Ashlock, Daniel A.; Tillotson, Jenett Construction of small superpermutations and minimal injective superstrings. (English) Zbl 0801.05004 Congr. Numerantium 93, 91-98 (1993). Summary: A superpermutation is a string over an alphabet \(\mathcal A\) that contains every permutation of the elements of \(\mathcal A\) as a contiguous substring. In this paper, we present a recursive construction for a very small superpermutation on the alphabet \({\mathcal A}= \{1,2,\dots,n\}\). We also treat the case where every string of length \(k< n\) with no repeated characters is to appear as a contiguous substring. Such a string is called an injective superstring on strings of length \(k\) over \(\mathcal A\). Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 3 Documents MSC: 05A05 Permutations, words, matrices 05C99 Graph theory 68R15 Combinatorics on words 05C20 Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments Keywords:superpermutation; string; injective superstring PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. A. Ashlock} and \textit{J. Tillotson}, Congr. Numerantium 93, 91--98 (1993; Zbl 0801.05004) Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: a(n) = Product_{k=1..n-4} (n-k-2)!^(k*k!).