Sachkov, Yuri L. Curvature and isometries of the Lorentzian Lobachevsky plane. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07891394 Russ. Math. Surv. 79, No. 1, 185-186 (2024); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 79, No. 1, 185-186 (2024). Reviewer: Thilo Kuessner (Eichstätt) MSC: 53C50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. L. Sachkov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 79, No. 1, 185--186 (2024; Zbl 07891394); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 79, No. 1, 185--186 (2024) Full Text: DOI MNR
Skripchenko, Alexandra S. Renormalization in one-dimensional dynamics. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07837981 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 6, 983-1021 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 6, 3-46 (2023). MSC: 37E20 37E05 37C86 57R30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Skripchenko}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 6, 983--1021 (2023; Zbl 07837981); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 6, 3--46 (2023) Full Text: DOI MNR
Fomenko, Anatoly T.; Vedyushkina, Viktoriya V. Billiards and integrable systems. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07837974 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 5, 881-954 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 5, 93-176 (2023). MSC: 37C83 37J35 37J39 37J20 53D25 37D40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. T. Fomenko} and \textit{V. V. Vedyushkina}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 5, 881--954 (2023; Zbl 07837974); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 5, 93--176 (2023) Full Text: DOI MNR
Orlov, Dmitri O. Smooth DG algebras and twisted tensor product. (English) Zbl 1540.14004 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 5, 853-880 (2023); and Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 5, 65-92 (2023). Reviewer: Alexei Kanel-Belov (Ramat-Gan) MSC: 14A22 16E45 16P10 16E35 18G80 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. O. Orlov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 5, 853--880 (2023; Zbl 1540.14004) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Fonarev, Anton V. Derived category of moduli of parabolic bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^1\). (English. Russian original) Zbl 07794500 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 3, 563-565 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 3, 177-178 (2023). MSC: 14F08 14H60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Fonarev}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 3, 563--565 (2023; Zbl 07794500); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 3, 177--178 (2023) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Alimov, Alexey R.; Ryutin, Konstantin S.; Tsar’kov, Igor G. Existence, uniqueness, and stability of best and near-best approximations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1534.41017 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 3, 399-442 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 3, 3-52 (2023). Reviewer: Martin D. Buhmann (Gießen) MSC: 41A65 46B20 54C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. R. Alimov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 3, 399--442 (2023; Zbl 1534.41017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 3, 3--52 (2023) Full Text: DOI MNR
Morozov, Egor A.; Penskoi, Alexei V. Index of minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07771686 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 2, 396-398 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 2, 195-196 (2023). MSC: 53A10 49Q05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. A. Morozov} and \textit{A. V. Penskoi}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 2, 396--398 (2023; Zbl 07771686); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 2, 195--196 (2023) Full Text: DOI MNR
German, Oleg N. Geometry of Diophantine exponents. (English. Russian original) Zbl 07771681 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 2, 273-347 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 2, 71-148 (2023). Reviewer: Oleg Karpenkov (Liverpool) MSC: 11J25 11J70 11J82 11D75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. N. German}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 2, 273--347 (2023; Zbl 07771681); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 2, 71--148 (2023) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Sachkov, Yuri L. Left-invariant optimal control problems on Lie groups that are integrable by elliptic functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1530.53004 Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 1, 65-163 (2023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 1, 67-166 (2023). Reviewer: Margarida Camarinha (Coimbra) MSC: 53-02 53C17 37J39 22E30 49K15 70G45 33E05 93B27 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. L. Sachkov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 78, No. 1, 65--163 (2023; Zbl 1530.53004); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 78, No. 1, 67--166 (2023) Full Text: DOI MNR
Kordyukov, Yuri A. Trace formula for the magnetic Laplacian at zero energy level. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1533.58016 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 6, 1107-1148 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 6, 159-202 (2022). Reviewer: Junrong Yan (Santa Barbara) MSC: 58J50 81Q20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. A. Kordyukov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 6, 1107--1148 (2022; Zbl 1533.58016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 6, 159--202 (2022) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Dynnikov, Ivan A.; Mal’tsev, Andrei Ya.; Novikov, Sergei P. Geometry of quasiperiodic functions on the plane. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1521.53079 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 6, 1061-1085 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 6, 109-136 (2022). MSC: 53Z05 53A05 74F15 78A35 42A75 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. A. Dynnikov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 6, 1061--1085 (2022; Zbl 1521.53079); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 6, 109--136 (2022) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Grinevich, Petr G.; Santini, Paolo M. The finite-gap method and the periodic Cauchy problem for \((2+1)\)-dimensional anomalous waves for the focusing Davey-Stewartson 2 equation. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1522.35465 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 6, 1029-1059 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 6, 77-108 (2022). MSC: 35Q55 35Q41 35C08 35C20 35B40 35B20 37K10 37K15 37K20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{P. G. Grinevich} and \textit{P. M. Santini}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 6, 1029--1059 (2022; Zbl 1522.35465); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 6, 77--108 (2022) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Duan, Haibao; Zhao, Xuezhi Schubert calculus and intersection theory of flag manifolds. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1520.14105 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 4, 729-751 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 4, 173-196 (2022). MSC: 14N15 14M15 57T15 14-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Duan} and \textit{X. Zhao}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 4, 729--751 (2022; Zbl 1520.14105); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 4, 173--196 (2022) Full Text: DOI arXiv MNR
Pukhlikov, Aleksandr V. Effective results in the theory of birational rigidity. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1522.14023 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 2, 301-354 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 2, 123-182 (2022). Reviewer: Ilya Karzhemanov (Moskva) MSC: 14E05 14J45 14E30 14E07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Pukhlikov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 2, 301--354 (2022; Zbl 1522.14023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 2, 123--182 (2022) Full Text: DOI
Garber, Aleksei I.; Magazinov, Aleksandr N. On Voronoi’s conjecture for four- and five-dimensional parallelohedra. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1489.52012 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 1, 174-176 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 1, 185-186 (2022). Reviewer: Lionel Pournin (Paris) MSC: 52B11 52C07 52C22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. I. Garber} and \textit{A. N. Magazinov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 1, 174--176 (2022; Zbl 1489.52012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 1, 185--186 (2022) Full Text: DOI
Sachkov, Yuri L. Left-invariant optimal control problems on Lie groups: classification and problems integrable by elementary functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1502.53045 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 1, 99-163 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 1, 109-176 (2022). Reviewer: Nathaniel Eldredge (Storrs) MSC: 53C17 22E25 49K15 53C22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. L. Sachkov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 1, 99--163 (2022; Zbl 1502.53045); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 1, 109--176 (2022) Full Text: DOI
Popov, Dmitrii A. Spectrum of the Laplace operator on closed surfaces. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1487.58030 Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 1, 81-97 (2022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 1, 91-108 (2022). Reviewer: Mohammed El Aïdi (Bogotá) MSC: 58J50 11F72 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. A. Popov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 77, No. 1, 81--97 (2022; Zbl 1487.58030); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 77, No. 1, 91--108 (2022) Full Text: DOI
Bolsinov, Aleksei V.; Veselov, Aleksandr P.; Ye, Yiru Chaos and integrability in \(\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})\)-geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1496.37031 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 4, 557-586 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 4, 3-36 (2021). MSC: 37D40 37J35 37J39 57M50 57K10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Bolsinov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 4, 557--586 (2021; Zbl 1496.37031); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 4, 3--36 (2021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dolbilin, Nikolai P.; Shtogrin, Mikhail I. Local groups in Delone sets: a conjecture and results. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1490.52013 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 6, 1137-1139 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 6, 193-194 (2021). Reviewer: Anton Shutov (Vladimir) MSC: 52C15 52C17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. P. Dolbilin} and \textit{M. I. Shtogrin}, Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 6, 1137--1139 (2021; Zbl 1490.52013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 6, 193--194 (2021) Full Text: DOI
Shkredov, Ilya D. Non-commutative methods in additive combinatorics and number theory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1491.11017 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 6, 1065-1122 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 6, 119-180 (2021). Reviewer: Juanjo Rué Perna (Barcelona) MSC: 11B30 05E16 11B75 11J70 11L07 20F69 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. D. Shkredov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 6, 1065--1122 (2021; Zbl 1491.11017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 6, 119--180 (2021) Full Text: DOI
Borisov, A. V.; Tsiganov, A. V. Chaplygin ball in a solenoidal field. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1480.37073 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 3, 546-548 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 3, 185-186 (2021). MSC: 37J60 37J39 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Borisov} and \textit{A. V. Tsiganov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 3, 546--548 (2021; Zbl 1480.37073); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 3, 185--186 (2021) Full Text: DOI
Verbitsky, Mikhail S.; Vuletescu, Victor; Ornea, Liviu Classification of non-Kähler surfaces and locally conformally Kähler geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1471.32023 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 2, 261-289 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 2, 71-102 (2021). MSC: 32J15 32Q57 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. S. Verbitsky} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 2, 261--289 (2021; Zbl 1471.32023); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 2, 71--102 (2021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bondal, Alexey I.; Zhdanovskiy, Il’ya Yu. Theory of homotopes with applications to mutually unbiased bases, harmonic analysis on graphs, and perverse sheaves. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1484.14033 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 2, 195-259 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 2, 3-70 (2021). MSC: 14F08 05B20 16W99 17B05 31C20 42A38 14-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. I. Bondal} and \textit{I. Yu. Zhdanovskiy}, Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 2, 195--259 (2021; Zbl 1484.14033); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 2, 3--70 (2021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Weis, Stephan W.; Shirokov, Maxim E. Extreme points of the set of quantum states with bounded energy. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1465.81010 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 1, 190-192 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 1, 199-200 (2021). MSC: 81P16 52A07 47B65 47B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. W. Weis} and \textit{M. E. Shirokov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 1, 190--192 (2021; Zbl 1465.81010); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 1, 199--200 (2021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kazarnovskii, Boris Ya; Khovanskii, Askold G.; Esterov, Alexander I. Newton polytopes and tropical geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1476.14087 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 1, 91-175 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 1, 95-190 (2021). Reviewer: Felix Röhrle (Frankfurt am Main) MSC: 14M25 14T15 14C17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. Y. Kazarnovskii} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 1, 91--175 (2021; Zbl 1476.14087); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 1, 95--190 (2021) Full Text: DOI
