Kim, Byeong Moon; Rho, Yoomi; Song, Byung Chul \(L(h, k)\)-labelling for octagonal grid. (English) Zbl 1334.05144 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 11, 2243-2250 (2015). MSC: 05C78 05C38 05C12 94A40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. M. Kim} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 11, 2243--2250 (2015; Zbl 1334.05144) Full Text: DOI
Su, Sihong Construction of balanced even-variable Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity. (English) Zbl 1333.94049 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 11, 2219-2232 (2015). MSC: 94A60 68P25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Su}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 11, 2219--2232 (2015; Zbl 1333.94049) Full Text: DOI
Rout, Ranjeet Kumar; Choudhury, Pabitra Pal; Sahoo, Sudhakar; Ray, Camellia Partitioning 1-variable Boolean functions for various classification of \(n\)-variable Boolean functions. (English) Zbl 1401.06015 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 10, 2066-2090 (2015). MSC: 06E30 94A60 94C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. K. Rout} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 10, 2066--2090 (2015; Zbl 1401.06015) Full Text: DOI
Xu, Yunqing; Liu, Guohao Classification of quasigroups based on period factors. (English) Zbl 1336.94076 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 10, 2051-2065 (2015). Reviewer: John Lorch (Muncie) MSC: 94A60 05B15 20N05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Xu} and \textit{G. Liu}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 10, 2051--2065 (2015; Zbl 1336.94076) Full Text: DOI
Oztas, Elif Segah; Siap, Irfan On a generalization of lifted polynomials over finite fields and their applications to DNA codes. (English) Zbl 1349.94128 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 9, 1976-1988 (2015). MSC: 94A60 11T71 92D20 94A45 94B05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. S. Oztas} and \textit{I. Siap}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 9, 1976--1988 (2015; Zbl 1349.94128) Full Text: DOI
Aydogdu, Ismail; Abualrub, Taher; Siap, Irfan On \(\mathbb{Z}_{2}\mathbb{Z}_{2}[u]\)-additive codes. (English) Zbl 1358.94103 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 9, 1806-1814 (2015). MSC: 94B60 94B25 11T71 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. Aydogdu} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 9, 1806--1814 (2015; Zbl 1358.94103) Full Text: DOI
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Cusick, Thomas W. Permutation equivalence of cubic rotation symmetric Boolean functions. (English) Zbl 1372.94485 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 8, 1568-1573 (2015). MSC: 94C10 94A15 06E30 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. W. Cusick}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 8, 1568--1573 (2015; Zbl 1372.94485) Full Text: DOI
Chin, Ji-Jian; Tan, Syh-Yuan; Heng, Swee-Huay; Phan, Raphael C.-W.; Behnia, Rouzbeh A provable secure pairing-free certificateless identification scheme. (English) Zbl 1357.94064 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 8, 1520-1535 (2015). MSC: 94A60 94A62 14G50 11T71 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-J. Chin} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 8, 1520--1535 (2015; Zbl 1357.94064) Full Text: DOI
Behnia, Rouzbeh; Heng, Swee-Huay; Gan, Che-Sheng An efficient certificateless undeniable signature scheme. (English) Zbl 1357.94062 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 7, 1313-1328 (2015). MSC: 94A60 94A62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Behnia} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 7, 1313--1328 (2015; Zbl 1357.94062) Full Text: DOI
Chung, Jong H.; Stănică, Pantelimon; Tan, Chik-How; Wang, Qichun A construction of Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties. (English) Zbl 1375.94110 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 4, 700-711 (2015). MSC: 94A60 06E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. H. Chung} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 4, 700--711 (2015; Zbl 1375.94110) Full Text: DOI
Lv, Xixiang; Mu, Yi; Li, Hui Key management for smart grid based on asymmetric key-wrapping. (English) Zbl 1375.94146 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 3, 498-512 (2015). MSC: 94A60 68P25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. Lv} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 3, 498--512 (2015; Zbl 1375.94146) Full Text: DOI
Galindo, David Compact hierarchical identity-based encryption based on a Harder decisional problem. (English) Zbl 1375.94126 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 3, 463-472 (2015). MSC: 94A60 68P25 68Q17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Galindo}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 3, 463--472 (2015; Zbl 1375.94126) Full Text: DOI
Lou, Yu; Han, Huiting; Tang, Chunming; Wu, Zhangqing; Xu, Maozhi Constructing vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity based on group decomposition. (English) Zbl 1375.94145 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 3, 451-462 (2015). MSC: 94A60 06E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Lou} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 3, 451--462 (2015; Zbl 1375.94145) Full Text: DOI
Zhang, Jianping; Chen, Ke; Gould, Derek A. A fast algorithm for automatic segmentation and extraction of a single object by active surfaces. (English) Zbl 1310.94020 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 6, 1251-1274 (2015). MSC: 94A08 94A13 62H35 65N22 65N55 35Q94 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Zhang} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 6, 1251--1274 (2015; Zbl 1310.94020) Full Text: DOI
Singh, Deep; Bhaintwal, Maheshanand; Singh, Brajesh Kumar Constructions of \(q\)-ary functions with good global avalanche characteristics. (English) Zbl 1350.94050 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 2, 266-276 (2015). MSC: 94A60 94C10 06E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Singh} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 2, 266--276 (2015; Zbl 1350.94050) Full Text: DOI
Zhang, Jing; Yang, Xiaofan; Yu, Cui; He, Li Dynamic wavelength assignment for realizing hypercube-based bitonic sorting on wavelength division multiplexing linear arrays. (English) Zbl 1356.94005 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 2, 218-229 (2015). MSC: 94A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Zhang} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 2, 218--229 (2015; Zbl 1356.94005) Full Text: DOI
Yang, Yu-Qian; Zhang, Cheng-Yi Kernel-based fourth-order diffusion for image noise removal. (English) Zbl 1323.94039 Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 1, 181-191 (2015). MSC: 94A08 30C40 60G35 60J60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y.-Q. Yang} and \textit{C.-Y. Zhang}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 92, No. 1, 181--191 (2015; Zbl 1323.94039) Full Text: DOI
Cheng, Hao; Feng, Xiao-Li A new filtering method for the Cauchy problem of the Laplace equation. (English) Zbl 1335.35288 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 12, 2621-2630 (2014). MSC: 35R25 35J05 35J25 94A12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Cheng} and \textit{X.-L. Feng}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 12, 2621--2630 (2014; Zbl 1335.35288) Full Text: DOI
Ni, Weiping; Zhang, Jianlong; Yan, Weidong Synthetic aperture radar image segmentation based on well-initialized active contours. (English) Zbl 1339.60042 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 11, 2427-2445 (2014). MSC: 60G35 60G15 94A08 68U10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Ni} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 11, 2427--2445 (2014; Zbl 1339.60042) Full Text: DOI
Dai, Xiubin; Liu, Tianliang; Shu, Huazhong; Luo, Limin Pseudo-Zernike moment invariants to blur degradation and similarity transformation. (English) Zbl 1320.68159 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 11, 2403-2414 (2014). MSC: 68T10 33C47 42C10 44A15 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. Dai} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 11, 2403--2414 (2014; Zbl 1320.68159) Full Text: DOI
Foryś, Magdalena On the growth rate of words in generalized Thue-Morse sequence. (English) Zbl 1334.37009 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 8, 1627-1634 (2014). MSC: 37B10 37B40 94A17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Foryś}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 8, 1627--1634 (2014; Zbl 1334.37009) Full Text: DOI
Han, Yu; Xu, Chen; Baciu, George; Feng, Xiangchu Multiplicative noise removal combining a total variation regularizer and a nonconvex regularizer. (English) Zbl 1335.94009 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 10, 2243-2259 (2014). MSC: 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Han} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 10, 2243--2259 (2014; Zbl 1335.94009) Full Text: DOI
Kausar, Nabeela; Majid, Abdul; Sattar, Mohsin A novel ensemble scheme for the multi-focus image fusion using support vector machine. (English) Zbl 1307.68087 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 9, 2072-2090 (2014). MSC: 68U10 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. Kausar} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 9, 2072--2090 (2014; Zbl 1307.68087) Full Text: DOI
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Mishra, Bimal Kumar; Keshri, Neha Stability analysis of a predator-prey model in wireless sensor network. (English) Zbl 1297.94008 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 5, 928-943 (2014). MSC: 94A12 34D20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. K. Mishra} and \textit{N. Keshri}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 5, 928--943 (2014; Zbl 1297.94008) Full Text: DOI
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Lv, Xixiang; Li, Hui; Wang, Baocang Authenticated asymmetric group key agreement based on certificateless cryptosystem. (English) Zbl 1295.94184 Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 3, 447-460 (2014). MSC: 94A62 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. Lv} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 91, No. 3, 447--460 (2014; Zbl 1295.94184) Full Text: DOI
Sun, Yu Juan; Li, Lu Yang; Yang, Bo Constructions of balanced Boolean functions with high nonlinearity and high algebraic degree. (English) Zbl 1350.94053 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 9, 1832-1839 (2013). MSC: 94A60 06E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. J. Sun} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 9, 1832--1839 (2013; Zbl 1350.94053) Full Text: DOI
Singh, Deep; Bhaintwal, Maheshanand; Singh, Brajesh Kumar Some results on \(q\)-ary bent functions. (English) Zbl 1314.94094 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 9, 1761-1773 (2013). Reviewer: Ayça Çeşmelioǧlu (Istanbul) MSC: 94A60 94C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Singh} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 9, 1761--1773 (2013; Zbl 1314.94094) Full Text: DOI
Chen, Yu-Yi; Wang, Yao-Jen; Jan, Jinn-Ke The design of speedy seamless safe messaging mechanism in VANET. (English) Zbl 1280.94044 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2614-2630 (2013). MSC: 94A60 68P25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y.-Y. Chen} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2614--2630 (2013; Zbl 1280.94044) Full Text: DOI
Lu, Yang; Li, Jiguo New forward-secure public-key encryption without random oracles. (English) Zbl 1291.94122 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2603-2613 (2013). MSC: 94A60 94A62 68P25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Lu} and \textit{J. Li}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2603--2613 (2013; Zbl 1291.94122) Full Text: DOI
Yau, Wei-Chuen; Phan, Raphael C.-W.; Heng, Swee-Huay; Goi, Bok-Min Keyword guessing attacks on secure searchable public key encryption schemes with a designated tester. (English) Zbl 1296.94145 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2581-2587 (2013). MSC: 94A60 68P20 68P25 68M11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W.-C. Yau} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2581--2587 (2013; Zbl 1296.94145) Full Text: DOI
Song, Junghwan; Lee, Kwanhyung; Lee, Hwanjin Biclique cryptanalysis on lightweight block cipher: HIGHT and Piccolo. (English) Zbl 1291.94158 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2564-2580 (2013). MSC: 94A60 68P25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Song} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2564--2580 (2013; Zbl 1291.94158) Full Text: DOI
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Liu, Ying; Lee, Yang Sun; Zhang, Hong-Ke; Wu, Tin-Yu; Lo, Chi-Hsiang Modelling and simulations for DDoS attacks mitigation in identifier-locator split network. (English) Zbl 1292.68054 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2541-2552 (2013). MSC: 68P25 68M11 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Liu} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2541--2552 (2013; Zbl 1292.68054) Full Text: DOI
Yi, Hyunyi; Kim, Siwan; Ma, Gunil; Yi, Jeong Hyun Elastic password authentication scheme using the passcell-based virtual scroll wheel. (English) Zbl 1291.94202 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2530-2540 (2013). MSC: 94A62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Yi} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 12, 2530--2540 (2013; Zbl 1291.94202) Full Text: DOI
Islam, Sk Hafizul; Biswas, G. P. Provably secure and pairing-free certificateless digital signature scheme using elliptic curve cryptography. (English) Zbl 1293.94078 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 11, 2244-2258 (2013). MSC: 94A60 14G50 94A62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. H. Islam} and \textit{G. P. Biswas}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 11, 2244--2258 (2013; Zbl 1293.94078) Full Text: DOI
Shim, Kyung-Ah A strong designated verifier signature scheme tightly related to the LRSW assumption. (English) Zbl 1278.94060 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 2, 163-171 (2013). MSC: 94A60 11T71 14G50 94A62 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K.-A. Shim}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 2, 163--171 (2013; Zbl 1278.94060) Full Text: DOI
Zhu, Wei; Kang, Sung Ha; Biros, George A geodesic-active-contour-based variational model for short-axis cardiac MR image segmentation. (English) Zbl 1278.68336 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 1, 124-139 (2013). MSC: 68U10 92C55 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Zhu} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 1, 124--139 (2013; Zbl 1278.68336) Full Text: DOI
Bredies, Kristian; Dong, Yiqiu; Hintermüller, Michael Spatially dependent regularization parameter selection in total generalized variation models for image restoration. (English) Zbl 1278.68327 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 1, 109-123 (2013). MSC: 68U10 94A08 65K10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Bredies} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 1, 109--123 (2013; Zbl 1278.68327) Full Text: DOI Link
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Pont, Oriol; Turiel, Antonio; Yahia, Hussein Singularity analysis of digital signals through the evaluation of their unpredictable point manifold. (English) Zbl 1283.94013 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 8, 1693-1707 (2013). MSC: 94A08 43A32 46T12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Pont} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 8, 1693--1707 (2013; Zbl 1283.94013) Full Text: DOI HAL
Chountasis, Spiros; Savelonas, Michalis A. Image reconstruction from an efficient number of moment-based projections. (English) Zbl 1311.68180 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 5, 1040-1056 (2013). MSC: 68U10 68U05 68W25 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Chountasis} and \textit{M. A. Savelonas}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 5, 1040--1056 (2013; Zbl 1311.68180) Full Text: DOI
Zang, Rui; Ma, Yaoqi; Liu, Yuhui \((F, K, b)\)-vex sets and some related properties. (English) Zbl 1280.26020 Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 5, 937-943 (2013). MSC: 26A51 46N10 90C30 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Zang} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 90, No. 5, 937--943 (2013; Zbl 1280.26020) Full Text: DOI
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Zhang, Fengrong; Hu, Yupu; Jia, Yanyan; Xie, Min New constructions of balanced Boolean functions with high nonlinearity and optimal algebraic degree. (English) Zbl 1277.94048 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 10, 1319-1331 (2012). MSC: 94D10 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Zhang} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 10, 1319--1331 (2012; Zbl 1277.94048) Full Text: DOI
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Tharwat, M. M.; Bhrawy, A. H.; Yildirim, A. Numerical computation of the eigenvalues of a discontinuous Dirac system using the sinc method with error analysis. (English) Zbl 1255.65144 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 15, 2061-2080 (2012); correction ibid. 98, No. 6, 1292 (2021). MSC: 65L15 34L16 94A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. M. Tharwat} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 15, 2061--2080 (2012; Zbl 1255.65144) Full Text: DOI
Climent, Joan-Josep; Navarro, Pedro R.; Tortosa, Leandro Key exchange protocols over noncommutative rings. The case of End(\(\mathbb Z_p \times \mathbb Z_{p^{2}}\)). (English) Zbl 1277.94020 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 13-14, 1753-1763 (2012). MSC: 94A60 16L30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-J. Climent} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 13--14, 1753--1763 (2012; Zbl 1277.94020) Full Text: DOI
Zhou, Yu; Zhang, Wenzheng; Zhu, Shixiong; Xiao, Guozhen The global avalanche characteristics of two Boolean functions and algebraic immunity. (English) Zbl 1278.94063 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 16, 2165-2179 (2012). MSC: 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Zhou} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 16, 2165--2179 (2012; Zbl 1278.94063) Full Text: DOI
Kakkar, Ajay; Singh, M. L.; Bansal, P. K. Mathematical analysis and simulation of multiple keys and S-boxes in a multinode network for secure transmission. (English) Zbl 1255.94060 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 16, 2123-2142 (2012). MSC: 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Kakkar} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 16, 2123--2142 (2012; Zbl 1255.94060) Full Text: DOI
Božović, Vladimir; Socek, Daniel; Steinwandt, Rainer; Villányi, Viktória I. Multi-authority attribute-based encryption with honest-but-curious central authority. (English) Zbl 1242.94019 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 3, 268-283 (2012). MSC: 94A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Božović} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 3, 268--283 (2012; Zbl 1242.94019) Full Text: DOI
Sun, Yan-Kui; Ding, Chen Construction and properties of spline dyadic wavelet filters. (English) Zbl 1263.42025 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 2, 254-263 (2012). Reviewer: Lihua Yang (Guangzhou) MSC: 42C40 41A15 94A12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y.-K. Sun} and \textit{C. Ding}, Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 2, 254--263 (2012; Zbl 1263.42025) Full Text: DOI
Nicola, Aurelian; Petra, Stefania; Popa, Constantin; Schnörr, Christoph A general extending and constraining procedure for linear iterative methods. (English) Zbl 1256.65027 Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 2, 231-253 (2012). Reviewer: Murli Gupta (Washington, D. C.) MSC: 65F10 65F22 65D18 94A08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Nicola} et al., Int. J. Comput. Math. 89, No. 2, 231--253 (2012; Zbl 1256.65027) Full Text: DOI Link
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