Kiayias, Aggelos; Tang, Qiang Making any identity-based encryption accountable, efficiently. (English) Zbl 1504.94160 Pernul, Günther (ed.) et al., Computer security – ESORICS 2015. 20th European symposium on research in computer security, Vienna, Austria, September 21–25, 2015. Proceedings. Part I. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 9326, 326-346 (2015). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI OA License
Kiayias, Aggelos; Oksuz, Ozgur; Tang, Qiang Distributed parameter generation for bilinear Diffie Hellman exponentiation and applications. (English) Zbl 1397.94078 Lopez, Javier (ed.) et al., Information security. 18th international conference, ISC 2015, Trondheim, Norway, September 9–11, 2015. Proceedings. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-23317-8/pbk; 978-3-319-23318-5/ebook). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9290, 548-567 (2015). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Osmanoglu, Murat; Tang, Qiang Graded signatures. (English) Zbl 1397.94115 Lopez, Javier (ed.) et al., Information security. 18th international conference, ISC 2015, Trondheim, Norway, September 9–11, 2015. Proceedings. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-23317-8/pbk; 978-3-319-23318-5/ebook). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9290, 61-80 (2015). MSC: 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Leonardos, Nikos; Lipmaa, Helger; Pavlyk, Kateryna; Tang, Qiang Communication optimal Tardos-based asymmetric fingerprinting. (English) Zbl 1382.94129 Nyberg, Kaisa (ed.), Topics in cryptology – CT-RSA 2015. The cryptographer’s track at the RSA conference 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 20–24, 2015. Proceedings. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-16714-5/pbk; 978-3-319-16715-2/ebook). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9048, 469-486 (2015). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Zacharias, Thomas; Zhang, Bingsheng End-to-end verifiable elections in the standard model. (English) Zbl 1375.94139 Oswald, Elisabeth (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2015. 34th annual international conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 26–30, 2015. Proceedings. Part II. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-662-46802-9/pbk; 978-3-662-46803-6/ebook). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9057, 468-498 (2015). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Garay, Juan; Kiayias, Aggelos; Leonardos, Nikos The bitcoin backbone protocol: analysis and applications. (English) Zbl 1371.94636 Oswald, Elisabeth (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2015. 34th annual international conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 26–30, 2015. Proceedings. Part II. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-662-46802-9/pbk; 978-3-662-46803-6/ebook). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9057, 281-310 (2015). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Garay, Juan A.; Gelles, Ran; Johnson, David S.; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti A little honesty goes a long way. The two-tier model for secure multiparty computation. (English) Zbl 1354.94029 Dodis, Yevgeniy (ed.) et al., Theory of cryptography. 12th theory of cryptography conference, TCC 2015, Warsaw, Poland, March 23–25, 2015. Proceedings, Part I. Heidelberg: Springer (ISBN 978-3-662-46493-9/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9014, 134-158 (2015). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Katz, Jonathan; Kiayias, Aggelos; Zhou, Hong-Sheng; Zikas, Vassilis Distributing the setup in universally composable multi-party computation. (English) Zbl 1321.68049 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM symposium on principles of distributed computing, PODC ’14, Paris, France, July 15–18, 2014. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (ISBN 978-1-4503-2944-6). 20-29 (2014). MSC: 68M12 68M14 68W15 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Jarecki, Stanislaw; Kiayias, Aggelos; Krawczyk, Hugo Round-optimal password-protected secret sharing and T-PAKE in the password-only model. (English) Zbl 1311.94106 Sarkar, Palash (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2014. 20th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 7–11, 2014, Proceedings, Part II. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-662-45607-1/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8874, 233-253 (2014). MSC: 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Gritzalis, Dimitris (ed.); Kiayias, Aggelos (ed.); Askoxylakis, Ioannis (ed.) Cryptology and network security. 13th international conference, CANS 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 22–24, 2014. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1298.68029 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8813. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-12279-3/pbk). xvi, 401 p. (2014). MSC: 68-06 94-06 68P25 94A60 94A62 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Karvelas, Nikolaos P.; Kiayias, Aggelos Efficient proofs of secure erasure. (English) Zbl 1378.94051 Abdalla, Michel (ed.) et al., Security and cryptography for networks. 9th international conference, SCN 2014, Amalfi, Italy, September 3–5, 2014. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-10878-0/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8642, 520-537 (2014). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Raekow, Yona; Russell, Alexander; Shashidhar, Narasimha A one-time stegosystem and applications to efficient covert communication. (English) Zbl 1350.94043 J. Cryptology 27, No. 1, 23-44 (2014). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv
Garay, Juan; Johnson, David; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Resource-based corruptions and the combinatorics of hidden diversity. (English) Zbl 1364.94537 Proceedings of the 4th conference on innovations in theoretical computer science, ITCS’13, Berkeley, CA, USA, January 9–12, 2013. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (ISBN 978-1-4503-1859-4). 415-428 (2013). MSC: 94A60 68M12 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Tselekounis, Yiannis Tamper resilient circuits: the adversary at the gates. (English) Zbl 1314.94078 Sako, Kazue (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2013. 19th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Bengaluru, India, December 1–5, 2013. Proceedings, Part II. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-42044-3/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8270, 161-180 (2013). MSC: 94A60 94C10 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Choi, Seung Geol; Kiayias, Aggelos; Malkin, Tal BiTR: built-in tamper resilience. (English) Zbl 1227.94038 Lee, Dong Hoon (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2011. 17th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Seoul, South Korea, December 4–8, 2011. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-25384-3/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7073, 740-758 (2011). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos On the effects of pirate evolution on the design of digital content distribution systems. (English) Zbl 1272.94042 Chee, Yeow Meng (ed.) et al., Coding and cryptology. Third international workshop, IWCC 2011, Qingdao, China, May 30 – June 3, 2011. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-20900-0/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6639, 223-237 (2011). MSC: 94A60 68P25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos Electronic voting. (English) Zbl 1217.91050 Rosenberg, Burton (ed.), Handbook of financial cryptography and security. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (ISBN 978-1-4200-5981-6/hbk). Chapman & Hall/CRC Cryptography and Network Security, 59-81 (2011). MSC: 91B12 68M10 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Kiayias, Aggelos (ed.) Topics in cryptology – CT-RSA 2011. The cryptographers’ track at the RSA conference 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 14–18, 2011. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1206.94004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6558. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-19073-5/pbk). xiii, 417 p. (2011). MSC: 94-06 94A60 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Pehlivanoglu, Serdar Encryption for digital content. (English) Zbl 1388.94063 Advances in Information Security 52. New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 978-1-4614-2721-6/pbk; 978-1-4419-0043-2/hbk; 978-1-4419-0044-9/ebook). xiii, 209 p. (2010). Reviewer: Guillermo Morales Luna (México D. F.) MSC: 94A60 94-02 68-02 68P25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Sion, Radu (ed.); Curtmola, Reza (ed.); Dietrich, Sven (ed.); Kiayias, Aggelos (ed.); Miret, Josep M. (ed.); Sako, Kazue (ed.); Sebé, Francesc (ed.) Financial cryptography and data security. FC 2010 workshops, RLCPS, WECSR, and WLC 2010, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, January 25–28, 2010. Revised selected papers. (English) Zbl 1193.94007 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6054. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-14991-7/pbk). x, 257 p. (2010). MSC: 94-06 94A60 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Pehlivanoglu, Serdar Improving the round complexity of traitor tracing schemes. (English) Zbl 1350.94042 Zhou, Jianying (ed.) et al., Applied cryptography and network security. 8th international conference, ACNS 2010, Beijing, China, June 22–25, 2010. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-13707-5/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6123, 273-290 (2010). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti The vector-ballot approach for online voting procedures. (English) Zbl 1284.68248 Chaum, David (ed.) et al., Towards trustworthy elections. New directions in electronic voting. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-12979-7/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6000, 155-174 (2010). MSC: 68P25 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Groth, Jens; Kiayias, Aggelos; Lipmaa, Helger Multi-query computationally-private information retrieval with constant communication rate. (English) Zbl 1279.94080 Nguyen, Phong Q. (ed.) et al., Public key cryptography – PKC 2010. 13th international conference on practice and theory in public key cryptography, Paris, France, May 26–28, 2010. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-13012-0/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6056, 107-123 (2010). MSC: 94A60 68P20 68P25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Ibrahim, Maged H.; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti; Zhou, Hong-Sheng Secure function collection with sublinear storage. (English) Zbl 1248.94072 Albers, Susanne (ed.) et al., Automata, languages and programming. 36th international colloquium, ICALP 2009, Rhodes, Greece, July 5–12, 2009. Proceedings, Part II. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-02929-5/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5556, 534-545 (2009). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Camenisch, Jan; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti On the portability of generalized Schnorr proofs. (English) Zbl 1239.94039 Joux, Antoine (ed.), Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2009. 28th annual international conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Cologne, Germany, April 26–30, 2009. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-01000-2/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5479, 425-442 (2009). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Zhou, Hong-Sheng Zero-knowledge proofs with witness elimination. (English) Zbl 1227.94051 Jarecki, Stanisław (ed.) et al., Public key cryptography – PKC 2009. 12th international conference on practice and theory in public key cryptography, Irvine, CA, USA, March 18–20, 2009. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-00467-4/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5443, 124-138 (2009). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Cryptographic hardness based on the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. (English) Zbl 1328.94070 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 54, No. 6, 2752-2769 (2008). MSC: 94A60 94B27 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Xu, Shouhuai; Yung, Moti Privacy preserving data mining within anonymous credential systems. (English) Zbl 1180.68151 Ostrovsky, Rafail (ed.) et al., Security and cryptography for networks. 6th international conference, SCN 2008, Amalfi, Italy, September 10–12, 2008. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-85854-6/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5229, 57-76 (2008). MSC: 68P25 94A60 94A62 68M12 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Zhou, Hong-Sheng Equivocal blind signatures and adaptive UC-security. (English) Zbl 1162.94374 Canetti, Ran (ed.), Theory of cryptography. Fifth theory of cryptography conference, TCC 2008, New York, USA, March 19–21, 2008. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-78524-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4948, 340-355 (2008). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Pehlivanoglu, Serdar Pirate evolution: how to make the most of your traitor keys. (English) Zbl 1215.94057 Menezes, Alfred (ed.), Advances in cryptology – CRYPTO 2007. 27th annual international cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 19–23, 2007. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-74142-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4622, 448-465 (2007). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Tsiounis, Yiannis; Yung, Moti Group encryption. (English) Zbl 1153.94399 Kurosawa, Kaoru (ed.), Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2007. 13th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Kuching, Malaysia, December 2-6, 2007. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-76899-9/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4833, 181-199 (2007). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Zhou, Hong-Sheng Trading static for adaptive security in universally composable zero-knowledge. (English) Zbl 1171.94355 Arge, Lars (ed.) et al., Automata, languages and programming. 34th international colloquium, ICALP 2007, Wrocław, Poland, July 9–13, 2007. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-73419-2/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4596, 316-327 (2007). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Cryptanalyzing the polynomial-reconstruction based public-key system under optimal parameter choice. (English) Zbl 1132.94005 Des. Codes Cryptography 43, No. 2-3, 61-78 (2007). Reviewer: T. G. Berry (Caracas) MSC: 94A60 94B05 68P25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bleichenbacher, Daniel; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Decoding interleaved Reed-Solomon codes over noisy channels. (English) Zbl 1124.94015 Theor. Comput. Sci. 379, No. 3, 348-360 (2007). Reviewer: Katherine Roegner (Berlin) MSC: 94B35 94A40 94B10 94A29 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Zhou, Hong-Sheng Concurrent blind signatures without random oracles. (English) Zbl 1152.94427 De Prisco, Roberto (ed.) et al., Security and cryptography for networks. 5th international conference, SCN 2006, Maiori, Italy, September 6–8, 2006. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-38080-1/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4116, 49-62 (2006). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Efficient cryptographic protocols realizing e-markets with price discrimination. (English) Zbl 1152.94426 Di Crescenzo, Giovanni (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 10th international conference, FC 2006, Anguilla, British West Indies, February 27–March 2, 2006. Revised selected papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-46255-2/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4107, 311-325 (2006). MSC: 94A60 91B24 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Mitrofanova, Antonina Syntax-driven private evaluation of quantified membership queries. (English) Zbl 1151.94525 Zhou, Jianying (ed.) et al., Applied cryptography and network security. 4th international conference, ACNS 2006, Singapore, June 6–9, 2006. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-34703-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3989, 470-485 (2006). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Yung, Moti (ed.); Dodis, Yevgeniy (ed.); Kiayias, Aggelos (ed.); Malkin, Tal (ed.) Public key cryptography – PKC 2006. 9th international conference on theory and practice of public-key cryptography, New York, NY, USA, April 24–26, 2006. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1102.94003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3958. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-33851-9/pbk). xiv, 543 p. (2006). MSC: 94-06 94A60 00B25 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Dodis, Yevgeniy; Fazio, Nelly; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Scalable public-key tracing and revoking. (English) Zbl 1264.94108 Distrib. Comput. 17, No. 4, 323-347 (2005). MSC: 94A62 68M14 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Group signatures with efficient concurrent join. (English) Zbl 1137.94373 Cramer, Ronald (ed.), Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2005. 24th annual international conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Aarhus, Denmark, May 22–26, 2005. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-25910-4/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3494, 198-214 (2005). MSC: 94A62 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Efficient secure group signatures with dynamic joins and keeping anonymity against group managers. (English) Zbl 1126.94347 Dawson, Ed (ed.) et al., Progress in cryptology – Mycrypt 2005. First international conference on cryptology in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 28–30, 2005. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-28938-0/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3715, 151-170 (2005). MSC: 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Mitrofanova, Antonina Testing disjointness of private datasets. (English) Zbl 1120.94326 Patrick, Andrew S. (ed.) et al., Financial cryptography and data security. 9th international conference, FC 2005, Roseau, The Commonwealth of Dominica, February 28 – March 3, 2005. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-26656-9/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3570, 109-124 (2005). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Dodis, Yevgeniy; Kiayias, Aggelos; Nicolosi, Antonio; Shoup, Victor Anonymous identification in ad hoc groups. (English) Zbl 1122.94414 Cachin, Christian (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2004. International conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2–6, 2004. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-21935-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3027, 609-626 (2004). MSC: 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Tsiounis, Yiannis; Yung, Moti Traceable signatures. (English) Zbl 1122.94427 Cachin, Christian (ed.) et al., Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2004. International conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2–6, 2004. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-21935-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3027, 571-589 (2004). MSC: 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Cryptanalyzing the polynomial-reconstruction based public-key system under optimal parameter choice. (English) Zbl 1094.94513 Lee, Pil Joong, Advances in cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2004. 10th international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security, Jeju Island, Korea, December 5–9, 2004. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-23975-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3329, 401-416 (2004). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti The vector-ballot e-voting approach. (English) Zbl 1105.94312 Juels, Ari (ed.), Financial cryptography. 8th international conference, FC 2004, Key West, FL, USA, February 9–12, 2004. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-22420-3/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3110, 72-89 (2004). MSC: 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Dodis, Yevgeniy; Fazio, Nelly; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Scalable public-key tracing and revoking. (English) Zbl 1321.94106 Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM symposium on principles of distributed computing, PODC ’03, Boston, MA, USA, July 13–16, 2003. New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (ISBN 1-58113-708-7). 190-199 (2003). MSC: 94A62 68M14 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Breaking and repairing asymmetric public-key traitor tracing. (English) Zbl 1327.94058 Feigenbaum, Joan (ed.), Digital rights management. ACM CCS-9 workshop, DRM 2002, Washington, DC, USA, November 18, 2002. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-40410-4/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2696, 32-50 (2003). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Non-interactive zero-sharing with applications to private distributed decision making. (English) Zbl 1274.94087 Wright, Rebecca N. (ed.), Financial cryptography. 7th international conference, FC 2003. Guadeloupe, French West Indies, January 27–30, 2003. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-40663-8/pbk). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2742, 303-320 (2003). MSC: 94A60 94A62 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI
Bleichenbacher, Daniel; Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Decoding of interleaved Reed Solomon codes over noisy data. (English) Zbl 1042.94529 Baeten, Jos C. M. (ed.) et al., Automata, languages and programming. 30th international colloquium, ICALP 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherland, June 30 – July 4, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-40493-7/pbk). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2719, 97-108 (2003). MSC: 94B35 94A40 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Extracting group signatures from traitor tracing schemes. (English) Zbl 1038.94557 Biham, Eli (ed.), Advances in cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2003. International conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Warsaw, Poland, May 4–8, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-14039-5/pbk). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2656, 630-648 (2003). MSC: 94A62 94A60 11T71 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti On crafty pirates and foxy tracers. (English) Zbl 1048.68802 Sander, Tomas (ed.), Security and privacy in digital rights management. ACM CCS-8 workshop DRM 2001, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 5, 2001. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-43677-4). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2320, 22-39 (2002). MSC: 68U99 68P30 94A60 68P25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Traitor tracing with constant transmission rate. (English) Zbl 1056.94515 Knudsen, Lars (ed.), Advances in cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2002. 21st international conference on the theory and applications of cryptographic techniques, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 28 – May 2, 2002. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-43553-0). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2332, 450-465 (2002). MSC: 94A60 68P25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Cryptographic hardness based on the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. (English) Zbl 1062.94039 Widmayer, Peter (ed.) et al., Automata, languages and programming. 29th international colloquium, ICALP 2002, Málaga, Spain, July 8–13, 2002. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-43864-5). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2380, 232-243 (2002). MSC: 94A60 94B35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Self-tallying elections and perfect ballot secrecy. (English) Zbl 1055.94519 Naccache, David (ed.) et al., Public key cryptography. 5th international workshop on practice and theory in public key cryptosystems, PKC 2001, Paris, France, February 12–14, 2002. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-43168-3). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2274, 141-158 (2002). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Polynomial reconstruction based cryptography (a short survey). (English) Zbl 1067.94544 Vaudenay, Serge (ed.) et al., Selected areas in cryptography. 8th annual international workshop, SAC 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 16–17, 2001. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-43066-0). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2259, 129-133 (2001). MSC: 94A60 94B35 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link
Kiayias, Aggelos; Yung, Moti Self protecting pirates and black-box traitor tracing. (English) Zbl 1002.94525 Kilian, Joe (ed.), Advances in cryptology - CRYPTO 2001. 21st annual international cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 19-23, 2001. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2139, 63-79 (2001). MSC: 94A60 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link