Vitória, José Matricial norms: some applications and open questions. (English) Zbl 1535.15022 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 317-321 (1980). MSC: 15A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Vitória}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 317--321 (1980; Zbl 1535.15022) Full Text: Link
Vilaplana, J. P.; Herrero, O. On convex, quasiconvex and pseudoconvex functions. (Sobre funciones convexas, casi-convexas y pseudo-convexas.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.26008 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 309-315 (1980). MSC: 26A51 90C25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. P. Vilaplana} and \textit{O. Herrero}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 309--315 (1980; Zbl 1535.26008) Full Text: Link
Lasala Calleja, María Pilar Some questions concerning generalized loss functions and their application to parameter estimation. (Algunas cuestiones sobre funciones de pérdida generalizada y su aplicación a la estimación de parámetros.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.62003 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 151-154 (1980). MSC: 62B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. P. Lasala Calleja}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 151--154 (1980; Zbl 1535.62003) Full Text: Link
Rodríguez Expósito, José The kernel of Bessel-Clifford potentials and Lipschitz spaces. (El núcleo de los potenciales de Bessel-Clifford y espacios de Lipschitz.) (Spanish) Zbl 1535.31008 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 63-66 (1980). MSC: 31C15 46E35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Rodríguez Expósito}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 63--66 (1980; Zbl 1535.31008) Full Text: Link
Alsina i Catalá, Claudi On three functional equations in the semigroup \(\tau_{T,L}\) of distribution functions. (Sobre tres equacions funcionals en semigrups \(\tau_{T,L}\) de funcions de distribució.) (Catalan. English summary) Zbl 1535.39013 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 11-14 (1980). MSC: 39B52 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Alsina i Catalá}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 22, 11--14 (1980; Zbl 1535.39013) Full Text: Link
Verdera, Joan A characterization of peak-interpolation sets in a certain class of uniform algebras. (Una caracterización de los conjuntos de pico-interpolación de una cierta clase de álgebras uniformes.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.46059 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 261-263 (1980). MSC: 46J10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Verdera}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 261--263 (1980; Zbl 1535.46059) Full Text: Link
Triana Santos, Miguel Angel \(L^p\)-spaces with mixed norm. (Espacios \(L^p\) con norma mixta.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.46037 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 257-260 (1980). MSC: 46E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. A. Triana Santos}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 257--260 (1980; Zbl 1535.46037) Full Text: Link
Ruiz Blasco, F. J.; Torrea Hernández, J. L. Extension to the vectorial case of operators from \(L^p\) to \(L^q\). (Extensión de operadores de \(L^p\) en \(L^q\) al caso vectorial.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 07835408 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 243-245 (1980). MSC: 47B38 46E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. J. Ruiz Blasco} and \textit{J. L. Torrea Hernández}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 243--245 (1980; Zbl 07835408) Full Text: Link
Reyes Rodriguez, Andrés A geometric characterization of Schauder basis. (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.46013 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 225-228 (1980). MSC: 46B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Reyes Rodriguez}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 225--228 (1980; Zbl 1535.46013) Full Text: Link
Mendoza Casas, José Some properties of \(C_c(X,E)\). (Algunas propiedades de \(C_c(X,E)\).) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.46048 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 195-198 (1980). MSC: 46E40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Mendoza Casas}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 195--198 (1980; Zbl 1535.46048) Full Text: Link
Guadalupe Hernández, José Javier Invariant subspaces of \(L^p(\mu)\) on the torus. (Subespacios invariantes en \(L^p(\mu)\) sobre el toro.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 07835398 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 191-194 (1980). MSC: 47A15 47B38 46E30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. J. Guadalupe Hernández}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 191--194 (1980; Zbl 07835398) Full Text: Link
