Martínez-Sandoval, Leonardo; Raggi, Miguel; Roldán-Pensado, Edgardo A sunflower anti-Ramsey theorem and its applications. arXiv:1505.05170 Preprint, arXiv:1505.05170 [math.CO] (2015). Summary: A \(h\)-sunflower in a hypergraph is a family of edges with \(h\) vertices in common. We show that if we colour the edges of a complete hypergraph in such a way that any monochromatic \(h\)-sunflower has at most \(\lambda\) petals, then it contains a large rainbow complete subhypergraph. This extends a theorem by Lefmann, Rödl and Wysocka, but this version can be applied to problems in geometry and algebra. We also give an infinite version of the theorem. × Cite Format Result Cite Full Text: arXiv OA License arXiv data are taken from the arXiv OAI-PMH API. If you found a mistake, please report it directly to arXiv.