Szilágyi, Ibolya; Jüttler, Bert; Schicho, Josef Local parametrization of cubic surfaces. (English) Zbl 1123.14033 J. Symb. Comput. 41, No. 1, 30-48 (2006). Summary: Algebraic surfaces - which are frequently used in geometric modelling - are represented either in implicit or parametric form. Several techniques for parametrizing a rational algebraic surface as a whole exist. However, in many applications, it suffices to parametrize a small portion of the surface. This motivates the analysis of local parametrizations, i.e., parametrizations of a small neighborhood of a given point \(P\) of the surface \(S\). In this paper we introduce several techniques for generating such parametrizations for nonsingular cubic surfaces. For this class of surfaces, it is shown that the local parametrization problem can be solved for all points, and any such surface can be covered completely. Cited in 2 Documents MSC: 14Q10 Computational aspects of algebraic surfaces 65D17 Computer-aided design (modeling of curves and surfaces) Keywords:parametrization; cubics; algorithm; surfaces × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Abhyankar, S. S.; Bajaj, C. L., Automatic parameterization of rational curves and surfaces. III. Algebraic plane curves, Comput. Aided Geom. Design, 5, 4, 309-321 (1988) · Zbl 0655.65019 [2] Abhyanker, S. S.; Bajaj, C., Automatic parametrization of rational curves and surfaces. II. Cubics and cubicoids, Comput. Aided Des., 19, 9, 499-502 (1987) · Zbl 0655.65018 [3] Bajaj, C. L.; Holt, R. J.; Netravali, A. R., Rational parametrization of non-singular real cubic surfaces, ACM Trans. Graph., 17, 1-31 (1998) [4] Berry, T. G.; Patterson, R. R., Implicitization and parametrization of nonsingular cubic surfaces, Comput. Aided Geom. Design, 18, 8, 723-738 (2001) · Zbl 0983.68221 [5] Bruce, J. W.; Wall, C. 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