
Positive solutions to a class of Kirchhoff-type problems with Hardy-Sobolev critical exponent in \(\mathbb{R}^N\). (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 07802330

Summary: In this article, the following class of Kirchhoff-type problems with Hardy-Sobolev critical exponent is considered \[ \begin{cases} - \left[ a+b \left(\int_{\mathbb{R}^N} |\nabla u|^2\mathrm{d}x \right)^m \right] \Delta u= \frac{|u|^{(s)-2} u}{|x|^s} + \lambda h(x), \quad x\in \mathbb{R}^N,\\ u\in D^{1,2} (\mathbb{R}^N), \end{cases} \] where \(N \geqslant 3\), \(a\), \(\lambda \geqslant 0\), \(b\), \(m>0\), \(0 \leqslant s < 2\), \(h\in L \frac{2^*}{2^*-1} (\mathbb{R}^N)\) is nonzero and nonnegative. When \(\lambda = 0\), some existence results are obtained by some analysis techniques. When \(\lambda > 0\), by using the variational method, the existence of positive solutions is obtained. Particularly, when \(0<m < \frac{2-s}{N-2}\), at least two positive solutions are obtained.


35B09 Positive solutions to PDEs
35J15 Second-order elliptic equations
35J20 Variational methods for second-order elliptic equations
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