Pintér, G.; Micskei, Z.; Majzik, I. Supporting design and developement of safety critical applications by model based tools. (English) Zbl 1199.68058 Ann. Univ. Sci. Budap. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Comput. 30, 61-78 (2009). Summary: Application of computer based systems in safety critical areas like automotive on-board equipments, railway control, etc. poses high dependability requirements againts software artifacts. This paper outlines a coherent tool-chain providing formally well-established support for the key phases of developing dependable software involving simulation, static model checking, automatic code generation, test case synthesis and runtime error detection. Our approach focuses on modeling behavioral aspects of event triggered state-based systems using UML 2.0 statecharts as specification formalism. The application example analyzed in the paper is taken from the railway control domain. MSC: 68N99 Theory of software Keywords:event triggered state-based systems × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF