Li, Guiqing; Zeng, Juncheng; Zeng, Fanzhong; Yao, Chenhao; Kuang, Bixia; Nie, Yongwei PSPDNet: part-aware shape and pose disentanglement neural network for 3D human animating meshes. (English) Zbl 07711476 Comput. Aided Geom. Des. 104, Article ID 102218, 13 p. (2023). Summary: Disentangled representations of shape and pose are essential for animating human body meshes in computer animation, computer games, and virtual reality applications. While recent deep neural networks have achieved impressive effectiveness, their performance in terms of interpretability, reconstruction precision, and fine-grained control is not satisfactory. To address these issues, we propose the Part-aware Shape and Pose Disentanglement neural network (PSPDNet), a framework for disentangling the shape and pose of 3D human meshes with the same connectivity. PSPDNet utilizes part mesh autoencoders to learn representations of different human body parts, enhancing the interpretability of the latent codes by corresponding them with local motions. While mesh autoencoders alone can decouple shape and pose information from animated meshes, they fail to control local motions. In addition, PSPDNet employs an additional rotation-translation module to remove global rigid motion, i.e., rotation and translation, from the sequence. Finally, we propose a novel loss function which includes disentanglement loss and alignment loss to train PSPDNet in an unsupervised manner. Our experiments show that PSPDNet greatly improves disentangled representation with strong interpretability, insensitivity to global rigid transformation, and locality of editing and controlling. MSC: 65Dxx Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms) Keywords:disentanglement; body shape; mesh autoencoder; representation learning Software:AMASS; COMA; PyTorch; D-Faust; SMPL; SCAPE; HumanEva × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Anguelov, D.; Srinivasan, P.; Koller, D.; Thrun, S.; Rodgers, J.; Davis, J., SCAPE: shape completion and animation of people, ACM Trans. Graph., 408-416 (2005) [2] Aumentado-Armstrong, T.; Tsogkas, S.; Dickinson, S.; Jepson, A., Disentangling geometric deformation spaces in generative latent shape models (2021), arXiv preprint [3] Aumentado-Armstrong, T.; Tsogkas, S.; Jepson, A.; Dickinson, S., Geometric disentanglement for generative latent shape models, (Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2019)), 8181-8190 [4] Bagautdinov, T.; Wu, C.; Simon, T.; Prada, F.; Shiratori, T.; Wei, S. 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