
Found 36,118 Documents (Results 1–100)

A very short presentation of deformation quantization, some of its developments in the past two decades, and conjectural perspectives. (English) Zbl 1528.53086

Bordemann, Martin (ed.) et al., Special issue: Selected papers based on the presentations at the commemorative colloquium dedicated to Nikolai Neumaier, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France, June 16–18, 2011. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication. Trav. Math. 20, 205-228 (2012).
MSC:  53D55

Quantization of Whitney functions. (English) Zbl 1528.53085

Bordemann, Martin (ed.) et al., Special issue: Selected papers based on the presentations at the commemorative colloquium dedicated to Nikolai Neumaier, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France, June 16–18, 2011. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication. Trav. Math. 20, 153-165 (2012).
MSC:  53D55

An explicit formula for a star product with separation of variables. (English) Zbl 1528.53084

Bordemann, Martin (ed.) et al., Special issue: Selected papers based on the presentations at the commemorative colloquium dedicated to Nikolai Neumaier, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France, June 16–18, 2011. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication. Trav. Math. 20, 145-152 (2012).
MSC:  53D55 53B35 53D17

Polynomial separating overgroups. (English) Zbl 1528.22006

Bordemann, Martin (ed.) et al., Special issue: Selected papers based on the presentations at the commemorative colloquium dedicated to Nikolai Neumaier, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France, June 16–18, 2011. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication. Trav. Math. 20, 15-27 (2012).
MSC:  22E45 22E30

The Kalton calculus. (English) Zbl 1538.46022

Badea, Catalin (ed.) et al., Topics in functional and harmonic analysis. Based on three conferences held in Le Touquet, Metz, and Lens, France, Fall 2010. Bucharest: The Theta Foundation. Theta Ser. Adv. Math. 14, 57-68 (2012).
MSC:  46B70

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