
New trends in approximation theory. In memory of André Boivin. Proceedings of the conference, Toronto, Canada, July 25–29, 2016. (English) Zbl 1400.41001

Fields Institute Communications 81. Toronto: The Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences; New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 978-1-4939-7542-6/hbk; 978-1-4939-7543-3/ebook). x, 276 p. (2018).

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Publisher’s description: The international conference entitled “New Trends in Approximation Theory” was held at the Fields Institute, in Toronto, from July 25 until July 29, 2016. The conference was fondly dedicated to the memory of our unique friend and colleague, André Boivin, who gave tireless service in Canada until his very last moment of his life in October 2014. The impact of his warm personality and his fine work on Complex Approximation Theory was reflected by the mathematical excellence and the wide research range of the 37 participants. In total there were 27 talks, delivered by well-established mathematicians and young researchers. In particular, 19 invited lectures were delivered by leading experts of the field, from 8 different countries.
The wide variety of presentations composed a mosaic of aspects of approximation theory, highlighting interesting connections with important contemporary areas of Analysis. Primary topics discussed include application of approximation theory (isoperimetric inequalities, construction of entire order-isomorphisms, dynamical sampling); approximation by harmonic and holomorphic functions (especially uniform and tangential approximation), polynomial and rational approximation; zeros of approximants and zero-free approximation; tools used in approximation theory; approximation on complex manifolds, in product domains, and in function spaces; and boundary behaviour and universality properties of Taylor and Dirichlet series.
The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Gauthier, Paul; Manolaki, Myrto; Mashreghi, Javad, The life and work of André Boivin, 1-25 [Zbl 1407.01020]
Falcó, Javier; Nestoridis, Vassili; Zadik, Ilias, A note on the density of rational functions in \(A^\infty(\varOmega)\), 27-35 [Zbl 1417.30031]
Burke, Maxim R., Approximation by entire functions in the construction of order-isomorphisms and large cross-sections, 37-69 [Zbl 1417.30030]
Gauthier, Paul; Paramonov, Petr V., Approximation by solutions of elliptic equations and extension of subharmonic functions, 71-87 [Zbl 1412.30121]
Mashreghi, Javad; Ransford, Thomas, Approximation in the closed unit ball, 89-129 [Zbl 1412.30147]
Khavinson, Dmitry, A thought on approximation by bi-analytic functions, 131-136 [Zbl 1433.30099]
DeFrain, Isaac, Chebyshev polynomials associated with a system of continua, 137-149 [Zbl 1435.30016]
Baratchart, Laurent; Leblond, Juliette; Seyfert, Fabien, Constrained \(L^2\)-approximation by polynomials on subsets of the circle, 151-171 [Zbl 1420.30008]
Golberg, Anatoly, Extremal bounds of Teichmüller-Wittich-Belinskiĭ type for planar quasiregular mappings, 173-199 [Zbl 1412.30091]
Abakumov, Evgeny; Müller, Jürgen; Nestoridis, Vassili, Families of universal Taylor series depending on a parameter, 201-213 [Zbl 1421.30078]
Danielyan, Arthur A., Interpolation by bounded analytic functions and related questions, 215-224 [Zbl 1429.30045]
Fournier, Richard; Ruscheweyh, Stephan, On two interpolation formulas for complex polynomials, 225-234 [Zbl 1421.30048]
Prǎjiturǎ, Gabriel T., Operators with simple orbital behavior, 235-246 [Zbl 07029356]
Gardiner, Stephen J., Taylor series, universality and potential theory, 247-264 [Zbl 1432.30045]
Gauthier, Paul; Manolaki, Myrto, Subharmonic images of a convergent sequence, 265-276 [Zbl 1407.31003]


41-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to approximations and expansions
41A30 Approximation by other special function classes
01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest

Biographic References:

Boivin, André
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