Ballet, Stéphane; Pieltant, Julia; Rambaud, Matthieu; Randriambololona, Hugues; Rolland, Robert; Chaumine, Jean On the tensor rank of multiplication in finite extensions of finite fields and related issues in algebraic geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1482.11164 Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 1, 29-89 (2021); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 1, 31-94 (2021). Reviewer: Jeroen Sijsling (Ulm) MSC: 11Y16 68Q25 14H05 12E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Ballet} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 76, No. 1, 29--89 (2021; Zbl 1482.11164); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 76, No. 1, 31--94 (2021) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kordyukov, Yuri A.; Taimanov, Iskander A. Quasi-classical approximation for magnetic monopoles. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1460.78007 Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 6, 1067-1088 (2020); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 6, 85-106 (2020). MSC: 78A25 78A15 81V10 81S10 81Q20 35J05 53C25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. A. Kordyukov} and \textit{I. A. Taimanov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 6, 1067--1088 (2020; Zbl 1460.78007); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 6, 85--106 (2020) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Gorbunov, Vassily G.; Korff, Christian; Stroppel, Catharina Yang-Baxter algebras, convolution algebras, and Grassmannians. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1467.16036 Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 5, 791-842 (2020); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 5, 3-58 (2020). MSC: 16T25 14M15 16G20 81R12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. G. Gorbunov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 5, 791--842 (2020; Zbl 1467.16036); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 5, 3--58 (2020) Full Text: DOI
Semenov, E. M.; Sukochev, F. A.; Usachev, A. S. Geometry of Banach limits and their applications. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1464.46012 Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 4, 725-763 (2020); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 4, 153-194 (2020). Reviewer: Jürgen Appell (Würzburg) MSC: 46B10 46B20 46B45 46A22 46L87 47L20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. M. Semenov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 4, 725--763 (2020; Zbl 1464.46012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 4, 153--194 (2020) Full Text: DOI
Sergeev, Armen G. In search of infinite-dimensional Kähler geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1446.58003 Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 2, 321-367 (2020); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 2, 133-184 (2020). Reviewer: Kaveh Eftekharinasab (Kyiv) MSC: 58B20 22E67 32G15 32Q15 81T30 30F60 30C65 58-02 32-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. G. Sergeev}, Russ. Math. Surv. 75, No. 2, 321--367 (2020; Zbl 1446.58003); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 75, No. 2, 133--184 (2020) Full Text: DOI
Kruzhilin, Nikolaĭ G. On a local holomorphic version of the fundamental theorem of projective geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.32042 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 6, 1123-1125 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 6, 163-164 (2019). MSC: 32H04 32D15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. G. Kruzhilin}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 6, 1123--1125 (2019; Zbl 1439.32042); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 6, 163--164 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Danilov, Vladimir I.; Karzanov, Aleksandr V.; Koshevoy, Gleb A. Cubillages of cyclic zonotopes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1446.52018 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 6, 1013-1074 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 6, 55-118 (2019). Reviewer: Juan G. Escudero (Oviedo) MSC: 52C20 05B45 05E10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. I. Danilov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 6, 1013--1074 (2019; Zbl 1446.52018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 6, 55--118 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Alimov, A. R.; Tsar’kov, I. G. Chebyshev centres, Jung constants, and their applications. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1435.41028 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 5, 775-849 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 5, 3-82 (2019). Reviewer: T.S.S.R.K. Rao (Bangalore) MSC: 41A46 41A28 41A65 46B20 54C60 54C65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. R. Alimov} and \textit{I. G. Tsar'kov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 5, 775--849 (2019; Zbl 1435.41028); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 5, 3--82 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Orlov, D. O. Finite-dimensional DG algebras and their properties. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1505.14044 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 4, 764-766 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 4, 187-188 (2019). MSC: 14F08 16E45 18G80 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. O. Orlov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 4, 764--766 (2019; Zbl 1505.14044); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 4, 187--188 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Glukhov, E. V.; Mokhov, O. I. On algebraic-geometry methods for constructing flat diagonal metrics of a special form. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.53022 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 4, 761-763 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 4, 185-186 (2019). Reviewer: Hubert Gollek (Berlin) MSC: 53B25 53A45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. V. Glukhov} and \textit{O. I. Mokhov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 4, 761--763 (2019; Zbl 1439.53022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 4, 185--186 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Ogievetsky, O. V.; Shlosman, S. B. Critical configurations of solid bodies and the Morse theory of min functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1441.52017 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 4, 631-657 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 4, 59-86 (2019). Reviewer: Uma Kant Sahoo (Calcutta) MSC: 52C17 52C25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. V. Ogievetsky} and \textit{S. B. Shlosman}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 4, 631--657 (2019; Zbl 1441.52017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 4, 59--86 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Fadin, M. A.; Raĭgorodskiĭ, A. M. Maximum defect of an admissible octahedron in a rational lattice. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1466.11044 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 552-554 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 191-192 (2019). MSC: 11H06 52C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. A. Fadin} and \textit{A. M. Raĭgorodskiĭ}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 552--554 (2019; Zbl 1466.11044); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 191--192 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Yu, G. The Novikov conjecture. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.19009 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 525-541 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 167-184 (2019). Reviewer: Lin Shan (San Juan) MSC: 19K56 57R20 19K35 20F65 57M07 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Yu}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 525--541 (2019; Zbl 1439.19009); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 167--184 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Efimov, A. I. On the homotopy finiteness of DG categories. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1445.18006 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 431-460 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 63-94 (2019). MSC: 18G80 14F08 18G35 14E05 18-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. I. Efimov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 431--460 (2019; Zbl 1445.18006); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 63--94 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Buchstaber, V. M.; Veselov, A. P. Conway topograph, \(\operatorname{PGL}_2(\mathbb{Z})\)-dynamics and two-valued groups. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1484.11153 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 387-430 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 17-62 (2019). Reviewer: Tathagata Basak (Ames) MSC: 11H55 20N20 37P99 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Buchstaber} and \textit{A. P. Veselov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 3, 387--430 (2019; Zbl 1484.11153); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 3, 17--62 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Mokhov, O. I.; Strizhova, N. A. Liouville integrability of the reduction of the associativity equations on the set of stationary points of an integral in the case of three primary fields. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.37069 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 369-371 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2,191-192 (2019). MSC: 37K10 37K20 37K30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. I. Mokhov} and \textit{N. A. Strizhova}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 369--371 (2019; Zbl 1439.37069); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2,191--192 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Bychkov, B. S.; Mikhailov, A. V. Polynomial graph invariants and linear hierarchies. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.37070 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 366-368 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 189-190 (2019). Reviewer: Ahmed Lesfari (El Jadida) MSC: 37K20 37K25 37K30 37K10 05C31 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{B. S. Bychkov} and \textit{A. V. Mikhailov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 366--368 (2019; Zbl 1439.37070); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 189--190 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Kordyukov, Yu. A.; Taimanov, I. A. Trace formula for the magnetic Laplacian. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1433.58019 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 325-361 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 149-186 (2019). Reviewer: Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu (Craiova) MSC: 58J05 58J50 37J35 58J37 81Q20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Yu. A. Kordyukov} and \textit{I. A. Taimanov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 325--361 (2019; Zbl 1433.58019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 149--186 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Grushevsky, S.; Krichever, I. M.; Norton, C. Real-normalized differentials: limits on stable curves. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1437.14033 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 265-324 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 81-148 (2019). Reviewer: Dawei Chen (Chestnut Hill) MSC: 14H10 14H15 30F30 32G15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Grushevsky} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 265--324 (2019; Zbl 1437.14033); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 81--148 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Bialy, M.; Mironov, A. E. Polynomial non-integrability of magnetic billiards on the sphere and the hyperbolic plane. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.37054 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 187-209 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 3-26 (2019). MSC: 37J30 37J35 37J38 37C83 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Bialy} and \textit{A. E. Mironov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 2, 187--209 (2019; Zbl 1439.37054); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 2, 3--26 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Mal’tsev, A. Ya.; Novikov, S. P. Topological integrability, classical and quantum chaos, and the theory of dynamical systems in the physics of condensed matter. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.37062 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 1, 141-173 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 1, 149-184 (2019). Reviewer: William J. Satzer Jr. (St. Paul) MSC: 37J39 37J35 37J30 37C55 81Q50 37N15 82C70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Ya. Mal'tsev} and \textit{S. P. Novikov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 1, 141--173 (2019; Zbl 1439.37062); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 1, 149--184 (2019) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kozlov, V. V. Tensor invariants and integration of differential equations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1439.37057 Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 1, 111-140 (2019); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 1, 117-148 (2019). MSC: 37J35 37J06 37J39 70E40 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Kozlov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 74, No. 1, 111--140 (2019; Zbl 1439.37057); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 74, No. 1, 117--148 (2019) Full Text: DOI
Orlov, Dmitriĭ O. Derived noncommutative schemes, geometric realizations, and finite dimensional algebras. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1430.14006 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 5, 865-918 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 5, 123-182 (2018). Reviewer: Arvid Siqveland (Kongsberg) MSC: 14A30 14A22 16E45 18G80 14F08 18G35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. O. Orlov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 5, 865--918 (2018; Zbl 1430.14006); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 5, 123--182 (2018) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Gritsenko, Valeriĭ A. Reflective modular forms and applications. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1457.11043 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 5, 797-864 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 5, 53-122 (2018). Reviewer: G. K. Sankaran (Bath) MSC: 11F30 11F46 11F50 11F55 14J15 14J28 14J33 14J60 14J81 17B65 17B67 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. A. Gritsenko}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 5, 797--864 (2018; Zbl 1457.11043); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 5, 53--122 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Gordeev, Nikolaĭ L.; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris È.; Plotkin, Eugene B. Geometry of word equations in simple algebraic groups over special fields. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1442.20028 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 5, 753-796 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 5, 3-52 (2018). Reviewer: Alexander Ivanovich Budkin (Barnaul) MSC: 20F70 20G15 20F10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. L. Gordeev} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 5, 753--796 (2018; Zbl 1442.20028); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 5, 3--52 (2018) Full Text: DOI arXiv Backlinks: MO MO MO
Buchstaber, Viktor M.; Mikhailov, Aleksandr V. Polynomial Hamiltonian integrable systems on symmetric powers of plane curves. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1419.14053 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 6, 1122-1124 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 6, 193-194 (2018). Reviewer: Ahmed Lesfari (El Jadida) MSC: 14H70 37J05 37J35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Buchstaber} and \textit{A. V. Mikhailov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 6, 1122--1124 (2018; Zbl 1419.14053); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 6, 193--194 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Przyjalkowski, Viktor V. Toric Landau-Ginzburg models. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1473.14076 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 6, 1033-1118. (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 6, 95-190 (2018). MSC: 14J33 14J45 14-02 14M25 52B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Przyjalkowski}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 6, 1033--1118. (2018; Zbl 1473.14076); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 6, 95--190 (2018) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Rukhovich, A. D. On the growth rate of the number of fullerenes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1419.52012 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 4, 734-736 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 4, 177-178 (2018). Reviewer: Victor Alexandrov (Novosibirsk) MSC: 52B10 57R18 05C30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. D. Rukhovich}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 4, 734--736 (2018; Zbl 1419.52012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 4, 177--178 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Savin, Anton Yu.; Sternin, Boris Yu.; Schrohe, Elmar Elliptic operators associated with groups of quantized canonical transformations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1405.58004 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 3, 546-548 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 3, 179-180 (2018). MSC: 58J05 70H15 35R01 47A13 58J40 58J22 58B34 46L89 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Yu. Savin} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 3, 546--548 (2018; Zbl 1405.58004); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 3, 179--180 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Vlǎduţ, Sergeĭ G.; Nogin, Dmitriĭ Yu.; Tsfasman, Mikhaĭl A. Varieties over finite fields: quantitative theory. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1427.14052 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 2, 261-322 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 2, 75-140 (2018). MSC: 14G15 14J20 11G25 14M15 11G20 14G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. G. Vlǎduţ} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 2, 261--322 (2018; Zbl 1427.14052); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 2, 75--140 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Mokhov, Oleg I.; Strizhova, Nadezhda A. Classification of the associativity equations possessing a Hamiltonian structure of Dubrovin-Novikov type. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1393.37071 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 1, 175-177 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 1, 183-184 (2018). MSC: 37K05 37K10 53D45 53B20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. I. Mokhov} and \textit{N. A. Strizhova}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 1, 175--177 (2018; Zbl 1393.37071); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 1, 183--184 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Chirka, Evgenii M. Orthogonal complex structures in \(\mathbb{R}^4\). (English. Russian original) Zbl 1400.32013 Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 1, 91-159 (2018); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 1, 99-172 (2018). MSC: 32Q60 53C28 53C15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. M. Chirka}, Russ. Math. Surv. 73, No. 1, 91--159 (2018; Zbl 1400.32013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 73, No. 1, 99--172 (2018) Full Text: DOI
Chekhov, Leonid O.; Mazzocco, Marta On a Poisson homogeneous space of bilinear forms with a Poisson-Lie action. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1411.53070 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 6, 1109-1156 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 6, 139-190 (2017). Reviewer: Albert Sheu (Lawrence) MSC: 53D17 16T25 20L05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. O. Chekhov} and \textit{M. Mazzocco}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 6, 1109--1156 (2017; Zbl 1411.53070); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 6, 139--190 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Takhtajan, Leon A.; Alekseev, Anton Yu.; Aref’eva, Irina Ya.; Semenov-Tian-Shansky, Michael A.; Sklyanin, Evgeny K.; Smirnov, Fedor A.; Shatashvili, Samson L. Scientific heritage of L. D. Faddeev. Survey of papers. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1396.81008 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 6, 977-1081 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 6, xx (2017). MSC: 81-03 01A60 01A70 16T25 17B37 35J10 35P25 35Q53 35Q55 37K15 58B32 58J52 70S15 81R50 81S40 81T10 81T13 81T50 81T70 81U40 82B23 82C23 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. A. Takhtajan} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 6, 977--1081 (2017; Zbl 1396.81008); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 6, xx (2017) Full Text: DOI
Kudina, Ekaterina S.; Mednykh, Alexander D. On the asymptotics of volume for non-Euclidean simplices. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1431.51012 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 974-976 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 195-196 (2017). MSC: 51M25 51M10 51M20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{E. S. Kudina} and \textit{A. D. Mednykh}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 974--976 (2017; Zbl 1431.51012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 195--196 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Mokhov, Oleg I. Pencils of compatible metrics and integrable systems. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1394.37101 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 889-937 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 113-164 (2017). Reviewer: Dumitru Motreanu (Juiz de Fora) MSC: 37K05 37K10 37K25 53B21 53C21 53B50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. I. Mokhov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 889--937 (2017; Zbl 1394.37101); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 113--164 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Buryak, Alexandr Y. New approaches to integrable hierarchies of topological type. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1400.14073 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 841-887 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 63-112 (2017). Reviewer: Vladislav Nikolaevich Dumachev (Voronezh) MSC: 14H10 37K10 14N35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Y. Buryak}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 841--887 (2017; Zbl 1400.14073); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 63--112 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. Dynamical systems with non-integrable constraints, vakonomic mechanics, sub-Riemannian geometry, and non-holonomic mechanics. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1446.70034 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 783-840 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 3-62 (2017). MSC: 70F25 37J60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Borisov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 5, 783--840 (2017; Zbl 1446.70034); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 5, 3--62 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Esterov, A. I. The degree of the bifurcation set of a generic polynomial map. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1383.14014 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 4, 773-775 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 4, 197-198 (2017). MSC: 14M25 14D06 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. I. Esterov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 4, 773--775 (2017; Zbl 1383.14014); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 4, 197--198 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Saveliev, D. I. On Zariski topologies on polyrings. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1391.14006 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 4, 770-772 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 4, 195-196 (2017). Reviewer: Sergey Ludkovsky (Moskva) MSC: 14A22 16W80 03C05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. I. Saveliev}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 4, 770--772 (2017; Zbl 1391.14006); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 4, 195--196 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Pavlova, N. G.; Remizov, A. O. A complete classification of generic singularities of geodesic flows on 2-surfaces with pseudo-Riemannian metrics. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1385.53010 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 3, 577-579 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 3, 195-196 (2017). Reviewer: Gabriel Teodor Pripoae (Bucureşti) MSC: 53B30 53C22 53D25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. G. Pavlova} and \textit{A. O. Remizov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 3, 577--579 (2017; Zbl 1385.53010); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 3, 195--196 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Tyurin, N. A. Pseudotoric structures: Lagrangian submanifolds and Lagrangian fibrations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1386.53095 Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 3, 513-546 (2017); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 3, 131-169 (2017). MSC: 53D05 53D12 14M15 14M25 53D50 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. A. Tyurin}, Russ. Math. Surv. 72, No. 3, 513--546 (2017; Zbl 1386.53095); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 72, No. 3, 131--169 (2017) Full Text: DOI
Gorodkov, D. A. A minimal triangulation of the quaternionic projective plane. (English) Zbl 1369.57027 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 6, 1140-1142 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 6, 159-160 (2016). Reviewer: Biplab Basak (Ithaca) MSC: 57R05 57R20 05E45 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. A. Gorodkov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 6, 1140--1142 (2016; Zbl 1369.57027); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 6, 159--160 (2016) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Agrachev, A. A. Topics in sub-Riemannian geometry. (English) Zbl 1367.53028 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 6, 989-1019 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 6, 3-36 (2016). Reviewer: Vyron Vellis (Storrs) MSC: 53C17 53-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. A. Agrachev}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 6, 989--1019 (2016; Zbl 1367.53028); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 6, 3--36 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Novikov, R. G.; Taimanov, I. A. Moutard type transformation for matrix generalized analytic functions and gauge transformations. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1367.30035 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 5, 970-972 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 5, 179-180 (2016). MSC: 30G20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{R. G. Novikov} and \textit{I. A. Taimanov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 5, 970--972 (2016; Zbl 1367.30035); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 5, 179--180 (2016) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Mironov, A. E. Self-adjoint commuting differential operators of rank two. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1369.13034 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 4, 751-779 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 4, 155-184 (2016). MSC: 13N10 14H70 37K20 13-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. E. Mironov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 4, 751--779 (2016; Zbl 1369.13034); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 4, 155--184 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Limonchenko, I. Yu. Massey products in cohomology of moment-angle manifolds for 2-truncated cubes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1350.55010 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 2, 376-378 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 2, 207-208 (2016). Reviewer: Marja Kankaanrinta (Helsinki) MSC: 55N45 55S30 52B20 13F55 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. Yu. Limonchenko}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 2, 376--378 (2016; Zbl 1350.55010); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 2, 207--208 (2016) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kozlov, V. V. Polynomial conservation laws for the Lorentz gas and the Boltzmann-Gibbs gas. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1418.37090 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 2, 253-290 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 2, 81-120 (2016). MSC: 37J05 37A60 37J30 82D05 37D50 70F35 70H33 70H08 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. V. Kozlov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 2, 253--290 (2016; Zbl 1418.37090); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 2, 81--120 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Grbić, J.; Theriault, S. Homotopy theory in toric topology. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1346.55014 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 2, 185-251 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 2, 3-80 (2016). Reviewer: Marja Kankaanrinta (Helsinki) MSC: 55P99 55Q15 57N65 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Grbić} and \textit{S. Theriault}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 2, 185--251 (2016; Zbl 1346.55014); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 2, 3--80 (2016) Full Text: DOI
Sheinman, O. K. Lax operator algebras and integrable systems. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1395.17047 Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 1, 109-156 (2016); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 1, 117-168 (2016). MSC: 17B65 17B67 14H10 14H15 14H55 17B80 37K20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. K. Sheinman}, Russ. Math. Surv. 71, No. 1, 109--156 (2016; Zbl 1395.17047); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 71, No. 1, 117--168 (2016) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Hill, S.; Shemyakova, E. S.; Voronov, Th. Th. Darboux transformations for differential operators on the superline. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1343.37073 Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 6, 1173-1175 (2015); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 70, No. 6, 207-208 (2015). MSC: 37K35 37K25 58C50 16S32 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Hill} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 6, 1173--1175 (2015; Zbl 1343.37073); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 70, No. 6, 207--208 (2015) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dolbilin, N. P.; Magazinov, A. N. Locally antipodal Delaunay sets. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1352.52022 Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 5, 958-960 (2015); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 70, No. 5, 179-180 (2015). Reviewer: Gabriela Cristescu (Arad) MSC: 52C07 06B75 20H15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. P. Dolbilin} and \textit{A. N. Magazinov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 5, 958--960 (2015; Zbl 1352.52022); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 70, No. 5, 179--180 (2015) Full Text: DOI
Galaev, A. S. Holonomy groups of Lorentzian manifolds. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1332.53065 Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 2, 249-298 (2015); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 70, No. 2, 55-108 (2015). Reviewer: Viviana del Barco (Rosario) MSC: 53C29 53C50 53B30 53-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. S. Galaev}, Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 2, 249--298 (2015; Zbl 1332.53065); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 70, No. 2, 55--108 (2015) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kazarian, M. È.; Lando, S. K. Combinatorial solutions to integrable hierarchies. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1330.14061 Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 3, 453-482 (2015); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 70, No. 3, 77-106 (2015). Reviewer: Ahmed Lesfari (El Jadida) MSC: 14H70 37K20 81R12 57R56 05E05 14H30 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. È. Kazarian} and \textit{S. K. Lando}, Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 3, 453--482 (2015; Zbl 1330.14061); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 70, No. 3, 77--106 (2015) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Zhukovskii, M. E.; Raigorodskii, A. M. Random graphs: models and asymptotic characteristics. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1408.05116 Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 1, 33-81 (2015); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 70, No. 1, 35-90 (2015). MSC: 05C80 03C07 60F20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. E. Zhukovskii} and \textit{A. M. Raigorodskii}, Russ. Math. Surv. 70, No. 1, 33--81 (2015; Zbl 1408.05116); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 70, No. 1, 35--90 (2015) Full Text: DOI
Ustinovskii, Yu M. On models of cohomology rings of spaces with a torus action. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1303.55005 Russ. Math. Surv. 69, No. 4, 765-767 (2014); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 69, No. 4, 187-188 (2014). MSC: 55R91 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. M. Ustinovskii}, Russ. Math. Surv. 69, No. 4, 765--767 (2014; Zbl 1303.55005); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 69, No. 4, 187--188 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Magazinov, A. N. Voronoi’s conjecture for extensions of Voronoi parallelohedra. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1314.52013 Russ. Math. Surv. 69, No. 4, 763-764 (2014); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 69, No. 4, 185-186 (2014). MSC: 52B20 52B70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. N. Magazinov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 69, No. 4, 763--764 (2014; Zbl 1314.52013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 69, No. 4, 185--186 (2014) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S.; Tsiganov, A. V. Non-holonomic dynamics and Poisson geometry. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1348.70038 Russ. Math. Surv. 69, No. 3, 481-538 (2014); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 69, No. 3, 87-144 (2014). MSC: 70G45 70F25 53D17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Borisov} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 69, No. 3, 481--538 (2014; Zbl 1348.70038); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 69, No. 3, 87--144 (2014) Full Text: DOI
Penskoi, A. V. Extremal metrics for eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on surfaces. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1328.53078 Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 6, 1073-1130 (2013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 6, 107-168 (2013). Reviewer: Vladimir N. Karpushkin (Moskva) MSC: 53C42 58A10 49Q05 49Q10 53A10 58J50 58E11 35P15 53A07 53C21 53-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. V. Penskoi}, Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 6, 1073--1130 (2013; Zbl 1328.53078); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 6, 107--168 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Shtogrin, M. I. A flexible disk with a handle. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1285.52011 Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 5, 951-953 (2013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 5, 177-178 (2013). MSC: 52C25 52B70 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. I. Shtogrin}, Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 5, 951--953 (2013; Zbl 1285.52011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 5, 177--178 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Deza, M.; Dutour Sikirić, M.; Shtogrin, M. I. Fullerenes and disk-fullerenes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1281.52003 Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 4, 665-720 (2013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 4, 69-128 (2013). MSC: 52A15 57M20 05C10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Deza} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 4, 665--720 (2013; Zbl 1281.52003); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 4, 69--128 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Panov, T. E. Geometric structures on moment-angle manifolds. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1283.57028 Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 3, 503-568 (2013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 3, 111-186 (2013). Reviewer: Oliver Goertsches (Hamburg) MSC: 57R19 57R17 14M25 32Q55 52B35 53D12 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{T. E. Panov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 3, 503--568 (2013; Zbl 1283.57028); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 3, 111--186 (2013) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Vasiliev, A. Yu.; Sergeev, A. G. Classical and quantum Teichmüller spaces. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1285.30026 Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 3, 435-502 (2013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 3, 39-110 (2013). Reviewer: Chong Wu (Chengdu) MSC: 30F60 30C62 32G15 81S10 81T30 30C75 30F10 30F35 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Yu. Vasiliev} and \textit{A. G. Sergeev}, Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 3, 435--502 (2013; Zbl 1285.30026); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 3, 39--110 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Babenko, I. K. Algebra, geometry, and topology of the substitution group of formal power series. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1275.20024 Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 1, 1-68 (2013); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 1, 3-76 (2013). Reviewer: A. Caranti (Trento) MSC: 20E18 20-02 20F22 22A05 22A10 13F25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. K. Babenko}, Russ. Math. Surv. 68, No. 1, 1--68 (2013; Zbl 1275.20024); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 68, No. 1, 3--76 (2013) Full Text: DOI
Edelsbrunner, H.; Strelkova, N. P. On the configuration space of Steiner minimal trees. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1262.05025 Russ. Math. Surv. 67, No. 6, 1167-1168 (2012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 67, No. 6, 203-204 (2012). MSC: 05C05 05C35 51M16 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. Edelsbrunner} and \textit{N. P. Strelkova}, Russ. Math. Surv. 67, No. 6, 1167--1168 (2012; Zbl 1262.05025); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 67, No. 6, 203--204 (2012) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Dolbilin, N. P.; Edelsbrunner, H.; Musin, O. R. On the optimality of functionals over triangulations of Delaunay sets. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1316.52030 Russ. Math. Surv. 67, No. 4, 781-783 (2012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 67, No. 4, 189-190 (2012). Reviewer: Gaiane Panina (St. Petersburg) MSC: 52C20 52C22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. P. Dolbilin} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 67, No. 4, 781--783 (2012; Zbl 1316.52030); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 67, No. 4, 189--190 (2012) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Kirichenko, V. A.; Smirnov, E. Yu.; Timorin, V. A. Schubert calculus and Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1258.14055 Russ. Math. Surv. 67, No. 4, 685-719 (2012); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 67, No. 4, 89-128 (2012). Reviewer: Cenap Özel (Bolu) MSC: 14L30 52B20 14M15 14N15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. A. Kirichenko} et al., Russ. Math. Surv. 67, No. 4, 685--719 (2012; Zbl 1258.14055); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 67, No. 4, 89--128 (2012) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Pavlova, N. G.; Remizov, A. O. Geodesics on hypersurfaces in Minkowski space: singularities of signature change. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1254.53071 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 6, 1201-1203 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 66, No. 6, 193-194 (2011). MSC: 53C22 53B30 34A26 34C20 53C44 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. G. Pavlova} and \textit{A. O. Remizov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 6, 1201--1203 (2011; Zbl 1254.53071); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 66, No. 6, 193--194 (2011) Full Text: DOI
Natanzon, S. M.; Pratusevich, A. M. Moduli spaces of Gorenstein quasi-homogeneous surface singularities. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1236.14005 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 5, 1009-1011 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 3, 189-190 (2011). Reviewer: Tomohiro Okuma (Yamagata) MSC: 14B05 32S25 30F35 14J17 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. M. Natanzon} and \textit{A. M. Pratusevich}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 5, 1009--1011 (2011; Zbl 1236.14005); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 3, 189--190 (2011) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Ônishi, Y. Generalized Bernoulli-Hurwitz numbers and the universal Bernoulli numbers. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1238.11024 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 5, 871-932 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 3, 47-108 (2011). Reviewer: Tauno Metsänkylä (Turku) MSC: 11B68 11B83 14H05 14L05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{Y. Ônishi}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 5, 871--932 (2011; Zbl 1238.11024); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 3, 47--108 (2011) Full Text: DOI
Sabitov, Idzhad Kh. Algebraic methods for solution of polyhedra. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1230.52031 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 3, 445-505 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 3, 3-66 (2011). Reviewer: Anatoliy Milka (Kharkov) MSC: 52C25 51M20 51M10 52B11 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. Kh. Sabitov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 3, 445--505 (2011; Zbl 1230.52031); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 3, 3--66 (2011) Full Text: DOI
Matvienko, I. V. Moment-angle manifolds with positiv Ricci curvature which correspond to a 3-cube. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1220.53047 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 2, 437-438 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 66, No. 2, 233-234 (2011). MSC: 53C20 52B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. V. Matvienko}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 2, 437--438 (2011; Zbl 1220.53047); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 66, No. 2, 233--234 (2011) Full Text: DOI
Bukhshtaber, V. M.; Erokhovets, N. Yu [Buchstaber, V. M.] Polytopes, Fibonacci numbers, Hopf algebras, and quasi-symmetric functions. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1239.52006 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 2, 271-367 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 66, No. 2, 67-162 (2011). Reviewer: Geir Agnarsson (Fairfax) MSC: 52B05 05E05 05E45 06A07 16T05 11B39 52-02 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. M. Bukhshtaber} and \textit{N. Y. Erokhovets}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 2, 271--367 (2011; Zbl 1239.52006); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 66, No. 2, 67--162 (2011) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Taimanov, I. A. Singular spectral curves in finite-gap integration. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1235.37024 Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 1, 107-144 (2011); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 1, 111-150 (2011). Reviewer: Svetlana A. Grishina (Ul’yanovsk) MSC: 37K20 37K25 35Q53 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. A. Taimanov}, Russ. Math. Surv. 66, No. 1, 107--144 (2011; Zbl 1235.37024); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk. 66, No. 1, 111--150 (2011) Full Text: DOI arXiv
Vinberg, È B. Automorphic forms on symmetric domains of type IV. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1248.32011 Russ. Math. Surv. 65, No. 3, 589-590 (2010); translation from Uspekhi Mat. Nauk. 65, No. 3, 193-194 (2010). Reviewer: Lizhen Ji (Ann Arbor) MSC: 32N15 11F23 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{È B. Vinberg}, Russ. Math. Surv. 65, No. 3, 589--590 (2010; Zbl 1248.32011); translation from Uspekhi Mat. Nauk. 65, No. 3, 193--194 (2010) Full Text: DOI