Šír, Zbyněk; Gravesen, Jens; Jüttler, Bert Curves and surfaces represented by polynomial support functions. (English) Zbl 1134.68062 Theor. Comput. Sci. 392, No. 1-3, 141-157 (2008). Summary: This paper studies shapes (curves and surfaces) which can be described by (piecewise) polynomial support functions. The class of these shapes is closed under convolutions, offsetting, rotations and translations. We give a geometric discussion of these shapes and present methods for the approximation of general curves and surfaces by them. Based on the rich theory of spherical spline functions, this leads to computational techniques for rational curves and surfaces with rational offsets, which can deal with shapes without inflections/parabolic points. Cited in 16 Documents MSC: 68U07 Computer science aspects of computer-aided design 41A15 Spline approximation 65D07 Numerical computation using splines Keywords:polynomial support function; approximation by spherical splines; offset surfaces; convolutions × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Alfeld, P.; Neamtu, M.; Schumaker, L. L., Fitting scattered data on sphere-like surfaces using spherical splines, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 73, 5-43 (1996) · Zbl 0863.65002 [2] Almegaard, H.; Bagger, A.; Gravesen, J.; Jüttler, B.; Šír, Z., Surfaces with piecewise linear support functions over spherical triangulation, (Martin, R.; Sabin, M.; Winkler, J., The Mathematics of Surfaces XII. 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