Dăscălescu, S.; Raianu, Ş.; Van Oystaeyen, F. Smash (co)products from adjunctions. (English) Zbl 0905.16017 Caenepeel, Stefaan (ed.) et al., Rings, Hopf algebras, and Brauer groups. Proceedings of the fourth week on algebra and algebraic geometry, SAGA-4, Antwerp and Brussels, Belgium, September 12–17, 1996. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker. Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 197, 103-110 (1998). The authors study the comultiplication on the smash coproduct of \(C\) and \(H\), where \(H\) is a finite dimensional Hopf algebra over a field \(k\) and \(C\) is a left \(H\)-comodule coalgebra. They show that this comultiplication is induced by an adjunction. They start with \(H\otimes C\) as an object in the category \(M(H^*)^C_{H^*}\) of generalized Hopf modules in the sense of Doi. Tensoring on the right by \(H\otimes C\) is a functor from \(M_k\), the category of \(k\)-vector spaces, to \(M(H^*)^C_{H^*}\), and is the right adjoint of the forgetful functor \(F\) from \(M(H^*)^C_{H^*}\) to \(M_k\). This adjunction induces a coalgebra structure on \(F(H\otimes C)\) which is isomorphic as \(k\)-vector space to \(C\otimes H\), and the comultiplication obtained on \(C\otimes H\) is the comultiplication of the smash coproduct.A similar discussion for the dual case of smash product algebras is also possible. This is briefly indicated at the end of the article.For the entire collection see [Zbl 0884.00036]. Reviewer: E.J.Taft (New Brunswick) MSC: 16W30 Hopf algebras (associative rings and algebras) (MSC2000) 16S40 Smash products of general Hopf actions 16D90 Module categories in associative algebras Keywords:comodule coalgebras; comultiplications; smash coproducts; finite dimensional Hopf algebras; adjunctions; generalized Hopf modules; smash product algebras × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF