
Found 115 Documents (Results 1–100)

Alien functional equations: a selective survey of results. (English) Zbl 1382.39032

Brzdęk, Janusz (ed.) et al., Developments in functional equations and related topics. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 16th international conference on functional equations and inequalities, ICFEI, Będlewo, Poland, May 17–23, 2015. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-61731-2/hbk; 978-3-319-61732-9/ebook). Springer Optimization and Its Applications 124, 107-147 (2017).
MSC:  39B52 39B22 39B72
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Fischer-Muszély additivity: a half century story. (English) Zbl 1387.39021

Brzdęk, Janusz (ed.) et al., Developments in functional equations and related topics. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 16th international conference on functional equations and inequalities, ICFEI, Będlewo, Poland, May 17–23, 2015. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-61731-2/hbk; 978-3-319-61732-9/ebook). Springer Optimization and Its Applications 124, 71-106 (2017).
MSC:  39B52 39B82
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Recent developments in functional equations and inequalities. Selected topics. Based on the 14th international conference on functional equations and inequalities (ICFEI) dedicated to the memory of Marek Kuczma, Bȩdlewo, Poland, September 11–17, 2011. (English) Zbl 1279.39001

Banach Center Publications 99. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (ISBN 978-83-86806-18-8/pbk). 215 p. (2013).
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On vector Hermite-Hadamard differences controlled by their scalar counterparts. (English) Zbl 1253.26020

Bandle, Catherine (ed.) et al., Inequalities and Applications ’10. Dedicated to the memory of Wolfgang Walter. Selected papers of the 2nd conference on inequalities and applications, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, September 19–25, 2010. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-3-0348-0248-2/hbk; 978-3-0348-0249-9/ebook). ISNM. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 161, 165-173 (2012).
MSC:  26B25 39B72 39B62
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Vector convex differences and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities. (English) Zbl 1234.26053

Filipczak, Małgorzata (ed.) et al., Real functions, density topology and related topics. Dedicated to Professor Władysław Wilczyński on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego (ISBN 978-83-7525-536-2/pbk). 157-164 (2011).

On vector pexider differences controlled by scalar ones. (English) Zbl 1266.39037

Bandle, Catherine (ed.) et al., Inequalities and applications. Proceedings of the conference on inequalities and applications, Noszvaj, Hungary, September 9–15, 2007. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-3-7643-8772-3/hbk). ISNM. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 157, 283-290 (2009).
MSC:  39B82 39B62 39B52
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Iterative functional equations. Paperback reprint of the hardback edition 1990. (English) Zbl 1141.39023

Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 32. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 978-0-521-07034-8/pbk). xiv, 552 p. (2008).

A characterization of stationary sets for the class of Jensen convex functions. (English) Zbl 1003.39024

Daróczy, Zoltán (ed.) et al., Functional equations–results and advances. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Adv. Math., Dordr. 3, 25-28 (2002).
MSC:  39B62 39B72 26B25

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