Garay de Pablo, José Differences of Prym functions. (Diferencias de funciones de Prym.) (Spanish) Zbl 1535.33002 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 187-190 (1980). MSC: 33B15 78A55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Garay de Pablo}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 187--190 (1980; Zbl 1535.33002) Full Text: Link
Castañeda Bravo, Fernando Functions of a real variable with values in a convergence vector space. I: Derivatives. (Funciones de una variable real con valores en un espacio vectorial de convergencia. I: Derivadas.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.26014 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 171-174 (1980). MSC: 26E20 46G05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Castañeda Bravo}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 171--174 (1980; Zbl 1535.26014) Full Text: Link
Calderón García, Catalina Arithmetical functions of von Mangoldt type \(\Lambda^*_k\Lambda^*_{k,t}\). (Funciones aritméticas de tipo Mangoldt \(\Lambda^*_k\Lambda^*_{k,t}\).) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.11004 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 159-162 (1980). MSC: 11A25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Calderón García}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 159--162 (1980; Zbl 1535.11004) Full Text: Link
Bruna, Joaquim Interpolation sets for holomorphic functions smooth at the boundary. (Conjuntos de interpolación para funciones holomorfas y regulares en la frontera.) (Spanish) Zbl 1535.30087 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 153-157 (1980). MSC: 30E05 46J15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Bruna}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 153--157 (1980; Zbl 1535.30087) Full Text: Link
Atencia de Burgos, Enrique; Marcellán Español, Francisco \(p\)-recurrence expressions. (Expresiones de \(p\)-recurrencia.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.42044 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 149-152 (1980). MSC: 42C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Atencia de Burgos} and \textit{F. Marcellán Español}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 149--152 (1980; Zbl 1535.42044) Full Text: Link
Alfaro García, Ma. Pilar On the asymptotic behavior of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials. (Sobre comportamiento asintótico de ceros de polinomios ortogonales.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.42043 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 141-144 (1980). MSC: 42C05 30C15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ma. P. Alfaro García}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 141--144 (1980; Zbl 1535.42043) Full Text: Link
Alfaro García, Manuel; Marcellán Español, Francisco Summation formulas for orthogonal polynomials on lemniscates. (Fórmulas de sumación para polinomios ortogonales sobre lemniscatas.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.42042 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 137-140 (1980). MSC: 42C05 30C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Alfaro García} and \textit{F. Marcellán Español}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 137--140 (1980; Zbl 1535.42042) Full Text: Link
Alsedà i Soler, Lluís On the periodic points of continuous functions of the circle. (Sobre els punts periòdics de les funcions contínues de la circumferència.) (Catalan. English summary) Zbl 1535.37064 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 83-87 (1980). MSC: 37J12 54H25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Alsedà i Soler}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 21, 83--87 (1980; Zbl 1535.37064) Full Text: Link
Rodríguez-Fernández, C.; Franco Fernández, L. Cohomology in \(\Omega\)-group varieties. (Sobre cohomología en variedades de A-grupos.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.18025 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 195-197 (1980). MSC: 18G99 20E10 20J05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Rodríguez-Fernández} and \textit{L. Franco Fernández}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 195--197 (1980; Zbl 1535.18025) Full Text: Link
Jara Martínez, P. A note on universal squares of groups. (Una nota sobre cuadrados universales de grupos.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.18004 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 155-159 (1980). MSC: 18A30 18A35 20J15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Jara Martínez}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 155--159 (1980; Zbl 1535.18004) Full Text: Link
Jara Martínez, P. Special extensions in the cohomology of groups. (Una nota sobre cuadrados universales de grupos.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.20273 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 149-153 (1980). MSC: 20J06 20J05 18G99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Jara Martínez}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 149--153 (1980; Zbl 1535.20273) Full Text: Link
Freire Nistal, J. L. Subtheories of double duality. (Sobre subteorías de la doble dualidad.) (English. English summary) Zbl 1535.18011 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 133-134 (1980). MSC: 18C15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. L. Freire Nistal}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 133--134 (1980; Zbl 1535.18011) Full Text: Link
Barja Pérez, J. M.; G-Rodeja Fernández, Eduardo Kleisli algebras. (Algebras de Kleisli.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.18009 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 121-123 (1980). MSC: 18C15 18C20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. M. Barja Pérez} and \textit{E. G-Rodeja Fernández}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 121--123 (1980; Zbl 1535.18009) Full Text: Link
Barja Pérez, J. M.; López López, M. A. The triple Hom\((M,-)\) in sets. (El triple Hom\((M,-)\) en conjuntos.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.18010 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 119-120 (1980). MSC: 18C15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. M. Barja Pérez} and \textit{M. A. López López}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 119--120 (1980; Zbl 1535.18010) Full Text: Link
Barja Pérez, J. M.; Freire Nistal, J. L. Associated triples. (Triples asociados.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.18008 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 115-117 (1980). MSC: 18C15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. M. Barja Pérez} and \textit{J. L. Freire Nistal}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 115--117 (1980; Zbl 1535.18008) Full Text: Link
Aznar García, E. R. \(H^2(G,A)\) and obstructions to extensions in algebraic categories. (\(H^2(G,A)\) y obstrucciones de extensiones en categorías algebraicas.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1536.18013 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 111-114 (1980). MSC: 18G99 20J05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. R. Aznar García}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 111--114 (1980; Zbl 1536.18013) Full Text: Link
Pérez-Jiménez, Mario de J. On certain expressions of the rank function, independent of the theory of ordinals. (Sobre ciertas expresiones de la función rango, independientes de la teoría de ordinales.) (Spanish. English summary) Zbl 1535.03236 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 87-91 (1980). MSC: 03E10 03E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. de J. Pérez-Jiménez}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 87--91 (1980; Zbl 1535.03236) Full Text: Link
Esteva Massaguer, Francesc; Domingo, Xavier On weak negation functions for the theory of fuzzy sets. (Sobre funcions de negació feble per la teoria de conjunts difusos.) (Catalan) Zbl 1535.03159 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 73-77 (1980). MSC: 03B52 03E72 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. Esteva Massaguer} and \textit{X. Domingo}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 20, 73--77 (1980; Zbl 1535.03159) Full Text: Link
Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso Results and methods concerning the finite extinction property for evolution equations. (Resultados y métodos sobre la propiedad de extinción en tiempo finito para ecuaciones de evolución.) (Spanish) Zbl 1535.34051 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 19, 93-115 (1980). MSC: 34G20 35R20 47H10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. I. Díaz Díaz}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 19, 93--115 (1980; Zbl 1535.34051) Full Text: Link
Andrés Yebra, José Luis Boundary value problem for a functional-differential equation of mixed type and remarks on nonlocal problems. (Problema de contorno para una ecuación diferencial funcional de tipo mixto y consideraciones sobre problemas no locales.) (Spanish) Zbl 1535.34054 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 19, 63-73 (1980). MSC: 34K10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. L. Andrés Yebra}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 19, 63--73 (1980; Zbl 1535.34054) Full Text: Link
Rodríguez Cano, José Juan Convolution and analytic functions of a finite number of linear commuting operators of \(L(\mathbb{C}^n,\mathbb{C}^n)\). (Convolución y funciones analíticas de un número finito de operadores lineales conmutativos de \(L(\mathbb{C}^n,\mathbb{C}^n)\).) (Spanish) Zbl 1535.32001 Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 18, 153-174 (1980). MSC: 32A10 47A60 34G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. J. Rodríguez Cano}, Publ., Secc. Mat., Univ. Autòn. Barc. 18, 153--174 (1980; Zbl 1535.32001) Full Text: Link
Mamedov, Ya. D.; Aširov, S.; Atdaev, S. Theorems on inequalities. (Теоремы о неравенствах.) (Russian) Zbl 1522.26004 Ashkhabad: “Ylym”. 233 p. (1980). MSC: 26-01 26D10 34A60 39B05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Ya. D. Mamedov} et al., Теоремы о неравенствах (Russian). Ashkhabad: ``Ylym'' (1980; Zbl 1522.26004)
