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Shahid, Anwar; Wei, Wang; Bhatti, Muhammad Mubashir; Bég, Osman Anwar; Bég, Tasveer A. Mixed convection Casson polymeric flow from a nonlinear stretching surface with radiative flux and non-Fourier thermal relaxation effects: computation with CSNIS. (English) Zbl 1536.76119 ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 103, No. 10, Article ID e202200519, 15 p. (2023). MSC: 76R05 76R10 76A05 76D10 76M22 80A19 80A21 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Shahid} et al., ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 103, No. 10, Article ID e202200519, 15 p. (2023; Zbl 1536.76119) Full Text: DOI
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Akbarpoor Kiasary, Shahrbanoo; Yilmaz, Emrah Solving an inverse nodal problem with Herglotz-Nevanlinna functions in boundary conditions using the second-kind Chebyshev wavelets method. (English) Zbl 1538.34065 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 46, No. 4, 4437-4448 (2023). MSC: 34A55 34B24 34A25 34C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Akbarpoor Kiasary} and \textit{E. Yilmaz}, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 46, No. 4, 4437--4448 (2023; Zbl 1538.34065) Full Text: DOI
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Pan, Jiajia; Wu, Hua A Legendre-Galerkin Chebyshev collocation method for the Burgers equation with a random perturbation on boundary condition. (English) Zbl 07781283 Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 46, No. 2, 1938-1951 (2023). MSC: 35A35 65N35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Pan} and \textit{H. Wu}, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 46, No. 2, 1938--1951 (2023; Zbl 07781283) Full Text: DOI
Song, Fei; Wang, Yuping; Akbarpoor, Shahrbanoo Inverse nodal problems for Dirac operators and their numerical approximations. (English) Zbl 1538.34071 Electron. J. Differ. Equ. 2023, Paper No. 81, 15 p. (2023). MSC: 34A55 34L40 34C10 34A25 65L09 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Song} et al., Electron. J. Differ. Equ. 2023, Paper No. 81, 15 p. (2023; Zbl 1538.34071) Full Text: Link
Fečkan, Michal; Marynets, Kateryna Non-local fractional boundary value problems with applications to predator-prey models. (English) Zbl 1527.34015 Electron. J. Differ. Equ. 2023, Paper No. 58, 17 p. (2023). MSC: 34A08 34A45 34B15 65L60 92D25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Fečkan} and \textit{K. Marynets}, Electron. J. Differ. Equ. 2023, Paper No. 58, 17 p. (2023; Zbl 1527.34015) Full Text: Link
Cadenas Román, Carlos Eduardo; Hoyos Torres, Aldair Convergence and convexity of two families of third-order methods for computing simple roots of nonlinear equations. (English) Zbl 1538.65118 Appl. Math. E-Notes 23, 1-7 (2023). MSC: 65H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. E. Cadenas Román} and \textit{A. Hoyos Torres}, Appl. Math. E-Notes 23, 1--7 (2023; Zbl 1538.65118) Full Text: Link
Matsuyama, Hiroki; Kao, Minghui; Umeno, Ken Independent component analysis communication using complex spreading sequence with constant power. (English) Zbl 1529.94009 JSIAM Lett. 15, 37-40 (2023). MSC: 94A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Matsuyama} et al., JSIAM Lett. 15, 37--40 (2023; Zbl 1529.94009) Full Text: DOI
Tan, Meiqi; Cheng, Juan; Shu, Chi-Wang Stability of spectral collocation schemes with explicit-implicit-null time-marching for convection-diffusion and convection-dispersion equations. (English) Zbl 1527.65114 East Asian J. Appl. Math. 13, No. 3, 464-498 (2023). MSC: 65M70 65M12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Tan} et al., East Asian J. Appl. Math. 13, No. 3, 464--498 (2023; Zbl 1527.65114) Full Text: DOI
Victor, A. A.; Etuk, M. O.; Ishola, C. Y.; Oladapo, A. O.; Ajisope, M. O.; Raji, M. T. A projection computational technique for the solution Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations. (English) Zbl 1538.65217 Aligarh Bull. Math. 42, No. 1, 93-105 (2023). MSC: 65R20 45J05 45B05 45D05 33C45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Victor} et al., Aligarh Bull. Math. 42, No. 1, 93--105 (2023; Zbl 1538.65217) Full Text: Link
Srivastava, Nikhil; Singh, Aman; Singh, Vineet Kumar Computational algorithm for financial mathematical model based on European option. (English) Zbl 1530.91614 Math. Sci., Springer 17, No. 4, 467-490 (2023). Reviewer: Nikolay Kyurkchiev (Plovdiv) MSC: 91G60 65M06 35R11 91G20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. Srivastava} et al., Math. Sci., Springer 17, No. 4, 467--490 (2023; Zbl 1530.91614) Full Text: DOI
Atta, A. G.; Abd-Elhameed, W. M.; Moatimid, G. M.; Youssri, Y. H. Advanced shifted sixth-kind Chebyshev tau approach for solving linear one-dimensional hyperbolic telegraph type problem. (English) Zbl 1538.65410 Math. Sci., Springer 17, No. 4, 415-429 (2023). MSC: 65M70 35L02 41A50 65M12 65M15 41A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. G. Atta} et al., Math. Sci., Springer 17, No. 4, 415--429 (2023; Zbl 1538.65410) Full Text: DOI OA License
Mittal, A. K.; Balyan, L. K.; Sharma, K. K. A spectrally accurate time-space pseudospectral method for viscous Burgers’ equation. (English) Zbl 1535.65234 Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equations 39, No. 4, 3356-3374 (2023). MSC: 65M70 65N35 65M15 65H10 35K59 35Q53 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. K. Mittal} et al., Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equations 39, No. 4, 3356--3374 (2023; Zbl 1535.65234) Full Text: DOI
Deniz, S.; Özger, F.; Ö. Özger, Z.; Mohiuddine, S. A.; Ersoy, M. T. Numerical solution of fractional Volterra integral equations based on rational Chebyshev approximation. (English) Zbl 07777196 Miskolc Math. Notes 24, No. 3, 1287-1305 (2023). MSC: 65R10 45D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Deniz} et al., Miskolc Math. Notes 24, No. 3, 1287--1305 (2023; Zbl 07777196) Full Text: DOI
Agress, Daniel; Guidotti, Patrick; Yan, Dong The smooth extension embedding method with Chebyshev polynomials. (English) Zbl 07777010 Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equations 39, No. 3, 2355-2377 (2023). MSC: 65-XX 35-XX PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Agress} et al., Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equations 39, No. 3, 2355--2377 (2023; Zbl 07777010) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Tsar’kov, I. G. Continuous selections of set-valued mappings and approximation in asymmetric and semilinear spaces. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1532.41034 Izv. Math. 87, No. 4, 835-851 (2023); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Mat. 87, No. 4, 205-224 (2023). Reviewer: Stefan Cobzaş (Cluj-Napoca) MSC: 41A65 54C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. G. Tsar'kov}, Izv. Math. 87, No. 4, 835--851 (2023; Zbl 1532.41034); translation from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Mat. 87, No. 4, 205--224 (2023) Full Text: DOI MNR
Normurodov, Chori Begaliyevich; Tursunova, Barno Abdiyevna Numerical modeling of the boundary value problem of an ordinary differential equation with a small parameter at the highest derivative by Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. (English) Zbl 07773390 Results Appl. Math. 19, Article ID 100388, 5 p. (2023). MSC: 65Lxx 65Nxx 34Bxx PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. B. Normurodov} and \textit{B. A. Tursunova}, Results Appl. Math. 19, Article ID 100388, 5 p. (2023; Zbl 07773390) Full Text: DOI OA License
Hénot, Olivier; Lessard, Jean-Philippe; James, Jason D. Mireles Numerical computation of transverse homoclinic orbits for periodic solutions of delay differential equations. (English) Zbl 1532.37069 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 22, No. 4, 3093-3129 (2023). MSC: 37M21 37C29 34C37 34K16 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Hénot} et al., SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 22, No. 4, 3093--3129 (2023; Zbl 1532.37069) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Miao, Cun-Qiang; Cheng, Lan On flexible block Chebyshev-Davidson method for solving symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems. (English) Zbl 07773317 Adv. Comput. Math. 49, No. 6, Paper No. 78, 28 p. (2023). MSC: 65F15 65N25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C.-Q. Miao} and \textit{L. Cheng}, Adv. Comput. Math. 49, No. 6, Paper No. 78, 28 p. (2023; Zbl 07773317) Full Text: DOI
Wang, Shaopeng; Hong, Jun; Wei, Dao; Zhang, Gongye Bending and wave propagation analysis of axially functionally graded beams based on a reformulated strain gradient elasticity theory. (English) Zbl 1529.74042 AMM, Appl. Math. Mech., Engl. Ed. 44, No. 10, 1803-1820 (2023). MSC: 74K10 74E05 74H45 74M25 74B99 74S99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Wang} et al., AMM, Appl. Math. Mech., Engl. Ed. 44, No. 10, 1803--1820 (2023; Zbl 1529.74042) Full Text: DOI
Deveney, Teo; Mueller, Eike H.; Shardlow, Tony Deep surrogate accelerated delayed-acceptance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal heat fluxes in rotating disc systems. (English) Zbl 1527.65003 SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantif. 11, 970-995 (2023). MSC: 65C20 65M32 62F15 68T07 65Z05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Deveney} et al., SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantif. 11, 970--995 (2023; Zbl 1527.65003) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Heim, Bernhard; Neuhauser, Markus; Tröger, Robert Zeros transfer for recursively defined polynomials. (English) Zbl 07771757 Res. Number Theory 9, No. 4, Paper No. 79, 14 p. (2023). Reviewer: Florian Luca (Johannesburg) MSC: 11F30 11F20 39A06 11B83 26C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Heim} et al., Res. Number Theory 9, No. 4, Paper No. 79, 14 p. (2023; Zbl 07771757) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Kimmel, Noam The least common multiple of a bivariate quadratic sequence. (English) Zbl 07771583 Acta Arith. 211, No. 1, 25-60 (2023). Reviewer: Mehdi Hassani (Zanjan) MSC: 11N32 11N36 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. Kimmel}, Acta Arith. 211, No. 1, 25--60 (2023; Zbl 07771583) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Denich, Eleonora; Novati, Paolo Gaussian rule for integrals involving Bessel functions. (English) Zbl 1532.33009 BIT 63, No. 4, Paper No. 53, 25 p. (2023). MSC: 33C10 33C45 41A55 65D32 65F08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Denich} and \textit{P. Novati}, BIT 63, No. 4, Paper No. 53, 25 p. (2023; Zbl 1532.33009) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Fu, Xing; Xiao, Jie An uncertainty principle on the Lorentz spaces. (English) Zbl 1527.42009 Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., Ser. A, Theory Methods 237, Article ID 113367, 21 p. (2023). MSC: 42B10 42B35 26D10 35R11 46E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. Fu} and \textit{J. Xiao}, Nonlinear Anal., Theory Methods Appl., Ser. A, Theory Methods 237, Article ID 113367, 21 p. (2023; Zbl 1527.42009) Full Text: DOI
Lin, Chien-Tong; Cheng, Yu-Jen; Ing, Ching-Kang Greedy variable selection for high-dimensional Cox models. (English) Zbl 07767625 Stat. Sin. 33, Spec. Iss., 1697-1719 (2023). MSC: 62-XX PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C.-T. Lin} et al., Stat. Sin. 33, 1697--1719 (2023; Zbl 07767625) Full Text: DOI
Cohen, Joel E. Generalizations of Bertrand’s postulate to sums of any number of primes. (English) Zbl 07767519 Math. Mag. 96, No. 4, 428-432 (2023). MSC: 11P32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. E. Cohen}, Math. Mag. 96, No. 4, 428--432 (2023; Zbl 07767519) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Komori, Yoshio; Burrage, Kevin Split S-ROCK methods for high-dimensional stochastic differential equations. (English) Zbl 07766132 J. Sci. Comput. 97, No. 3, Paper No. 62, 24 p. (2023). MSC: 65C30 60H10 65L05 65L06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Komori} and \textit{K. Burrage}, J. Sci. Comput. 97, No. 3, Paper No. 62, 24 p. (2023; Zbl 07766132) Full Text: DOI
Malachivskyy, P. S.; Melnychok, L. S.; Pizyur, Ya. V. Chebyshev approximation of a multivariable function with reproducing the values of the function and its partial derivatives. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1528.41077 Cybern. Syst. Anal. 59, No. 4, 660-671 (2023); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 59, No. 4, 169-180 (2023). MSC: 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. S. Malachivskyy} et al., Cybern. Syst. Anal. 59, No. 4, 660--671 (2023; Zbl 1528.41077); translation from Kibern. Sist. Anal. 59, No. 4, 169--180 (2023) Full Text: DOI
Kouba, Omran Binomial identities obtained from the Gegenbauer series expansion. (English) Zbl 07765877 Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 34, No. 12, 947-964 (2023). Reviewer: Elaine Wong (Oak Ridge) MSC: 33C45 33F05 33C05 42C10 05A19 05A10 11B65 40A05 40A30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Kouba}, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 34, No. 12, 947--964 (2023; Zbl 07765877) Full Text: DOI
Paruchuri, Pradyumna; Chatterjee, Debasish Attaining the Chebyshev bound for optimal learning: a numerical algorithm. (English) Zbl 1534.90170 Syst. Control Lett. 181, Article ID 105648, 11 p. (2023). MSC: 90C34 90C25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Paruchuri} and \textit{D. Chatterjee}, Syst. Control Lett. 181, Article ID 105648, 11 p. (2023; Zbl 1534.90170) Full Text: DOI
Abd-Elhameed, W. M.; Ali, Afnan; Youssri, Y. H. Newfangled linearization formula of certain nonsymmetric Jacobi polynomials: numerical treatment of nonlinear Fisher’s equation. (English) Zbl 1530.65128 J. Funct. Spaces 2023, Article ID 6833404, 16 p. (2023). MSC: 65M70 33C45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. M. Abd-Elhameed} et al., J. Funct. Spaces 2023, Article ID 6833404, 16 p. (2023; Zbl 1530.65128) Full Text: DOI OA License
An, Congpei; Cai, Mou Lasso trigonometric polynomial approximation for periodic function recovery in equidistant points. (English) Zbl 1529.42002 Appl. Numer. Math. 194, 115-130 (2023). Reviewer: Antonio López-Carmona (Granada) MSC: 42A10 42A15 65D05 41A50 42A75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. An} and \textit{M. Cai}, Appl. Numer. Math. 194, 115--130 (2023; Zbl 1529.42002) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Khuromonov, Kh. M. On the best simultaneous approximation of functions in the Bergman space \(B_2\). (English. Russian original) Zbl 1526.42003 Russ. Math. 67, No. 5, 50-59 (2023); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat. 2023, No. 5, 71-81 (2023). MSC: 42A10 41A10 41A50 42A75 30H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Kh. M. Khuromonov}, Russ. Math. 67, No. 5, 50--59 (2023; Zbl 1526.42003); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat. 2023, No. 5, 71--81 (2023) Full Text: DOI
Wang, Xu; Schiavone, Peter Dislocation-free zone at a mode II edge crack tip. (English) Zbl 1527.35415 J. Elasticity 154, No. 1-4, 397-406 (2023). MSC: 35Q74 45A05 45E05 45F15 74-10 74A45 74M25 74R20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{X. Wang} and \textit{P. Schiavone}, J. Elasticity 154, No. 1--4, 397--406 (2023; Zbl 1527.35415) Full Text: DOI
Ballot, Christian J.-C.; Williams, Hugh C. The Lucas sequences. Theory and applications. (English) Zbl 07762382 CMS/CAIMS Books in Mathematics 8. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-031-37237-7/hbk; 978-3-031-37240-7/pbk; 978-3-031-37238-4/ebook). xviii, 301 p. (2023). Reviewer: Uğur Duran (İskenderun) MSC: 11-01 11B39 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. J. C. Ballot} and \textit{H. C. Williams}, The Lucas sequences. Theory and applications. Cham: Springer (2023; Zbl 07762382) Full Text: DOI
Bednov, B. B. Three-dimensional spaces where all bounded Chebyshev sets are monotone path connected. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1535.41032 Math. Notes 114, No. 3, 283-295 (2023); translation from Mat. Zametki 114, No. 3, 323-338 (2023). MSC: 41A65 41A50 46B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. B. Bednov}, Math. Notes 114, No. 3, 283--295 (2023; Zbl 1535.41032); translation from Mat. Zametki 114, No. 3, 323--338 (2023) Full Text: DOI
Morozov, Stanislav; Smirnov, Matvey; Zamarashkin, Nikolai On the optimal rank-1 approximation of matrices in the Chebyshev norm. (English) Zbl 1528.65026 Linear Algebra Appl. 679, 4-29 (2023). MSC: 65F55 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Morozov} et al., Linear Algebra Appl. 679, 4--29 (2023; Zbl 1528.65026) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bello-Hernández, Manuel; del Campo López, Alejandro Mean convergence of Fourier-Akhiezer-Chebyshev series. (English) Zbl 1532.42032 J. Approx. Theory 296, Article ID 105984, 16 p. (2023). Reviewer: Francisco Marcellán (Leganes) MSC: 42C10 42C05 32A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bello-Hernández} and \textit{A. del Campo López}, J. Approx. Theory 296, Article ID 105984, 16 p. (2023; Zbl 1532.42032) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Gupta, Rupali; Kumar, Sushil Chebyshev spectral method for the variable-order fractional mobile-immobile advection-dispersion equation arising from solute transport in heterogeneous media. (English) Zbl 07761676 J. Eng. Math. 142, Paper No. 1, 28 p. (2023). MSC: 65-XX 76-XX PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Gupta} and \textit{S. Kumar}, J. Eng. Math. 142, Paper No. 1, 28 p. (2023; Zbl 07761676) Full Text: DOI
Kantrowitz, Robert; Neumann, Michael M. Approximation of polynomials by Hermite interpolation. (English) Zbl 1539.41001 Elem. Math. 78, No. 3, 113-122 (2023). Reviewer: Kai Diethelm (Schweinfurt) MSC: 41A05 41A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Kantrowitz} and \textit{M. M. Neumann}, Elem. Math. 78, No. 3, 113--122 (2023; Zbl 1539.41001) Full Text: DOI
Lang, Annika; Pereira, Mike Galerkin-Chebyshev approximation of Gaussian random fields on compact Riemannian manifolds. (English) Zbl 1537.60059 BIT 63, No. 4, Paper No. 51, 44 p. (2023). MSC: 60G60 60H35 60G15 58J05 58C40 65C30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Lang} and \textit{M. Pereira}, BIT 63, No. 4, Paper No. 51, 44 p. (2023; Zbl 1537.60059) Full Text: DOI arXiv OA License
Khrustalev, M. M.; Tsarkov, K. A. Sequential improvement method in probabilistic criteria optimization problems for linear-in-state jump diffusion systems. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1525.93480 Autom. Remote Control 84, No. 6, 626-640 (2023); translation from Avtom. Telemekh. 2023, No. 6, 100-121 (2023). MSC: 93E20 93C35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. M. Khrustalev} and \textit{K. A. Tsarkov}, Autom. Remote Control 84, No. 6, 626--640 (2023; Zbl 1525.93480); translation from Avtom. Telemekh. 2023, No. 6, 100--121 (2023) Full Text: DOI
Babayan, N. M.; Ginovyan, M. S. On the transfinite diameters of related sets. An extension of Robinson’s theorem. (English) Zbl 1526.30009 J. Contemp. Math. Anal., Armen. Acad. Sci. 58, No. 2, 93-100 (2023) and Izv. Nats. Akad. Nauk Armen., Mat. 58, No. 2, 3-13 (2023). MSC: 30C10 30C85 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. M. Babayan} and \textit{M. S. Ginovyan}, J. Contemp. Math. Anal., Armen. Acad. Sci. 58, No. 2, 93--100 (2023; Zbl 1526.30009) Full Text: DOI
Nikabadze, M.; Ulukhanyan, A. On some variational principles in micropolar theories of single-layer thin bodies. (English) Zbl 1523.74004 Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 35, No. 3, 1147-1164 (2023). MSC: 74A35 74A60 74K99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Nikabadze} and \textit{A. Ulukhanyan}, Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 35, No. 3, 1147--1164 (2023; Zbl 1523.74004) Full Text: DOI
Ahmed, Hany. M. Highly accurate method for boundary value problems with Robin boundary conditions. (English) Zbl 1523.65062 J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 30, No. 3, 1239-1263 (2023). MSC: 65L10 65L60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Hany. M. Ahmed}, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 30, No. 3, 1239--1263 (2023; Zbl 1523.65062) Full Text: DOI OA License
Barbaros, Ismail; Sahmani, Saeid; Safaei, Babak Nonlinear in-plane thermomechanical stability of shallow sandwich micro-arches including strain gradient tensors. (English) Zbl 07759127 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 127, Article ID 107544, 20 p. (2023). MSC: 74G60 74K10 74F05 74E30 74M25 74S99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. Barbaros} et al., Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 127, Article ID 107544, 20 p. (2023; Zbl 07759127) Full Text: DOI
Ismailov, Mansur I.; Türk, Önder Direct and inverse problems for a 2D heat equation with a Dirichlet-Neumann-Wentzell boundary condition. (English) Zbl 1526.35318 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 127, Article ID 107519, 12 p. (2023). MSC: 35R30 35C10 35K20 35P10 65N21 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. I. Ismailov} and \textit{Ö. Türk}, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 127, Article ID 107519, 12 p. (2023; Zbl 1526.35318) Full Text: DOI
Shang, Yong; Wang, Fei; Sun, Jingbo Randomized neural network with Petrov-Galerkin methods for solving linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. (English) Zbl 1525.65128 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 127, Article ID 107518, 20 p. (2023). MSC: 65N30 68T07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Shang} et al., Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 127, Article ID 107518, 20 p. (2023; Zbl 1525.65128) Full Text: DOI
Rahimkhani, Parisa Numerical solution of nonlinear stochastic differential equations with fractional Brownian motion using fractional-order Genocchi deep neural networks. (English) Zbl 07758918 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 126, Article ID 107466, 20 p. (2023). MSC: 65C30 60H35 60H20 65L60 65T60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Rahimkhani}, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 126, Article ID 107466, 20 p. (2023; Zbl 07758918) Full Text: DOI
Dashtaki, P. Mohammadi; Noormohammadi, Nima Static analysis of orthotropic nanoplates reinforced by defective graphene based on strain gradient theory using a simple boundary method. (English) Zbl 1530.74046 Acta Mech. 234, No. 11, 5203-5228 (2023). MSC: 74K20 74E30 74M25 74S99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. M. Dashtaki} and \textit{N. Noormohammadi}, Acta Mech. 234, No. 11, 5203--5228 (2023; Zbl 1530.74046) Full Text: DOI
Ozaslan, Ibrahim K.; Pilanci, Mert; Arikan, Orhan M-IHS: an accelerated randomized preconditioning method avoiding costly matrix decompositions. (English) Zbl 1525.65022 Linear Algebra Appl. 678, 57-91 (2023). MSC: 65F08 65F10 65F20 68W20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. K. Ozaslan} et al., Linear Algebra Appl. 678, 57--91 (2023; Zbl 1525.65022) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Serdyuk, A.; Stepanyuk, T. Uniform approximations by Fourier sums on the sets of convolutions of periodic functions of high smoothness. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1525.42002 Ukr. Math. J. 75, No. 4, 621-651 (2023); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 75, No. 4, 542-567 (2023). MSC: 42A10 42A24 41A50 42A85 30E10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Serdyuk} and \textit{T. Stepanyuk}, Ukr. Math. J. 75, No. 4, 621--651 (2023; Zbl 1525.42002); translation from Ukr. Mat. Zh. 75, No. 4, 542--567 (2023) Full Text: DOI arXiv