Ekström, Sven-Erik Approximating the Perfect Sampling Grids for Computing the Eigenvalues of Toeplitz-like Matrices Using the Spectral Symbol. arXiv:1901.06917 Preprint, arXiv:1901.06917 [math.NA] (2019). Summary: In a series of papers the author and others have studied an asymptotic expansion of the errors of the eigenvalue approximation, using the spectral symbol, in connection with Toeplitz (and Toeplitz-like) matrices, that is, \(E_{j,n}\) in \(\lambda_j(A_n)=f(\theta_{j,n})+E_{j,n}\), \(A_n=T_n(f)\), \(f\) real-valued cosine polynomial. In this paper we instead study an asymptotic expansion of the errors of the equispaced sampling grids \(\theta_{j,n}\), compared to the exact grids \(\xi_{j,n}\) (where \(\lambda_j(A_n)=f(\xi_{j,n})\)), that is, \(E_{j,n}\) in \(\xi_{j,n}=\theta_{j,n}+E_{j,n}\). We present an algorithm to approximate the expansion. Finally we show numerically that this type of expansion works for various kind of Toeplitz-like matrices (Toeplitz, preconditioned Toeplitz, low-rank corrections of them). We critically discuss several specific examples and we demonstrate the superior numerical behavior of the present approach with respect to the previous ones. × Cite Format Result Cite Full Text: arXiv OA License arXiv data are taken from the arXiv OAI-PMH API. If you found a mistake, please report it directly to arXiv.