Šír, Zbynek; Jüttler, Bert Lifting cubics into (Minkowski) space. (English) Zbl 1079.65504 Dæhlen, Morten (ed.) et al., Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces: Tromsø2004. Sixth international conference on mathematical methods for curves and surfaces, celebrating the 60th birthday of Tom Lyche, Tromsø, Norway, July 1–6, 2004. Brentwood, TN: Nashboro Press (ISBN 0-9728482-4-X/hbk). Modern Methods in Mathematics, 315-326 (2005). MSC: 65D17 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF
Dæhlen, Morten (ed.); Mørken, Knut (ed.); Schumaker, Larry (ed.) Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces: Tromsø2004. Sixth international conference on mathematical methods for curves and surfaces, celebrating the 60th birthday of Tom Lyche, Tromsø, Norway, July 1–6, 2004. (English) Zbl 1065.65003 Modern Methods in Mathematics. Brentwood, TN: Nashboro Press (ISBN 0-9728482-4-X/hbk). xii, 386 p. (2005). MSC: 65-06 00B25 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF