Molica Bisci, Giovanni; Repovš, Dušan D.; Zdomskyy, Lyubomyr Coideals as remainders of groups distinguishing between combinatorial covering properties. (English) Zbl 07781613 Topology Appl. 340, Article ID 108725, 15 p. (2023). Summary: In this paper we construct consistent examples of subgroups of \(2^\omega\) with Menger remainders which fail to have other stronger combinatorial covering properties. This answers several open questions asked by Bella, Tokgoz and Zdomskyy (Arch. Math. Logic 55 (2016), 767-784). MSC: 03E75 Applications of set theory 54D40 Remainders in general topology 54D20 Noncompact covering properties (paracompact, Lindelöf, etc.) 03E35 Consistency and independence results 54D80 Special constructions of topological spaces (spaces of ultrafilters, etc.) Keywords:remainder; topological group; Menger space; Scheepers space; filter; forcing × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] Arhangel’skii, A., Two types of remainders of topological groups. Comment. Math. Univ. Carol., 119-126 (2008) · Zbl 1212.54086 [2] Arhangel’skii, A., The Baire property in remainders of topological groups and other results. Comment. Math. Univ. Carol., 273-279 (2009) · Zbl 1212.54098 [3] Arhangel’skii, A.; Choban, M., Properties of remainders of topological groups and of their perfect images. Topol. Appl. (2021), 8 pp. · Zbl 1469.54006 [4] Arhangel’skii, A.; van Mill, J., On topological groups with a first-countable remainder. Topol. 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