
Positive harmonic functions and complete metrics. (English) Zbl 0646.30013

A Harnack domain is one in which a Harnack type inequality holds for positive harmonic functions with bounds given in terms of the distance to the domain’s boundary. We give conditions which connect Harnack domains with several complete metrics (e.g., the quasihyperbolic metric). We characterize the simply connected plane domains which are Harnack and discuss related topics. We extend some classical function theoretic results to Harnack domains and give applications concerning the rate of growth of various functions defined in Harnack domains. We present an apparently new characterization for the class of quasidisks.
Reviewer: D.A.Herron


30C20 Conformal mappings of special domains
31A05 Harmonic, subharmonic, superharmonic functions in two dimensions
31A20 Boundary behavior (theorems of Fatou type, etc.) of harmonic functions in two dimensions
31B25 Boundary behavior of harmonic functions in higher dimensions
30C55 General theory of univalent and multivalent functions of one complex variable
30C62 Quasiconformal mappings in the complex plane
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