Dietz, Roland; Geise, Gerhard; Jüttler, Bert On a generalized stereographic projection. (Zur verallgemeinerten stereographischen Projektion.) (German) Zbl 0841.51015 Math. Pannonica 6, No. 2, 181-197 (1995). Authors’ abstract: “The paper presents a generalization of the stereographic projection on the unit sphere. This generalization is introduced as the composition of a net projection with a stereographic projection. Additionally, a line geometrical approach is outlined. We discuss the image of a linear complex of lines which contains the focal lines of the net. This image turns out to be a ‘generalized bundle of circles’. Finally we prove a conjecture of U. Fink on biquadratic rational parametric representations of quadric surfaces”. Reviewer: E.Heil (Darmstadt) Cited in 1 Review MSC: 51N15 Projective analytic geometry 51M30 Line geometries and their generalizations 53A05 Surfaces in Euclidean and related spaces Keywords:rational curves; rational surfaces; quadrics; line geometry; stereographic projection × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: EuDML