Man, Chi Sing Proof that the Clausius-Serrin inequality is equivalent to a strengthened “Kelvin’s law”. (English) Zbl 1509.80002 Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, VIII. Ser., Rend., Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. 69, 399-409 (1980). MSC: 80A05 80A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. S. Man}, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, VIII. Ser., Rend., Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. 69, 399--409 (1980; Zbl 1509.80002) Full Text: Link
Jimbo, Toshiya Proper Dirichlet subalgebras of big disk algebras. (English) Zbl 1479.46062 Bull. Nara Univ. Educ., Nat. Sci. 29, No. 2, 1-3 (1980). MSC: 46J10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Jimbo}, Bull. Nara Univ. Educ., Nat. Sci. 29, No. 2, 1--3 (1980; Zbl 1479.46062)
Zajíček, L. On metric projections and distance functions in Banach spaces. (English) Zbl 1437.46027 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 207-208 (1980). MSC: 46B99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Zajíček}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 207--208 (1980; Zbl 1437.46027) Full Text: Link
Schachermayer, Walter A result of J. Bourgain: \(C(L^1)\) has the Dunford-Pettis property. (English) Zbl 1437.46047 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 143-150 (1980). MSC: 46E40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Schachermayer}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 143--150 (1980; Zbl 1437.46047) Full Text: Link
Graf, Siegfried Realizing homomorphisms of category algebras. (English) Zbl 1437.28003 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 86-89 (1980). MSC: 28A10 54H10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Graf}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 86--89 (1980; Zbl 1437.28003) Full Text: Link
Frič, R.; Hušek, M. Epireflective subcategories of convergence spaces. (English) Zbl 1437.18004 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 68-72 (1980). MSC: 18A40 54A05 54A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Frič} and \textit{M. Hušek}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 68--72 (1980; Zbl 1437.18004) Full Text: Link
Feiste, Uwe Hausdorff measures in Minkowskian geometry. (English) Zbl 1437.28008 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 64-67 (1980). MSC: 28A75 28A78 28C15 53C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{U. Feiste}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 64--67 (1980; Zbl 1437.28008) Full Text: Link
Błaszczyk, Aleksander; Szymański, Andrzej Some non-normal subspaces of the Čech-Stone compactification of a discrete space. (English) Zbl 1437.54005 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 35-38 (1980). MSC: 54A25 54D35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Błaszczyk} and \textit{A. Szymański}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 35--38 (1980; Zbl 1437.54005) Full Text: Link
Behrends, Ehrhard Approximation theoretical properties of M-ideals (Abstract). (English) Zbl 1437.46012 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 29-31 (1980). MSC: 46B07 46E15 54D30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Behrends}, in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 29--31 (1980; Zbl 1437.46012) Full Text: Link
Bandt, C.; Feiste, Uwe; Haase, H. Measures representable as \(p\)-dimensional Hausdorff measures. (English) Zbl 1437.28007 Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 26-28 (1980). MSC: 28A75 28A78 28C15 53C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Bandt} et al., in: Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 26--28 (1980; Zbl 1437.28007) Full Text: Link
Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.) Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. (English) Zbl 1416.46004 Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 208 p. (1980). MSC: 46-06 54-06 00B25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Z. Frolík} (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1980; Zbl 1416.46004) Full Text: Link
Kawata, Tatsuo Gap theorems in Fourier analysis. ja. (English) Zbl 1406.42007 Seminar on Mathematical Sciences 1. Yokohama: Keio University, Department of Mathematics. vii, 309 p. (1980). MSC: 42A55 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Kawata}, Gap theorems in Fourier analysis. ja. Yokohama: Keio University, Department of Mathematics (1980; Zbl 1406.42007)
Fujikawa, Kazuo Comment on chiral and conformal anomalies. (English) Zbl 1404.81189 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 26, 1733-1736 (1980). MSC: 81T20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Fujikawa}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 26, 1733--1736 (1980; Zbl 1404.81189) Full Text: DOI
Eichinger, B. E. Radial distribution function for weakly correlated polymer solutions. (English) Zbl 1404.82095 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 25, 1688-1691 (1980). MSC: 82D60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. E. Eichinger}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 25, 1688--1691 (1980; Zbl 1404.82095) Full Text: DOI
Rechester, A. B.; White, R. B. Calculation of turbulent diffusion for the Chirikov-Taylor model. (English) Zbl 1404.82059 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 24, 1586-1589 (1980). MSC: 82D10 60K35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. B. Rechester} and \textit{R. B. White}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 24, 1586--1589 (1980; Zbl 1404.82059) Full Text: DOI
Adler, Stephen L. Order-\(R\) vacuum action functional in scalar-free unified theories with spontaneous scale breaking. (English) Zbl 1404.81142 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 24, 1567-1569 (1980). MSC: 81R40 81T99 83C99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. L. Adler}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, No. 24, 1567--1569 (1980; Zbl 1404.81142) Full Text: DOI
Ponstein, J. Approaches to the theory of optimization. (English) Zbl 1390.90002 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 77. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 0-521-23155-8/hbk; 978-0-521-60491-8/pbk; 978-0-511-52652-7/ebook). xii, 205 p. (1980). MSC: 90-01 49-01 90Cxx PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Ponstein}, Approaches to the theory of optimization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1980; Zbl 1390.90002) Full Text: DOI
Representation theorems for Hardy spaces. (English) Zbl 1384.32001 Astérisque 77. Paris: Société Mathématique de France (SMF). i, 151 p. (1980). MSC: 32-06 42-06 46-06 00B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite Representation theorems for Hardy spaces. Paris: Société Mathématique de France (SMF) (1980; Zbl 1384.32001)
Kawata, Tutomu; Sakai, Jun-ichi Linear problems associated with the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. (English) Zbl 1334.81036 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, No. 6, 2407-2414 (1980). MSC: 81Q05 35Q55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Kawata} and \textit{J.-i. Sakai}, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, No. 6, 2407--2414 (1980; Zbl 1334.81036) Full Text: DOI
Kim, Moon Uhn Slow viscous flow around a vertical fence on a plane. (English) Zbl 1334.76043 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, No. 6, 2387-2391 (1980). MSC: 76D07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. U. Kim}, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, No. 6, 2387--2391 (1980; Zbl 1334.76043) Full Text: DOI
Ito, Masaaki An extension of nonlinear evolution equations of the K-dV (mK-dV) type to higher orders. (English) Zbl 1334.35282 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, No. 2, 771-778 (1980). MSC: 35Q53 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Ito}, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, No. 2, 771--778 (1980; Zbl 1334.35282) Full Text: DOI
Nagasawa, Kiyoshi; Imamura, Tsutomu; Taniuti, Tosiya A Gaussian solution for drift wave turbulence and for Rossby wave turbulence. (English) Zbl 1334.76064 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 48, No. 6, 2119-2124 (1980). MSC: 76F55 76X05 78A20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Nagasawa} et al., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 48, No. 6, 2119--2124 (1980; Zbl 1334.76064) Full Text: DOI
Nakamura, Akira A direct method of calculating periodic wave solutions to nonlinear evolution equations. II. Exact one- and two-periodic wave solution of the coupled bilinear equations. (English) Zbl 1334.35250 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 48, No. 4, 1365-1370 (1980). MSC: 35Q35 35C99 76B25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Nakamura}, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 48, No. 4, 1365--1370 (1980; Zbl 1334.35250) Full Text: DOI
Rappoport, J. M. The numerical solution of some diffusion problems in sectorial domains through dual integrals method. (Russian) Zbl 1319.65066 Davydov, Yu.M. (ed.), Modeli i uravneniya. Moskva: Vychislitel’nyĭ Tsentr AN SSSR. Soobshcheniya po Prikladnoĭ Matematike, 39-46 (1980). MSC: 65L10 65R10 65D20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. M. Rappoport}, in: Modeli i uravneniya. Moskva: Vychislitel'nyĭ Tsentr AN SSSR. 39--46 (1980; Zbl 1319.65066)
Jordan, W. B. Problems and solutions: A conjectured property of Legendre functions. (English) Zbl 1308.41032 SIAM Rev. 22, 369-372 (1980). MSC: 41A60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. B. Jordan}, SIAM Rev. 22, 369--372 (1980; Zbl 1308.41032) Full Text: DOI
Noda, Akio On the conditional correlation function of Lévy’s Brownian motion. (English) Zbl 1267.60036 Bull. Aichi Univ. Educ., Nat. Sci. 29, 47-55 (1980). MSC: 60G15 60J65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Noda}, Bull. Aichi Univ. Educ., Nat. Sci. 29, 47--55 (1980; Zbl 1267.60036)
Fukui, S.; Sakaguchi, K. An extension of a theorem of S. Ruscheweyh. (English) Zbl 1255.30012 Bull. Fac. Educ., Wakayama Univ., Nat. Sci. 29, 1-3 (1980). MSC: 30C45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Fukui} and \textit{K. Sakaguchi}, Bull. Fac. Educ., Wakayama Univ., Nat. Sci. 29, 1--3 (1980; Zbl 1255.30012)
Abraham, Douglas B. Recent results for the planar Ising model. (English) Zbl 1251.82013 Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 492-502 (1980). MSC: 82B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. B. Abraham}, in: Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. . 492--502 (1980; Zbl 1251.82013)
Karowski, Michael Field theories in \(1+1\)-dimensions with soliton behaviour: form factors and Green’s functions. (English) Zbl 1251.81064 Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 344-351 (1980). MSC: 81T05 35Q51 35Q40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Karowski}, in: Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. . 344--351 (1980; Zbl 1251.81064)
Berg, Bernd A. \(S\)-matrix theory of the massive Thirring model. (English) Zbl 1251.81090 Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 316-343 (1980). MSC: 81U20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. A. Berg}, in: Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. . 316--343 (1980; Zbl 1251.81090)
Ramis, Jean-Pierre \(k\)-summable series and its applications. (Les séries \(k\)-sommables et leurs applications.) (French) Zbl 1251.32008 Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 178-199 (1980). Reviewer: Valentina Golubeva (Moskva) (MR0579749 (82k:32033)) MSC: 32C36 14D05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-P. Ramis}, in: Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. . 178--199 (1980; Zbl 1251.32008)
Dixit, L. A. On a convolution integral equation involving the generalised Bateman function \(K^{\mu ,\nu }_{n}(x)\) as its kernel. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.45005 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 355-359 (1980). MSC: 45E10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. A. Dixit}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 355--359 (1980; Zbl 1195.45005)
Rathie, Navratna Integrals involving the \(H\)-function. II. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33148 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 331-337 (1980). MSC: 33C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. Rathie}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 331--337 (1980; Zbl 1195.33148)
Rautela, S. S. On the degree of approximation to the generating function by its ultraspherical expansion on a sphere. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33075 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 323-330 (1980). MSC: 33C55 42A10 41A25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. S. Rautela}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 323--330 (1980; Zbl 1195.33075)
Singh, Nam Prasad Double series for the \(H\)-function of two variables. I. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33165 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 319-322 (1980). MSC: 33C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. P. Singh}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 4, 319--322 (1980; Zbl 1195.33165)
Lakhani, K. B. A note on absolute Cesáro summability of Laguerre series. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.42067 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 135-139 (1980). MSC: 42C10 40G05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. B. Lakhani}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 135--139 (1980; Zbl 1195.42067)
Mathur, B. L. An expansion formula for a generalized function of \(n\) variables. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33057 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 111-115 (1980). MSC: 33C45 33C47 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. L. Mathur}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 111--115 (1980; Zbl 1195.33057)
Beohar, B. K.; Sindhi, D. S. Absolute Cesáro summability of Laguerre series. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.42064 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 105-109 (1980). MSC: 42C10 40G05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. K. Beohar} and \textit{D. S. Sindhi}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 105--109 (1980; Zbl 1195.42064)
Prasad, Y. N.; Prasad, Sankatha Fourier series for Buschman’s \(H\)-function of two variables. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.42068 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 83-92 (1980). MSC: 42C10 33C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. N. Prasad} and \textit{S. Prasad}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 83--92 (1980; Zbl 1195.42068)
Gupta, H. L. Some theorems on convolution transform involving Bateman’s functions. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.44075 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 77-81 (1980). MSC: 44A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. L. Gupta}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 2, 77--81 (1980; Zbl 1195.44075)
Singh, A. Kumar; Prasad, Y. N. Integrals with respect to parameter involving a new \(H\)-function of \(r\) complex variables. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33159 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 69-75 (1980). MSC: 33C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. K. Singh} and \textit{Y. N. Prasad}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 69--75 (1980; Zbl 1195.33159)
Chhabra, S. P.; Joshi, B. K. An integral equation with Meijer’s \(G\)-function as its kernel. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.45019 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 55-60 (1980). MSC: 45H05 33C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. P. Chhabra} and \textit{B. K. Joshi}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 55--60 (1980; Zbl 1195.45019)
Srivastava, A. N.; Singh, S. N. Generating functions for a new class of polynomials. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33046 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 43-48 (1980). MSC: 33C20 05A15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. N. Srivastava} and \textit{S. N. Singh}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 43--48 (1980; Zbl 1195.33046)
Beohar, B. K.; Mishra, K. K. On Nörlund summability of Jacobi series. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.42063 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 37-42 (1980). MSC: 42C10 40G05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. K. Beohar} and \textit{K. K. Mishra}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 37--42 (1980; Zbl 1195.42063)
Goyal, A. N.; Jain, K. C. On partial differential equations and generalised hypergeometric functions. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33035 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 25-35 (1980). MSC: 33C20 35C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. N. Goyal} and \textit{K. C. Jain}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 25--35 (1980; Zbl 1195.33035)
Singh, Ramji; Pandey, R. N. Recurrence relations for the polynomial set \(S_{n}(x,\,y)\). (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.33071 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 17-24 (1980). MSC: 33C47 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Singh} and \textit{R. N. Pandey}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 17--24 (1980; Zbl 1195.33071)
Sevaria, K. S. Some theorems on Laplace and Varma transforms. (Hindi. English summary) Zbl 1195.44017 Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 9-15 (1980). MSC: 44A10 33C60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. S. Sevaria}, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika 23, No. 1, 9--15 (1980; Zbl 1195.44017)
Barouch, E. On the Ising model in the presence of magnetic field. (English) Zbl 1194.82010 Physica D 1, No. 3, 333-337 (1980). MSC: 82B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Barouch}, Physica D 1, No. 3, 333--337 (1980; Zbl 1194.82010) Full Text: DOI
Hannay, J. H.; Berry, M. V. Quantization of linear maps on a torus-Fresnel diffraction by a periodic grating. (English) Zbl 1194.81107 Physica D 1, No. 3, 267-290 (1980). MSC: 81Q50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. H. Hannay} and \textit{M. V. Berry}, Physica D 1, No. 3, 267--290 (1980; Zbl 1194.81107) Full Text: DOI
Jimbo, Michio; Miwa, Tetsuji; Môri, Yasuko; Sato, Mikio Density matrix of an impenetrable Bose gas and the fifth Painlevé transcendent. (English) Zbl 1194.82007 Physica D 1, No. 1, 80-158 (1980). MSC: 82B10 35Q55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Jimbo} et al., Physica D 1, No. 1, 80--158 (1980; Zbl 1194.82007) Full Text: DOI
Kouvaritakis, B.; Cameron, R. Pole placement with minimised norm controllers. (English) Zbl 1189.93048 IEE Proc., Part D 127, No. 1, 32-36 (1980). MSC: 93B50 49M99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Kouvaritakis} and \textit{R. Cameron}, IEE Proc., Part D 127, No. 1, 32--36 (1980; Zbl 1189.93048)
Shieh, L. S.; Tajvari, A. Analysis and synthesis of matrix transfer functions using the new block-state equations in block-tridiagonal forms. (English) Zbl 1189.94062 IEE Proc., Part D 127, No. 1, 19-31 (1980). MSC: 94C05 65F30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. S. Shieh} and \textit{A. Tajvari}, IEE Proc., Part D 127, No. 1, 19--31 (1980; Zbl 1189.94062)
Allidina, A. Y.; Hughes, F. M. Generalised self-tuning controller with pole assignment. (English) Zbl 1189.93060 IEE Proc., Part D 127, No. 1, 13-18 (1980). MSC: 93B55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Y. Allidina} and \textit{F. M. Hughes}, IEE Proc., Part D 127, No. 1, 13--18 (1980; Zbl 1189.93060)
Yanchevskij, V. I. Reduced unitary Whitehead groups and noncommutative rational functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0789.16007 Selected papers in \(K\)-theory. Transl., Ser. 2, Am. Math. Soc. 154, 63-67 (1992); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR 24, 588-591 (1980). MSC: 16E20 16K40 16S36 18F25 16W10 PDFBibTeX XML
Bakhshiyan, B. Ts.; Nazirov, R. R.; Ehl’yasberg, P. E. Determination and correction of motion. Guaranteeing approach. (Opredelenie i korrektsiya dvizheniya. Garantiruyushchij podkhod.) (Russian) Zbl 0743.49008 Moskva: Nauka, 360 p. (1980). MSC: 49J55 90C90 49-01 90-01 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Ts. Bakhshiyan} et al., Opredelenie i korrektsiya dvizheniya. Garantiruyushchij podkhod (Russian). Moskva: Nauka (1980; Zbl 0743.49008)
Vladimirov, V. S.; Zav’yalov, B. I. Tauberian theorems in quantum field theory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1138.81525 Theor. Math. Phys. 40, No. 2, 660-677 (1980); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 40, No. 2, 155-178 (1979). MSC: 81T99 40E05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. S. Vladimirov} and \textit{B. I. Zav'yalov}, Theor. Math. Phys. 40, 660--677 (1980; Zbl 1138.81525); translation from Teor. Mat. Fiz. 40, No. 2, 155--178 (1979) Full Text: DOI
Stanley, Richard P. Decompositions of rational convex polytopes. (English) Zbl 0812.52012 Ann. Discrete Math. 6, 333-342 (1980). MSC: 52C22 05B45 52B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. P. Stanley}, Ann. Discrete Math. 6, 333--342 (1980; Zbl 0812.52012) Full Text: DOI Backlinks: MO
Berestycki, H.; Lions, P.-L. Existence of a ground state in nonlinear equations of the Klein-Gordon type. (English) Zbl 0707.35143 Variational inequalities and complementarity problems, theory and applications, Proc. int. School Math., Erice/Sicily 1978, 35-51 (1980). Reviewer: Luc Vinet (MR 81i:35137) MSC: 35Q55 35A05 35J85 PDFBibTeX XML
Perel’muter, M. A.; Semenov, Yu. A. Self-adjointness of elliptic operators with a finite or infinite number of variables. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0652.35022 Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 67-68 (1980); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 81-82 (1980). MSC: 35J10 81Q10 35R10 47F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. A. Perel'muter} and \textit{Yu. A. Semenov}, Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 67--68 (1980; Zbl 0652.35022); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 81--82 (1980) Full Text: DOI
Banichuk, N. V. Optimization of forms of elastic bodies. (Оптимизация форм упругих тел.) (Russian) Zbl 0649.73040 Moskva: Nauka. 256 p. R. 1.90 (1980). MSC: 74P99 74-02 74S30 74E10 PDFBibTeX XML
Frolov, N. N. Self-adjointness of elliptic operators with infinitely many variables. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0648.47035 Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 71-72 (1980); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 85-86 (1980). MSC: 47F05 35R15 47B25 35J99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. N. Frolov}, Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 71--72 (1980; Zbl 0648.47035); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 85--86 (1980) Full Text: DOI
Kruglyak, S. A.; Samojlenko, Yu. S. Unitary equivalence of sets of self-adjoint operators. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0648.47023 Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, No. 1, 48-50 (1980); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 60-62 (1980). MSC: 47B15 47A65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. A. Kruglyak} and \textit{Yu. S. Samojlenko}, Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 48--50 (1980; Zbl 0648.47023); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 60--62 (1980) Full Text: DOI
Rejnov, O. I. Conditionally weakly compact and \((RN)^ D\)-operators. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0648.47022 Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 69-70 (1980); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 83-84 (1980). MSC: 47B06 46E30 47B38 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. I. Rejnov}, Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 69--70 (1980; Zbl 0648.47022); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 83--84 (1980) Full Text: DOI
Ostapenko, V. A. (ed.) Differential equations and their applications. Collection of articles. (Differentsial’nye uravneniya i ikh prilozheniya. Sbornik statej). (Russian) Zbl 0647.35003 Dnepropetrovsk (USSR): Dnepropetrovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet 136 p. R. 1.35 (1980). MSC: 35-06 00Bxx PDFBibTeX XML
Vishik, M. I.; Fursikov, A. V. Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics. (Matematicheskie zadachi statisticheskoj gidromekhaniki). (Russian) Zbl 0643.35005 Moskva: “Nauka”. 440 p. R. 2.90 (1980). MSC: 35-02 35Q30 76D05 35B40 35R60 35A05 46N99 PDFBibTeX XML
Glasser, M. L.; Zucker, I. J. Lattice sums. (English) Zbl 0638.33007 Theoretical chemistry, Adv. and perspect. 5, 67-139 (1980). MSC: 33E99 11E45 11M35 33-03 33B15 33E05 82D25 92Exx PDFBibTeX XML
Kikuchi, Sadaémon Researches in commutative hypercomplex systems. (English) Zbl 0638.12010 Sci. Rep. Tôhoku Univ., VIII. Ser. 1, No. 3, 187-212 (1980). MSC: 12E15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Kikuchi}, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., VIII. Ser. 1, No. 3, 187--212 (1980; Zbl 0638.12010)