
Found 10,803 Documents (Results 1–100)

On metric projections and distance functions in Banach spaces. (English) Zbl 1437.46027

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 207-208 (1980).
MSC:  46B99
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A result of J. Bourgain: \(C(L^1)\) has the Dunford-Pettis property. (English) Zbl 1437.46047

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 143-150 (1980).
MSC:  46E40
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Realizing homomorphisms of category algebras. (English) Zbl 1437.28003

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 86-89 (1980).
MSC:  28A10 54H10
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Epireflective subcategories of convergence spaces. (English) Zbl 1437.18004

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 68-72 (1980).
MSC:  18A40 54A05 54A20
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Hausdorff measures in Minkowskian geometry. (English) Zbl 1437.28008

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 64-67 (1980).
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Some non-normal subspaces of the Čech-Stone compactification of a discrete space. (English) Zbl 1437.54005

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 35-38 (1980).
MSC:  54A25 54D35
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Approximation theoretical properties of M-ideals (Abstract). (English) Zbl 1437.46012

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 29-31 (1980).
MSC:  46B07 46E15 54D30
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Measures representable as \(p\)-dimensional Hausdorff measures. (English) Zbl 1437.28007

Frolík, Zdeněk (ed.), Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 26-28 (1980).
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Abstracta. 8th winter school on abstract analysis. Abstracts of papers presented at the winter school, WSAA 8, Moravská Bouda, Czech Republic, 1980. (English) Zbl 1416.46004

Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. 208 p. (1980).
MSC:  46-06 54-06 00B25
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Recent results for the planar Ising model. (English) Zbl 1251.82013

Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 492-502 (1980).
MSC:  82B20

Field theories in \(1+1\)-dimensions with soliton behaviour: form factors and Green’s functions. (English) Zbl 1251.81064

Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 344-351 (1980).
MSC:  81T05 35Q51 35Q40

\(S\)-matrix theory of the massive Thirring model. (English) Zbl 1251.81090

Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 316-343 (1980).
MSC:  81U20

\(k\)-summable series and its applications. (Les séries \(k\)-sommables et leurs applications.) (French) Zbl 1251.32008

Iagolnitzer, D. (ed.), Complex analysis, microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory. Proceedings of the colloquium held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique, September 1979. (ISBN 3-540-09996-4). 178-199 (1980).
MSC:  32C36 14D05

Self-adjointness of elliptic operators with a finite or infinite number of variables. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0652.35022

Funct. Anal. Appl. 14, 67-68 (1980); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 14, No. 1, 81-82 (1980).
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