Khudajgulyev, B. A. Elliptic equation with singular potential. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.35130 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1715-1723 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1989-1999 (2010). MSC: 35J25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. A. Khudajgulyev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1715--1723 (2010; Zbl 1240.35130); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1989--1999 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. Strengthening of the Kneser theorem on zeros of solutions of the equation \(u''+q(t)u=0\) using one functional equation. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.34183 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1705-1714 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1978-1988 (2010). MSC: 34C10 34A30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Yu. Slyusarchuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1705--1714 (2010; Zbl 1240.34183); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1978--1988 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Serdyuk, A. S. Approximation of Poisson integrals by de la Vallée-Poussin sums in uniform and integral metrics. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.41044 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1672-1686 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1941-1957 (2010). MSC: 41A30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Serdyuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1672--1686 (2010; Zbl 1240.41044); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1941--1957 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Tovkach, R. V. Approximation of some classes of periodic functions of many variables. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.41048 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1149-1152 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1339-1343 (2010). MSC: 41A30 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. V. Tovkach}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1149--1152 (2010; Zbl 1240.41048); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1339--1343 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Leonchik, E. Yu. On an estimate for the rearrangement of a function from the Muckenhoupt class \(A_1\). (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.26041 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1145-1148 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1333-1338 (2010). MSC: 26D10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Yu. Leonchik}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1145--1148 (2010; Zbl 1240.26041); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1333--1338 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Buslaev, V. I. On a criterion of rationality for a series in orthogonal polynomials. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.30005 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1139-1144 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1326-1332 (2010). MSC: 30B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. I. Buslaev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1139--1144 (2010; Zbl 1240.30005); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1326--1332 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Yanchenko, S. Ya. Approximation of the classes \(S^r_{p,\theta}B(\mathbb R^d)\) of functions of many variables by entire functions of a special form. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.41050 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1124-1138 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1307-1325 (2010). MSC: 41A30 30E10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Ya. Yanchenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1124--1138 (2010; Zbl 1240.41050); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1307--1325 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Shavarovs’kyj, B. Z. Decomposability of matrix polynomials with commuting coefficients into a product of linear factors. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.15025 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1114-1123 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1295-1306 (2010). MSC: 15A23 15A54 12E12 34A30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Z. Shavarovs'kyj}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1114--1123 (2010; Zbl 1240.15025); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1295--1306 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Trokhimchuk, Yu. Yu. Modules of continuity and analytic functions. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.30002 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1106-1113 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1285-1294 (2010). MSC: 30A05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. Yu. Trokhimchuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1106--1113 (2010; Zbl 1240.30002); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1285--1294 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Plaksa, S. A.; Shpakovskii, V. S. Constructive description of monogenic functions in a harmonic algebra of the third rank. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.31006 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1078-1091 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1251-1266 (2010). MSC: 31B05 30G35 45J05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. A. Plaksa} and \textit{V. S. Shpakovskii}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1078--1091 (2010; Zbl 1240.31006); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1251--1266 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Mazko, A. G. Localization of eigenvalues of polynomial matrices. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.15038 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1063-1077 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1234-1250 (2010). MSC: 15A42 15A22 15A54 15A39 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. G. Mazko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1063--1077 (2010; Zbl 1240.15038); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1234--1250 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Vakarchuk, S. B.; Doronin, V. G. Best mean square approximations by entire functions of finite degree on a straight line and exact values of mean widths of functional classes. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.30187 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1032-1043 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1199-1212 (2010). MSC: 30E10 41A17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. B. Vakarchuk} and \textit{V. G. Doronin}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 8, 1032--1043 (2010; Zbl 1240.30187); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 8, 1199--1212 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Nadaraya, E.; Babilua, P.; Sokhadze, G. Estimation of a distribution function by an indirect sample. (English) Zbl 1233.62078 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1642-1658 (2010) and Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 12, 1906-1924 (2010). MSC: 62G07 62G20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Nadaraya} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 12, 1642--1658 (2010; Zbl 1233.62078) Full Text: DOI Link
Bogdans’kyj, Yu. V.; Statkevych, V. M. Nonlinear equations with essentially infinite-dimensional differential operators. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.35566 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1571-1576 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1822-1827 (2010). MSC: 35R15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. V. Bogdans'kyj} and \textit{V. M. Statkevych}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1571--1576 (2010; Zbl 1240.35566); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1822--1827 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Salimov, R. R.; Sevost’yanov, E. A. Estimation of dilatations for mappings more general than quasiregular mappings. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.30103 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1531-1537 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1775-1782 (2010). MSC: 30C65 30C75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. R. Salimov} and \textit{E. A. Sevost'yanov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1531--1537 (2010; Zbl 1240.30103); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1775--1782 (2010) Full Text: DOI Link
Nekrashevich, V. V.; Olijnyk, A. S.; Sushchanskij, V. I. Metric properties of functions defined by partial automata. (Russian. English translation) Zbl 1240.18008 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1500-1510 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1741-1751 (2010). MSC: 18B20 20M35 68Q70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Nekrashevich} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1500--1510 (2010; Zbl 1240.18008); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1741--1751 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Luk’yanova, T. A.; Martynyuk, A. A. Integral inequalities and stability of an equilibrium state on a time scale. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.93267 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1490-1499 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1729-1740 (2010). MSC: 93D05 34D20 93D20 93D30 39A22 93C70 34N05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. A. Luk'yanova} and \textit{A. A. Martynyuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1490--1499 (2010; Zbl 1240.93267); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1729--1740 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Litovchenko, V. A.; Strybko, O. V. Principle of localization of solutions of the Cauchy problem for one class of degenerate parabolic equations of Kolmogorov type. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.35293 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1473-1489 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1707-1728 (2010). MSC: 35K65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. A. Litovchenko} and \textit{O. V. Strybko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1473--1489 (2010; Zbl 1240.35293); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1707--1728 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Ignat’ev, A. O. On the existence of a Lyapunov function as a quadratic form for impulsive systems of linear differential equations. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.34033 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1451-1458 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1680-1689 (2010). MSC: 34A37 34D20 93D30 34A30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. O. Ignat'ev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1451--1458 (2010; Zbl 1240.34033); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1680--1689 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Gerus, O. F. An estimate for the modulus of continuity of a quaternion singular Cauchy integral. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.30190 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1428-1435 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1657-1665 (2010). MSC: 30E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. F. Gerus}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1428--1435 (2010; Zbl 1240.30190); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1657--1665 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Chajkovs’kyj, A. V. Functions of shift operator and their applications to difference equations. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.34273 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1408-1419 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1635-1648 (2010). MSC: 34G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Chajkovs'kyj}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1408--1419 (2010; Zbl 1240.34273); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1635--1648 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Karchevs’ka, L. I. On geometric properties of functors of positive-homogeneous and semiadditive functionals. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1240.54036 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1351-1359 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1567-1576 (2010). MSC: 54B30 18B30 54C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. I. Karchevs'ka}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1351--1359 (2010; Zbl 1240.54036); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1567--1576 (2010) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ivasyshen, S. D.; Litovchenko, V. A. Cauchy problem for a class of degenerate Kolmogorov-type parabolic equations with nonpositive genus. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.35292 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1330-1350 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1543-1566 (2010). MSC: 35K65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. D. Ivasyshen} and \textit{V. A. Litovchenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1330--1350 (2010; Zbl 1240.35292); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1543--1566 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Sharko, Yu. V. Quantization of Lyapunov functions. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1240.34265 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1294-1296 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1502-1505 (2010). MSC: 34D20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. V. Sharko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1294--1296 (2010; Zbl 1240.34265); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1502--1505 (2010) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Trigub, R. M. On Fourier multipliers and absolute convergence of Fourier integrals of radial functions. (Russian, English) Zbl 1240.42030 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1280-1293 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1487-1501 (2010). MSC: 42B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. M. Trigub}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1280--1293 (2010; Zbl 1240.42030); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1487--1501 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Mozel’, V. A. Banach algebra generated by a finite number of Bergman polykernel operators, continuous coefficients, and a finite group of shifts. (Russian, English) Zbl 1223.47033 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1247-1255 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1449-1459 (2010). MSC: 47B38 47A53 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. A. Mozel'}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1247--1255 (2010; Zbl 1223.47033); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1449--1459 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Chu, W.; Zhang, W. Well-posed reduction formulas for the \(q\)-Kampé-de-Fériet function. (English) Zbl 1240.33005 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1538-1554 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 11, 1783-1802 (2010). MSC: 33C20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{W. Chu} and \textit{W. Zhang}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 11, 1538--1554 (2010; Zbl 1240.33005) Full Text: DOI
Thao, N. X.; Virchenko, N. O. On the polyconvolution for the Fourier cosine, Fourier sine, and Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transforms. (English) Zbl 1240.33012 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1388-1399 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1611-1624 (2010). MSC: 33C47 44A15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. X. Thao} and \textit{N. O. Virchenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1388--1399 (2010; Zbl 1240.33012) Full Text: DOI
Şahin, T.; Yilmaz, M. On singularities of the Galilean spherical Darboux ruled surface of a space curve in \(G_3\). (English) Zbl 1235.58028 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1377-1387 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1597-1610 (2010). MSC: 58K05 53A55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Şahin} and \textit{M. Yilmaz}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1377--1387 (2010; Zbl 1235.58028) Full Text: DOI
Maksymenko, S. I. Deformations of circle-valued Morse functions on surfaces. (English) Zbl 1240.37057 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1360-1366 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1577-1584 (2010). MSC: 37E30 58B05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Maksymenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1360--1366 (2010; Zbl 1240.37057) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Buldygin, V. V.; Klesov, O. I.; Steinebach, J. G. On the convergence to infinity of positive increasing functions. (English) Zbl 1240.26002 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1299-1308 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 10, 1507-1518 (2010). MSC: 26A12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Buldygin} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 10, 1299--1308 (2010; Zbl 1240.26002) Full Text: DOI
Kachanovsky, N. A. Elements of a non-Gaussian analysis on spaces of functions of infinitely many variables. (English) Zbl 1240.60141 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1220-1246 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1420-1448 (2010). MSC: 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. A. Kachanovsky}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1220--1246 (2010; Zbl 1240.60141) Full Text: DOI
Amirov, R. Kh.; Topsakal, N.; Güldü, Y. On impulsive Sturm-Liouville operators with Coulomb potential and spectral parameter linearly contained in boundary conditions. (English) Zbl 1240.34146 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1155-1172 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 9, 1345-1366 (2010). MSC: 34B24 34A55 34L20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. Kh. Amirov} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 9, 1155--1172 (2010; Zbl 1240.34146) Full Text: DOI
Serdyuk, A. S.; Sokolenko, I. V. Linear approximation methods and the best approximations of the Poisson integrals of functions from the classes \(H_{\omega_p}\) in the metrics of the spaces \(L_p\). (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.41027 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 979-996 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1139-1157 (2010). MSC: 41A10 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Serdyuk} and \textit{I. V. Sokolenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 979--996 (2010; Zbl 1224.41027); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1139--1157 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Rukasov, V. I.; Chaichenko, S. O. Approximation by de la Vallée-Poussin operators on the classes of functions locally summable on the real axis. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.42006 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 968-978 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1126-1138 (2010). MSC: 42A10 41A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. I. Rukasov} and \textit{S. O. Chaichenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 968--978 (2010; Zbl 1224.42006); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1126--1138 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Boldovskaya, O. M. Removability of an isolated singularity of solutions of the Neumann problem for quasilinear parabolic equations with absorption that admit double degeneration. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.35224 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 894-912 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1040-1060 (2010). MSC: 35K65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. M. Boldovskaya}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 894--912 (2010; Zbl 1224.35224); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1040--1060 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Bodnar, O. V.; Zabolots’kyj, M. V. Criteria for the regularity of growth of the logarithm of modulus and the argument of an entire function. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.30132 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 885-893 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1028-1039 (2010). MSC: 30D15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. V. Bodnar} and \textit{M. V. Zabolots'kyj}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 885--893 (2010; Zbl 1224.30132); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1028--1039 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. Conditions for the existence of bounded solutions of nonlinear differential and functional differential equations. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1221.47106 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 837-846 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 970-981 (2010). MSC: 47J05 34K05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Yu. Slyusarchuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 837--846 (2010; Zbl 1221.47106); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 970--981 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Motornyj, V. P.; Goncharov, S. V.; Nitiema, P. K. On the mean convergence of Fourier-Jacobi series. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.42080 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 814-828 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 943-960 (2010). MSC: 42C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. P. Motornyj} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 814--828 (2010; Zbl 1224.42080); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 943--960 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Mirzoev, S. S.; Veliev, S. G. On solutions of one class of second-order operator differential equations in the class of holomorphic vector functions. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.34190 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 801-813 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 928-942 (2010). MSC: 34G10 47E05 34L10 34B15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. S. Mirzoev} and \textit{S. G. Veliev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 801--813 (2010; Zbl 1224.34190); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 928--942 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Bondarev, B. V.; Kozyr’, S. M. Mixing “In the sense of Ibragimov.” Estimate for the rate of approach of a family of integral functionals of a solution of a differential equation with periodic coefficients to a family of Wiener processes. Some applications. I. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.60128 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 733-753 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 847-871 (2010). MSC: 60H10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. V. Bondarev} and \textit{S. M. Kozyr'}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 733--753 (2010; Zbl 1224.60128); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 847--871 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Pagirya, M. M.; Katsala, R. A. Properties of reciprocal derivatives. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.26018 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 708-713 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 816-823 (2010). MSC: 26A24 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. M. Pagirya} and \textit{R. A. Katsala}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 708--713 (2010; Zbl 1224.26018); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 816--823 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Korolev, A. V. On the ergodic theorem in the Kozlov-Treshchev form for an operator semigroup. (Russian, English) Zbl 1221.47022 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 702-707 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 809-815 (2010). MSC: 47A35 47D06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Korolev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 702--707 (2010; Zbl 1221.47022); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 809--815 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Smolovaya, E. S. Boundary behaviour of ring \(Q\)-homeomorphisms in metric spaces. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.53071 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 682-689 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 785-793 (2010). MSC: 53C20 20F65 30C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. S. Smolovaya}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 682--689 (2010; Zbl 1224.53071); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 785--793 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Savchuk, V. V.; Savchuk, M. V. Summation of \(p\)-Faber series by the Abel-Poisson method in the integral metric. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.30177 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 660-673 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 758-773 (2010). MSC: 30E10 41A58 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Savchuk} and \textit{M. V. Savchuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 660--673 (2010; Zbl 1224.30177); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 758--773 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Romanyuk, A. S.; Romanyuk, V. S. Asymptotic estimates for the best trigonometric and bilinear approximations of classes of functions of several variables. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.42005 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 536-551 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 612-629 (2010). MSC: 42A10 42B05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Romanyuk} and \textit{V. S. Romanyuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 536--551 (2010; Zbl 1224.42005); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 612--629 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Korenovskij, A. A.; Fomichev, V. V. Self-improvement of summability factors of functions satisfying the reverse Hölder inequality in limit cases. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.26073 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 483-493 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 552-563 (2010). MSC: 26D15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Korenovskij} and \textit{V. V. Fomichev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 483--493 (2010; Zbl 1224.26073); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 552--563 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Vorob’ev, N. N.; Tsarev, A. A. On the modularity of the lattice of \(\tau\)-closed \(n\)-multiply \(\omega\)-composite formations. (Russian, English) Zbl 1209.20014 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 453-463 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 518-529 (2010). MSC: 20D10 06B15 20F17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. N. Vorob'ev} and \textit{A. A. Tsarev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 453--463 (2010; Zbl 1209.20014); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 518--529 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Subbotin, Yu. N.; Telyakovskij, S. A. On relative widths of classes of differentiable functions. II. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.41090 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 423-431 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 483-493 (2010). MSC: 41A46 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. N. Subbotin} and \textit{S. A. Telyakovskij}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 423--431 (2010; Zbl 1224.41090); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 483--493 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Krotov, V. G. Quantitative form of the Luzin \(C\)-property. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.26011 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 387-395 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 441-451 (2010). MSC: 26A15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. G. Krotov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 387--395 (2010; Zbl 1224.26011); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 441--451 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Buslaev, V. I. On Hankel determinants of functions given by their expansions in \(P\)-fractions. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.30012 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 315-326 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 358-372 (2010). MSC: 30B70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. I. Buslaev}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 315--326 (2010; Zbl 1224.30012); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 358--372 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Arestov, V. V. Algebraic polynomials least deviating from zero in measure on a segment. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.41013 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 291-300 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 331-342 (2010). MSC: 41A10 42A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Arestov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 291--300 (2010; Zbl 1224.41013); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 331--342 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Lopotko, O. V. Integral representation of even positive-definite functions of one variable. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.26001 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 281-284 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 320-324 (2010). MSC: 26A06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. V. Lopotko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 281--284 (2010; Zbl 1224.26001); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 320--324 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Velichko, I. G.; Stegantseva, P. G. Example of a function of two variables that cannot be an \(R\)-function. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.26050 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 270-274 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 308-313 (2010). MSC: 26B35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. G. Velichko} and \textit{P. G. Stegantseva}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 270--274 (2010; Zbl 1224.26050); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 308--313 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Sukhorol’s’kyj, M. A. Expansion of functions in a system of polynomials biorthogonal on a closed contour with a system of functions regular at infinitely remote point. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.41099 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 238-254 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 268-288 (2010). MSC: 41A58 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. A. Sukhorol's'kyj}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 238--254 (2010; Zbl 1224.41099); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 268--288 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Sevost’yanov, E. A. On the sets of branch points of mappings more general than quasiregular. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.30116 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 215-230 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 241-258 (2010). MSC: 30C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. A. Sevost'yanov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 215--230 (2010; Zbl 1224.30116); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 241--258 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Babenko, V. F.; Parfinovich, N. V. On the order of relative approximation of classes of differentiable periodic functions by splines. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.41035 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 147-157 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 163-174 (2010). MSC: 41A15 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. F. Babenko} and \textit{N. V. Parfinovich}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 147--157 (2010; Zbl 1224.41035); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 163--174 (2010)
Yanchenko, S. Ya. Approximations of classes \(B_{p,\theta}^{\Omega}\) of functions of many variables by entire functions in the space \(L_q(\mathbb R^d)\). (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.30178 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 123-135 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 136-150 (2010). MSC: 30E10 41A50 30D15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Ya. Yanchenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 123--135 (2010; Zbl 1224.30178); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 136--150 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Stasyuk, S. A. Best \(m\)-term trigonometric approximation for the classes \(B_{p,\theta}^r\) of functions of low smoothness. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.42007 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 104-111 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 114-122 (2010). MSC: 42A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. A. Stasyuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 104--111 (2010; Zbl 1224.42007); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 114--122 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Konarovs’kyj, V. V. System of sticking diffusion particles of variable mass. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.70008 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 90-103 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 97-113 (2010). MSC: 70F45 60J60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Konarovs'kyj}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 90--103 (2010; Zbl 1224.70008); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 97--113 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Borzdyko, V. I. Periodic solutions of predator-prey systems with continuous delay and periodic coefficients. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.34268 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 15-28 (2010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 15-30 (2010). MSC: 34K60 34K13 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. I. Borzdyko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 1, 15--28 (2010; Zbl 1224.34268); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 1, 15--30 (2010) Full Text: DOI
Maksymenko, S. I. Period functions for \({\mathcal{C}^0}\)- and \({\mathcal{C}^1}\)-flows. (English) Zbl 1224.37013 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 954-967 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1109-1125 (2010). MSC: 37C55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Maksymenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 954--967 (2010; Zbl 1224.37013) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Gonska, H.; Pǎltǎnea, R. Quantitative convergence theorems for a class of Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators preserving linear functions. (English) Zbl 1224.42079 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 913-922 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 7, 1061-1072 (2010). MSC: 42C10 41A36 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Gonska} and \textit{R. Pǎltǎnea}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 7, 913--922 (2010; Zbl 1224.42079) Full Text: DOI
Gilewicz, J.; Pindor, M. General algorithm of computation of \(c\)-table and detection of valleys. (English) Zbl 1224.65032 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 762-772 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 6, 882-893 (2010). MSC: 65D15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Gilewicz} and \textit{M. Pindor}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 6, 762--772 (2010; Zbl 1224.65032) Full Text: DOI
Tunç, E. On the convergence of solutions of certain inhomogeneous fourth-order differential equations. (English) Zbl 1224.34156 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 714-721 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 824-833 (2010). MSC: 34D05 34D20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Tunç}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 714--721 (2010; Zbl 1224.34156) Full Text: DOI Link
Maksymenko, S. I. Kernel of a map of a shift along the orbits of continuous flows. (English) Zbl 1224.37012 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 651-659 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 5, 748-757 (2010). MSC: 37C55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. I. Maksymenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 5, 651--659 (2010; Zbl 1224.37012) Full Text: DOI Link
Nadaraya, E.; Babilua, P.; Sokhadze, G. On a measure of integral square deviation with generalized weight for the Rosenblatt-Parzen probability density estimator. (English) Zbl 1223.62034 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 514-535 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 4, 588-611 (2010). MSC: 62G07 62E20 62G10 62G20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. Nadaraya} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 4, 514--535 (2010; Zbl 1223.62034) Full Text: DOI
Maiorov, V. E. Best approximation by ridge functions in \(L_p\)-spaces. (English) Zbl 1224.41093 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 396-408 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 452-466 (2010). MSC: 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. E. Maiorov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 396--408 (2010; Zbl 1224.41093) Full Text: DOI
Kopotun, K.; Leviatan, D.; Shevchuk, I. A. Are the degrees of the best (co)convex and unconstrained polynomial approximations the same? II. (English) Zbl 1224.41019 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 369-386 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 420-440 (2010). MSC: 41A10 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{K. Kopotun} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 369--386 (2010; Zbl 1224.41019) Full Text: DOI Link
Gilewicz, J.; Pindor, M. On the relation between measures defining the Stieltjes and the inverted Stieltjes functions. (English) Zbl 1224.26039 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 327-331 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 373-379 (2010). MSC: 26A99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Gilewicz} and \textit{M. Pindor}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 327--331 (2010; Zbl 1224.26039) Full Text: DOI Link
Babenko, V. F.; Parfinovych, N. V.; Pichugov, S. A. Sharp Kolmogorov-type inequalities for norms of fractional derivatives of multivariate functions. (English) Zbl 1224.41041 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 301-314 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 3, 343-357 (2010). MSC: 41A17 26D10 26A33 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. F. Babenko} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 3, 301--314 (2010; Zbl 1224.41041) Full Text: DOI Link
Singh, B. M.; Rokne, J.; Dhaliwal, R. S. On closed-form solutions of triple series equations involving Laguerre polynomials. (English) Zbl 1224.33007 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 231-237 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 259-267 (2010). MSC: 33C45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. M. Singh} et al., Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 231--237 (2010; Zbl 1224.33007) Full Text: DOI
Goginava, U.; Nagy, K. On the maximal operator of \((C,\alpha)\)-means of Walsh-Kaczmarz-Fourier series. (English) Zbl 1224.42077 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 158-166 (2010) and in Ukr. Math. J. 62, No. 2, 175-185 (2010). MSC: 42C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{U. Goginava} and \textit{K. Nagy}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 62, No. 2, 158--166 (2010; Zbl 1224.42077) Full Text: DOI
Vyazovs’ka, M. S. Estimation of the norm of the derivative of a monotone rational function in the spaces \(L_p\). (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.26019 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 12, 1713-1719 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 12, 2008-2015 (2009). MSC: 26A24 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. S. Vyazovs'ka}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 12, 1713--1719 (2009; Zbl 1224.26019); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 12, 2008--2015 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Zhyhallo, T. V.; Kharkevych, Yu. I. Approximation of functions from the class \(C^{\psi}_{\beta,\infty}\) by Poisson integrals in the uniform metric. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.41048 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 12, 1612-1629 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 12, 1893-1914 (2009). MSC: 41A20 41A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. V. Zhyhallo} and \textit{Yu. I. Kharkevych}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 12, 1612--1629 (2009; Zbl 1224.41048); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 12, 1893--1914 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Grishchuk, S. V.; Plaksa, S. A. Monogenic functions in a biharmonic algebra. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.46098 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 12, 1587-1596 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 12, 1865-1876 (2009). MSC: 46J05 30H05 46N20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. V. Grishchuk} and \textit{S. A. Plaksa}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 12, 1587--1596 (2009; Zbl 1224.46098); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 12, 1865--1876 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Feller, M. N. Boundary-value problems for the wave equation with Lévy Laplacian in the Gâteaux class. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.35242 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1564-1574 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1839-1852 (2009). MSC: 35L05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. N. Feller}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1564--1574 (2009; Zbl 1224.35242); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1839--1852 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Slyusarchuk, V. Yu. Method of local linear approximation in the theory of bounded solutions of nonlinear differential equations. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.34105 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1541-1556 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1809-1829 (2009). MSC: 34C11 34A34 34C20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Yu. Slyusarchuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1541--1556 (2009; Zbl 1224.34105); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1809--1829 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Zhygallo, T. V.; Kharkevych, Yu. I. Approximation of \((\psi,\beta)\)-differentiable functions by Poisson integrals in the uniform metric. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.41076 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1497-1515 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1757-1779 (2009). MSC: 41A35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. V. Zhygallo} and \textit{Yu. I. Kharkevych}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1497--1515 (2009; Zbl 1224.41076); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1757--1779 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Vojtenko, S. P. Best orthogonal trigonometric approximations of the classes \(B^{\Omega}_{p,\theta}\) of periodic functions of many variables. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.42010 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1473-1484 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1728-1742 (2009). MSC: 42A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. P. Vojtenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1473--1484 (2009; Zbl 1224.42010); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1728--1742 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Babenko, V. F.; Parfinovich, N. V. Nonsymmetric approximations of classes of periodic functions by splines of defect 2 and Jackson-type inequalities. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.41034 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1443-1454 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1695-1709 (2009). MSC: 41A15 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. F. Babenko} and \textit{N. V. Parfinovich}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 11, 1443--1454 (2009; Zbl 1224.41034); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 11, 1695--1709 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Shydlich, A. L. Order equalities for some functionals and their application to the estimation of the best \(n\)-term approximations and widths. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.41088 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1403-1423 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1649-1671 (2009). MSC: 41A46 41A50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. L. Shydlich}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1403--1423 (2009; Zbl 1224.41088); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1649--1671 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Sevost’yanov, E. A. On the integral characterization of some generalized quasiregular mappings and the significance of the conditions of divergence of integrals in the geometric theory of functions. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.30115 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1367-1380 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1610-1623 (2009). MSC: 30C65 30C75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. A. Sevost'yanov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1367--1380 (2009; Zbl 1224.30115); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1610--1623 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Romanyuk, A. S.; Romanyuk, V. S. Trigonometric and orthoprojection widths of classes of periodic functions of many variables. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.41086 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1348-1366 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1589-1609 (2009). MSC: 41A45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Romanyuk} and \textit{V. S. Romanyuk}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1348--1366 (2009; Zbl 1224.41086); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1589--1609 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Lomako, T. V. On extension of some generalizations of quasiconformal mappings to a boundary. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.30110 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1329-1337 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1568-1577 (2009). MSC: 30C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. V. Lomako}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1329--1337 (2009; Zbl 1224.30110); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1568--1577 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Babenko, V. F.; Bilichenko, R. O. Refinement of a Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya-type inequality for powers of self-adjoint operators in a Hilbert space. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.26068 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1299-1305 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1533-1540 (2009). MSC: 26D15 46E35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. F. Babenko} and \textit{R. O. Bilichenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 10, 1299--1305 (2009; Zbl 1224.26068); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 10, 1533--1540 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Khachatryan, A. Kh.; Khachatryan, Kh. A. On some systems of convolution-type first-order integro-differential equations on the semiaxis. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.45012 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1277-1292 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1511-1528 (2009). MSC: 45J05 45F15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Kh. Khachatryan} and \textit{Kh. A. Khachatryan}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1277--1292 (2009; Zbl 1224.45012); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1511--1528 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Timan, M. F.; Khasanov, Yu. On the absolute summability of Fourier series of almost-periodic Besicovitch functions. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.42021 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1267-1276 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1499-1510 (2009). MSC: 42A75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. F. Timan} and \textit{Yu. Khasanov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1267--1276 (2009; Zbl 1224.42021); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1499--1510 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Podlevs’kyj, B. M. Variational approach to the solution of linear multiparameter eigenvalue problems. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1221.47034 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1247-1256 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1475-1486 (2009). MSC: 47A75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. M. Podlevs'kyj}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1247--1256 (2009; Zbl 1221.47034); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1475--1486 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Panasenko, O. B. Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension of the graph of one continuous nowhere-differentiable function. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.11068 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1225-1239 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1448-1466 (2009). MSC: 11K55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. B. Panasenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1225--1239 (2009; Zbl 1224.11068); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1448--1466 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Kartashov, Yu. N.; Kulik, A. M. Convergence of difference additive functionals under local conditions on their characteristics. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.60184 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1208-1224 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1428-1447 (2009). MSC: 60J25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. N. Kartashov} and \textit{A. M. Kulik}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1208--1224 (2009; Zbl 1224.60184); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1428--1447 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Ivanov, I. L.; Slyn’ko, B. I. Conditions for the stability of an impulsive linear equation with pure delay. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.34242 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1200-1207 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1417-1427 (2009). MSC: 34K20 34K06 34K45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. L. Ivanov} and \textit{B. I. Slyn'ko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1200--1207 (2009; Zbl 1224.34242); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1417--1427 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Vojtenko, S. P. Best \(M\)-term trigonometric approximations of the classes \(B_{p,\theta}^{\Omega}\) of periodic functions of many variables. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.42009 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1189-1199 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1404-1416 (2009). MSC: 42A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. P. Vojtenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1189--1199 (2009; Zbl 1224.42009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1404--1416 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Ayupov, Sh. A.; Zaitov, A. A. Functor of weakly additive \(\tau\)-smooth functionals and mappings. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.46055 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1167-1173 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1380-1386 (2009). MSC: 46E27 18B99 46M15 54C99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Sh. A. Ayupov} and \textit{A. A. Zaitov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 9, 1167--1173 (2009; Zbl 1224.46055); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 9, 1380--1386 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Arsirij, A. V.; Plotnikov, A. V. Systems of control over set-valued trajectories with terminal quality criterion. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.49021 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 8, 1142-1147 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 8, 1349-1356 (2009). MSC: 49J53 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Arsirij} and \textit{A. V. Plotnikov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 8, 1142--1147 (2009; Zbl 1224.49021); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 8, 1349--1356 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Ivasyshen, S. D.; Litovchenko, V. A. Cauchy problem for one class of degenerate parabolic equations of Kolmogorov type with positive genus. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.35227 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 8, 1066-1087 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 8, 1264-1288 (2009). MSC: 35K65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. D. Ivasyshen} and \textit{V. A. Litovchenko}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 8, 1066--1087 (2009; Zbl 1224.35227); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 8, 1264--1288 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Adamov, A. N. Inequality of the Turán type for trigonometric polynomials and conjugate trigonometric polynomials in \(L_0\). (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.42001 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 986-994 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1169-1179 (2009). MSC: 42A05 46E22 11K38 33C45 42A10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. N. Adamov}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 986--994 (2009; Zbl 1224.42001); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1169--1179 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Selezn’ova, N. V. Mathematical modelling of nilpotent subsemigroups of semigroups of contracting transformations of a Boolean. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1209.20064 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 976-985 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1158-1168 (2009). MSC: 20M20 05A15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. V. Selezn'ova}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 976--985 (2009; Zbl 1209.20064); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1158--1168 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Il’inskaya, I. P. Arithmetic of semigroups of series in multiplicative systems. (Russian, English) Zbl 1224.60018 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 939-947 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1113-1122 (2009). MSC: 60E05 33C45 20M20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. P. Il'inskaya}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 939--947 (2009; Zbl 1224.60018); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1113--1122 (2009) Full Text: DOI
Gentosh, O. E. Lax-integrable Laberge-Mathieu hierarchy of supersymmetric nonlinear dynamical systems and its finite-dimensional reduction of Neumann type. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1224.37034 Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 906-921 (2009); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1075-1092 (2009). MSC: 37K10 37K30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. E. Gentosh}, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 61, No. 7, 906--921 (2009; Zbl 1224.37034); translation in Ukr. Math. J. 61, No. 7, 1075--1092 (2009) Full Text: DOI