Termini, Settimo (ed.) Imagination and rigor. Essays on Eduardo R. Caianiello’s scientific heritage. (English) Zbl 1155.68011 Milano: Springer (ISBN 978-88-470-0320-0/gbk). xii, 186 p. (2006). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Cordeschi, Roberto, Simulation models of organism behavior: some lessons from precybernetic and cybernetic approaches, 39-46 [Zbl 1170.68642]Cull, Paul, Caianiello and neural nets, 47-61 [Zbl 1183.68471]Davis, Martin, Computability, computation, and the real world, 63-70 [Zbl 1188.68132]de Luca, Aldo, Structure, combinatorics, and complexity of “words”, 71-92 [Zbl 1183.68447]Guerra, Francesco, Quantum field theory and renormalization theory in the early scientific activity of Eduardo R. Caianiello, 93-108 [Zbl 1174.01020]Marinaro, Maria, The renormalization group from Bogoliubov to Wilson, 109-117 [Zbl 1165.81348]Papini, Giorgio, Caianiello’s maximal acceleration. Recent developments, 119-132 [Zbl 1165.81304]Ricciardi, Luigi M., Modeling single neuron activity in the presence of refractoriness: new contributions to an old problem, 133-145 [Zbl 1170.68569]Scarpetta, Gaetano, Cosmological implications of Caianiello’s quantum geometry, 147-155 [Zbl 1168.83317]Termini, Settimo, Imagination and rigor: their interaction along the way to measuring fuzziness and doing other strange things, 157-176 [Zbl 1169.03322]Caianiello, Carla Persico, Eduardo, 183-186 [Zbl 1165.01314] MSC: 68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science 68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence 94A15 Information theory (general) 00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest Biographic References: Caianiello, Eduardo R. PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Termini} (ed.), Imagination and rigor. Essays on Eduardo R. Caianiello's scientific heritage. Milano: Springer (2006; Zbl 1155.68011)