Cui, Jingan; Ma, Xinchen; Wu, Yucui Meta-population model and vaccination strategy based on population heterogeneity. (Chinese. English summary) Zbl 07801752 Acta Math. Appl. Sin. 46, No. 4, 549-564 (2023). Summary: In this paper, a heterogeneous meta-population SEIAR model is constructed against the background of inoculation of susceptible population, and the basic reproduction number and control reproduction number of the model are calculated by using the next generation matrix method. The effects of preferential mixing mode and heterogeneity on reproduction number are studied. The results show that the heterogeneity of activity, subpopulation size and vaccine coverage have important effects on the number of regenerated cells, and the effects are amplified by preferential mixing. Finally, the optimal control problem with vaccination rate as control variable is studied. The work in this paper can provide reference for the formulation of infectious disease vaccination strategy. 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