
Found 16 Documents (Results 1–16)

Federigo Enriques and the “new epistemology”. 2nd edition. (Federigo Enriques e la “nuova epistemologia”.) (Italian, French, Spanish) Zbl 1454.01001

Pensée des Sciences (Lecce). Lecce: Pensa Multimedia (ISBN 978-88-6760-637-5). 298 p. (2019).

Segre, Castelnuovo, Enriques: missing links. (English) Zbl 1402.14002

Casnati, Gianfranco (ed.) et al., From classical to modern algebraic geometry. Corrado Segre’s mastership and legacy. Basel: Birkhäuser/Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-32992-5/hbk; 978-3-319-32994-9/ebook). Trends in the History of Science, 289-323 (2016).
Full Text: DOI

Federigo Enriques (1871–1946) and the training of mathematics teachers in Italy. (English) Zbl 1256.01022

Coen, Salvatore (ed.), Mathematicians in Bologna 1861–1960. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-3-0348-0226-0/hbk; 978-3-0348-0227-7/ebook). 209-275 (2012).
Full Text: DOI Link

Enriques and Severi: mathematicians in comparison within the culture of the 20th century. Proceedings of the meeting, Livorno, Italy, October 24–25, 2002. (Enriques e Severi: matematici a confronto nella cultura del Novecento. Atti dell convegno, Livorno, Italy, 24–25 ottobre 2002.) (Italian) Zbl 1316.14004

Pubblicazioni del Centro Studi Enriques 4. Sarzana: Agorà (ISBN 88-87218-77-3). 221 p. (2004).
MSC:  14-03 01A60 00B25

Concealed harmonies. Letters of Federigo Enriques to Guido Castelnuovo. (Riposte armonie. Lettere di Federigo Enriques a Guido Castelnuovo.) (Italian) Zbl 0861.01020

Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. xxxv, 722 p. (1996).
MSC:  01A55 01A60 01A70

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