Hilbert, Astrid Stochastic perturbations of Hamiltonian systems. (English) Zbl 0715.34110 Bochum: Univ. Bochum, Fak. f. Math., Diss. 61 p. (1989). Reviewer: F.Verhulst MSC: 34F05 60H10 37-XX × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Courant, R.; Hilbert, D. Methods of mathematical physics. Volume I. Transl. and rev. from the German Original. Reprint of the 1st Engl. ed. 1953. (English) Zbl 0729.00007 Wiley Classics Edition; A Wiley-Interscience Publication. New York etc.: John Wiley & Sons. xv, 560 p. (1989). MSC: 00A69 15-01 33-01 45-01 49-01 34-01 35-01 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Frentzen, Hilbert Limit-point criteria for symmetric and j-symmetric quasi-differential expressions of even order with a positive definite leading coefficient. (English) Zbl 0614.34011 Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität GHS Essen. 66 p. (1985). Reviewer: J.Kalas MSC: 34A30 34C05 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF