
Found 133 Documents (Results 1–100)

Explicit formulas for enumeration of lattice paths: basketball and the kernel method. (English) Zbl 1422.05007

Andrews, George E. (ed.) et al., Lattice path combinatorics and applications. Based on the 8th international conference on lattice path combinatorics and applications, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona), CA, USA, August 17–20, 2015. Cham: Springer. Dev. Math. 58, 78-118 (2019).

Counting environments and closures. (English) Zbl 1462.68020

Kirchner, Hélène (ed.), 3rd international conference on formal structures for computation and deduction, FSCD 2018, July 9–12, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom. Proceedings. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik. LIPIcs – Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 108, Article 11, 16 p. (2018).
MSC:  68N18 03B40 68R05
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Refined holonomic summation algorithms in particle physics. (English) Zbl 1457.40001

Schneider, Carsten (ed.) et al., Advances in computer algebra. In honour of Sergei Abramov’s 70th birthday, WWCA 2016, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 23–24, 2016. Selected papers based on the presentations at the workshop. Cham: Springer. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 226, 51-91 (2018).
MSC:  40A25 65B99 68W30

The holonomic toolkit. (English) Zbl 1308.81101

Schneider, Carsten (ed.) et al., Computer algebra in quantum field theory. Integration, summation and special functions. Wien: Springer (ISBN 978-3-7091-1615-9/hbk; 978-1-4614-8523-0/ebook). Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, 119-144 (2013).
MSC:  81Q70 53C29
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Computer-assisted proofs of some identities for Bessel functions of fractional order. (English) Zbl 1311.33003

Schneider, Carsten (ed.) et al., Computer algebra in quantum field theory. Integration, summation and special functions. Wien: Springer (ISBN 978-3-7091-1615-9/hbk; 978-1-4614-8523-0/ebook). Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, 75-96 (2013).
MSC:  33C10 33E10

Symbolic analysis for boundary problems: from rewriting to parametrized Gröbner bases. (English) Zbl 1250.65104

Langer, Ulrich (ed.) et al., Numerical and symbolic scientific computing. Progress and prospects. New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 978-3-7091-0793-5/pbk; 978-3-7091-0794-2/ebook). Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, 273-331 (2012).

The dynamic dictionary of mathematical functions (DDMF). (English) Zbl 1295.65022

Fukuda, Komei (ed.) et al., Mathematical software – ICMS 2010. Third international congress on mathematical software, Kobe, Japan, September 13–17, 2010. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-15581-9/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6327, 35-41 (2010).
MSC:  65D20 68U35 68W30

Two dimensional directed lattice walks with boundaries. (English) Zbl 1160.05002

Amdeberhan, Tewodros (ed.) et al., Tapas in experimental mathematics. AMS special session on experimental mathematics, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 5, 2007. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-0-8218-4317-8/pbk). Contemporary Mathematics 457, 1-19 (2008).

Extended rate, more GFUN. (English) Zbl 1189.65040

Fourth colloquium on mathematics and computer science IV. Algorithms, trees, combinatorics and probabilities. Papers based on the presentations at the colloquium, Nancy, France, September 18–22, 2006. Nancy: The Association. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS). Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. Proceedings, 431-434, electronic only (2006).
MSC:  65D20 68W30 65Y15

CoG-PETS: code generation for parameter estimation in time series. (English) Zbl 1344.65017

Kotsireas, Ilias S. (ed.), Maple conference 2005. Proceedings of the conference, Waterloo Ontario, Canada, July 17–21, 2005. With the assistance of Ian J. Sinclair, James Duketow, Robert M. Kalbfleisch. Waterloo: Maplesoft (ISBN 1-894511-85-9/pbk). 198-212 (2005).
MSC:  65C60 94A08 94A12

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