Cartan, Henri Classes of mappings of a space into a topological group, following Shih Weishu. (Classes d’applications d’un espace dans un groupe topologique, d’après Shih Weishu.) (French) Zbl 0223.55033 Topologie différ., Sémin. H. Cartan 15 (1962/63), No. 6, 19 pp. (1964). Reviewer: N. Popescu MSC: 55T99 55S37 55R10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Numdam EuDML
Xia, D-x. On the positive definite functions on a commutative topological group with a quasi-invariant measure. (English. Chinese original) Zbl 0178.49701 Chinese Math. 5, 369-381 (1964); Sci. Sin. 14, 653-665 (1965); translation from Acta Math. Sin. 14, 340-352 (1964). × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF