Fré, Pietro Giuseppe A conceptual history of space and symmetry. From Plato to the superworld. (English) Zbl 1410.01002 Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-98022-5/hbk; 978-3-319-98023-2/ebook). xvi, 319 p. (2018). Reviewer: Robert W. van der Waall (Amsterdam) MSC: 01-02 00A79 01A05 53-03 81-03 83-03 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. G. Fré}, A conceptual history of space and symmetry. From Plato to the superworld. Cham: Springer (2018; Zbl 1410.01002) Full Text: DOI
Cremona, Luigi Israel, Giorgio (ed.); Bečvářová, Martina (ed.); Brigaglia, Aldo (ed.); Dell’Aglio, Luca (ed.); Di Sieno, Simonetta (ed.); Gario, Paola (ed.); Giacardi, Livia (ed.); Guerraggio, Angelo (ed.); Knobloch, Eberhard (ed.); Menghini, Marta (ed.); Millán Gasca, Ana (ed.); Monaldi, Mara (ed.); Nastasi, Pietro (ed.); Nicolaidis, Efthymios (ed.); Regoliosi, Luigi (ed.); Reich, Karin (ed.); Rogora, Enrico (ed.); Saraiva, Luis (ed.); Testi Saltini, Paola (ed.); Umani, Claudia (ed.) Correspondence of Luigi Cremona (1830–1903). Conserved in the Department of Mathematics, “Sapienza”, University of Rome. Edited by Giorgio Israel. In 2 volumes. (French, English, German) Zbl 1384.01003 De Diversis Artibus 97. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers (ISBN 978-2-503-55451-8/v.1; 978-2-503-55452-5/v.2; 978-2-503-55453-2/set; 978-2-503-56498-2/ebook). 1828 p. (2017). Reviewer: Paolo Bussotti (Udine) MSC: 01-02 01A55 01A70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Cremona} et al., Correspondence of Luigi Cremona (1830--1903). Conserved in the Department of Mathematics, ``Sapienza'', University of Rome. Edited by Giorgio Israel. In 2 volumes. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers (2017; Zbl 1384.01003)
Randriambololondrantomalala, P. (ed.) A meeting of great minds: Sophus Lie and John Nash throughout their works – Special issue “Recent advances of Lie theory in differential geometry, in memory of John Nash”. (English) Zbl 1354.00079 J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 10, No. S2, Article ID e001, 1p. (2016). MSC: 00B15 17-06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. Randriambololondrantomalala} (ed.), J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 10, No. S2, Article ID e001, 1p. (2016; Zbl 1354.00079) Full Text: Euclid
Ji, Lizhen (ed.); Papadopoulos, Athanase (ed.) Sophus Lie and Felix Klein: the Erlangen Program and its impact in mathematics and physics. (English) Zbl 1354.01005 IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics 23. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS) (ISBN 978-3-03719-148-4/hbk). xviii, 330 p. (2015). Reviewer: David Rowe (Mainz) MSC: 01-06 01A55 00B25 22-03 51-03 53-03 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Ji} (ed.) and \textit{A. Papadopoulos} (ed.), Sophus Lie and Felix Klein: the Erlangen Program and its impact in mathematics and physics. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS) (2015; Zbl 1354.01005) Full Text: DOI
Morimoto, Tohru (ed.); Sato, Hajime (ed.); Yamaguchi, Keizo (ed.) Lie groups, geometric structures and differential equations—one hundred years after Sophus Lie. Based on the international conference on the occasion of the centennial after the death of Sophus Lie (1842–1899), Kyoto and Nara, Japan, December 1999. (English) Zbl 1011.00031 Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 37. Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan. 493 p. (2002). MSC: 00B25 53-06 22-06 37-06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Morimoto} (ed.) et al., Lie groups, geometric structures and differential equations---one hundred years after Sophus Lie. Based on the international conference on the occasion of the centennial after the death of Sophus Lie (1842--1899), Kyoto and Nara, Japan, December 1999. Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan (2002; Zbl 1011.00031)
Stubhaug, Arild The mathematician Sophus Lie. It was the audacity of my thinking. Transl. from the Norwegian by Richard H. Daly. (English) Zbl 0998.01024 Berlin: Springer. xi, 555 p. (2002). Reviewer: Bernd Fritzsche (Küssnacht am Rigi) MSC: 01A70 01A55 01-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Stubhaug}, The mathematician Sophus Lie. It was the audacity of my thinking. Transl. from the Norwegian by Richard H. Daly. Berlin: Springer (2002; Zbl 0998.01024)
Hawkins, Thomas Lie groups and geometry: The Italian connection. (English) Zbl 0840.01018 Brigaglia, A. (ed.) et al., Algebra e geometria (1860-1940): il contributo italiano, Cortona, Italy, 4-8 May 1992. Palermo: Sede della Società, Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser. 36, 185-206 (1994). Reviewer: B.M.Schein (Fayetteville) MSC: 01A55 22-03 14-03 01A60 51-03 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. Hawkins}, in: Algebra e geometria (1860-1940): il contributo italiano, Cortona, Italy, 4-8 may 1992. Palermo: Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 185--206 (1994; Zbl 0840.01018)
Yaglom, I. M. Felix Klein and Sophus Lie. Evolution of the idea of symmetry in the nineteenth century. Transl. from the Russian by Sergei Sossinsky. Ed. by Hardy Grant and Abe Shenitzer. (English) Zbl 0627.01010 Boston-Basel: Birkhäuser. IX, 237 p.; DM 82.00 (1988). Reviewer: R.Cooke MSC: 01A55 01-02 22-03 14-03 20-03 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. M. Yaglom}, Felix Klein and Sophus Lie. Evolution of the idea of symmetry in the nineteenth century. Transl. from the Russian by Sergei Sossinsky. Ed. by Hardy Grant and Abe Shenitzer. Boston, MA etc.: Birkhäuser Verlag (1988; Zbl 0627.01010)
Polishchuk, E. M. Sophus Lie. 1842-1899. (Sofus Li. 1842-1899). (Russian) Zbl 0536.01029 Seriya ”Nauchnye Biografii”. Leningrad: “Nauka” Leningradskoe Otdelenie. 216 p. R. 0.60 (1983). Reviewer: R.L.Cooke MSC: 01A70 01A55 01-02 PDFBibTeX XML