: a promising approach, Annals of Oncology 13 (8) (2002) 1173-1184. [4] B. Hildebrandt, P. Wust, O. Ahlers, The cellular and molecular basis of hyperthermia, Critical Reviews in Oncol-ogy/Hematology 43 (1) (2002) 33-56. [5] P. Wust, B. Hildebrandt, G.Sreenivasa, Hyperthermia in combined treatment of cancer, The Lancet Oncology 3 (8) (2002) 487-497. [6] F.M. Waterman, L. Tupchoug, J. Matthews, R. Nerlinger. Mechanisms of heat removal during local hyperthermia, International Journal of Radiation Oncology-Biology-Physics 17 (1989) 1049-1055. [7] J. Lang, B. Erdmann, M. Seebass, Impact of nonlinear heat transfer on temperature control in regional hyperther-mia, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46 (1999) 1129-1138. [8] S. Mondal, A. Sur, M. Kanoria, A graded spherical tissue under thermal therapy : the treatment of cancer cells, Waves in Random and Complex Media 32 (2022) 488-507. · Zbl 1501.74054 [9] M. A. Biot, Thermoelasticity and irreversible thermodynamics, Journal of Applied Physics 27 (1956) 240-253. · Zbl 0071.41204 [10] H. Lord, Y. A. Shulman, Generlaized theory of thermoelasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 15 (1967) 299-309. · Zbl 0156.22702 [11] J.S. Stehlin Jr., Hyperthermic perfusion with chemotherapy for cancer of the extremities, Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics 129 (1969) 305. [12] A. Sur, M. Kanoria, Three-phase-lag elasto-thermodiffusive response in an elastic solid under hydrostatic pres-sure, International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3(2) (2015) 121-137. · Zbl 1359.74061 [13] A. Sur, S. Mondal, M. Kanoria, Influence of moving heat source on skin tissue in the context of two-temperature Caputo-Fabrizio heat transport law, Journal of Multiscale Modelling 11 (2) (2020) 2050002. [14] S. Mondal, A. Sur, M. Kanoria, Transient heating within skin tissue due to time-dependent thermal therapy in the context of memory dependent heat transport law, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 49 (2) (2021) 271-285. [15] A. Sur, S. Mondal, M. Kanoria, Transient heating in a spherical tissue due to thermal therapy in the context of memory-dependent heat transport law. Waves in Random and Complex Media (2020) 1-19. [16] A. Sur, M. Kanoria, Analysis of thermoelastic response in a functionally graded infinite space subjected to a Mode-I crack, International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3(2) (2015) 33-44. · Zbl 1359.74060 [17] P. Purkait, A. Sur, M. Kanoria, Thermoelastic interaction in a two-dimensional infinite space due to memory-dependent heat transfer, International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 5(1) (2017) 28-39. · Zbl 1460.74022 [18] G. Honig, U. Hirdes, A method for the numerical inversion of Laplace transforms, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 (1984) 113-132. · Zbl 0535.65090 [19] D.Bhattacharya, M. Kanoria, The influence of two-temperature fractional order generalized thermoelastic diffu-sion inside a spherical shell, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management 3 (8)(2014) 096-108. This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.