Mustafa, A.; El-Bassiouny, A. H. Reliability equivalence factors for some systems with mixture linear increasing failure rates. (English) Zbl 1509.62368 Pak. J. Stat. 25, No. 2, 149-163 (2009). MSC: 62N05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Mustafa} and \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Pak. J. Stat. 25, No. 2, 149--163 (2009; Zbl 1509.62368)
El-Bassiouny, A. H.; Jones, M. C. A bivariate \(F\) distribution with marginals on arbitrary numerator and denominator degrees of freedom, and related bivariate beta and \(t\) distributions. (English) Zbl 1332.62047 Stat. Methods Appl. 18, No. 4, 465-481 (2009). MSC: 62E15 60E05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny} and \textit{M. C. Jones}, Stat. Methods Appl. 18, No. 4, 465--481 (2009; Zbl 1332.62047) Full Text: DOI
Ahmad, I. A.; Al-Wasel, I. A.; El-Bassiouny, A. H.; Kayid, M. A new approach to moments inequalities of some aging notions with hypotheses testing applications. (English) Zbl 1513.62208 J. Appl. Probab. Stat. 2, No. 1, 71-88 (2007). MSC: 62N05 60E15 62G15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. A. Ahmad} et al., J. Appl. Probab. Stat. 2, No. 1, 71--88 (2007; Zbl 1513.62208)
El-Bassiouny, A. H. Some new results of the bivariate \(F\) distribution. (English) Zbl 1147.62307 Int. J. Appl. Math. 20, No. 5, 645-654 (2007). MSC: 62E15 62H10 33C90 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Int. J. Appl. Math. 20, No. 5, 645--654 (2007; Zbl 1147.62307)
Al-Wasel, I. A.; El-Bassiouny, A. H.; Kayid, M. Some results of the NBUL class of life distributions. (English) Zbl 1146.62007 Appl. Math. Sci., Ruse 1, No. 17-20, 869-881 (2007). MSC: 62E10 62N03 62N05 44A10 62F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{I. A. Al-Wasel} et al., Appl. Math. Sci., Ruse 1, No. 17--20, 869--881 (2007; Zbl 1146.62007)
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. Asymptotic inference for LSE in multivariate continuous regression models with long-memory random fields. (English) Zbl 1035.62047 Appl. Math. Comput. 151, No. 1, 251-262 (2004). MSC: 62H12 62M10 62E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Appl. Math. Comput. 151, No. 1, 251--262 (2004; Zbl 1035.62047) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. On the rate of convergence to the normal law for LSE in multivariate continuous regression model with long-range dependence stationary errors. (English) Zbl 1035.62091 Appl. Math. Comput. 149, No. 2, 369-378 (2004). MSC: 62M10 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Appl. Math. Comput. 149, No. 2, 369--378 (2004; Zbl 1035.62091) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H.; Sarhan, Ammar M.; Al-Garian, M. Testing exponentiality against NBUFR (NWUFR). (English) Zbl 1035.62106 Appl. Math. Comput. 149, No. 2, 351-358 (2004). MSC: 62N05 62N03 60E15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny} et al., Appl. Math. Comput. 149, No. 2, 351--358 (2004; Zbl 1035.62106) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. Asymptotic properties of LSE of regression coefficients on singular random fields observed on a sphere. (English) Zbl 1068.62097 Chaos Solitons Fractals 18, No. 5, 1015-1023 (2003). MSC: 62M40 60F05 62H12 60G60 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Chaos Solitons Fractals 18, No. 5, 1015--1023 (2003; Zbl 1068.62097) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. On testing exponentiality against IFRA alternatives. (English) Zbl 1026.62110 Appl. Math. Comput. 146, No. 2-3, 445-453 (2003). MSC: 62N05 62N03 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Appl. Math. Comput. 146, No. 2--3, 445--453 (2003; Zbl 1026.62110) Full Text: DOI
Sarhan, Ammar M.; El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. Estimation of components reliability in a parallel system using masked system life data. (English) Zbl 1019.62096 Appl. Math. Comput. 138, No. 1, 61-75 (2003). MSC: 62N05 62N02 62F15 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. M. Sarhan} and \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Appl. Math. Comput. 138, No. 1, 61--75 (2003; Zbl 1019.62096) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H.; Alwasel, Ibrahim A. A goodness of fit approach to testing mean residual times. (English) Zbl 1023.62103 Appl. Math. Comput. 143, No. 2-3, 301-307 (2003). MSC: 62N03 62N05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny} and \textit{I. A. Alwasel}, Appl. Math. Comput. 143, No. 2--3, 301--307 (2003; Zbl 1023.62103) Full Text: DOI
Leonenko, Nikolai N.; Sharapov, Michail M.; El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. On the exactness of normal approximation of LSE of regression coefficient of long-memory random fields. (English) Zbl 0949.62078 Stat. Probab. Lett. 48, No. 2, 121-130 (2000). Reviewer: F.Liese (Rostock) MSC: 62M10 62M40 60F05 60G10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{N. N. Leonenko} et al., Stat. Probab. Lett. 48, No. 2, 121--130 (2000; Zbl 0949.62078) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, A. H. On sojourn measures above a moving barrier for a Gaussian field with long-range dependence. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 0958.60035 Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 59, 47-56 (1999); translation from Teor. Jmorvirn. Mat. Stat. 59, 47-56 (1998). Reviewer: A.V.Swishchuk (Kyïv) MSC: 60G15 60G60 60H05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Teor. Ĭmovirn. Mat. Stat. 59, 47--56 (1998; Zbl 0958.60035); translation from Teor. Jmorvirn. Mat. Stat. 59, 47--56 (1998)
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. On a principle of invariance for a statistical estimate of entropy in a polynomial scheme. (English) Zbl 0804.62007 J. Inst. Math. Comput. Sci., Math. Ser. 7, No. 1, 39-49 (1994). MSC: 62B10 60F17 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, J. Inst. Math. Comput. Sci., Math. Ser. 7, No. 1, 39--49 (1994; Zbl 0804.62007)
El-Bassiouny, A. H. On measures of the excess between two concentric cylinders for homogeneous isotropic Gaussian random fields over certain level. (English) Zbl 0839.60045 Random Oper. Stoch. Equ. 1, No. 3, 213-222 (1993). MSC: 60G60 60F05 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Random Oper. Stoch. Equ. 1, No. 3, 213--222 (1993; Zbl 0839.60045) Full Text: DOI
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. Limit theorems for some functionals of random processes generated by a statistical estimate of entropy in a polynomial scheme. (English) Zbl 0799.60004 J. Inst. Math. Comput. Sci., Math. Ser. 6, No. 3, 253-259 (1993). MSC: 60B10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, J. Inst. Math. Comput. Sci., Math. Ser. 6, No. 3, 253--259 (1993; Zbl 0799.60004)
El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. Convergence of the moments for the statistical estimation of the entropy in the multidimensional distribution. (English) Zbl 0780.62004 Math. Jap. 38, No. 5, 883-887 (1993). MSC: 62B10 62E20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. H. El-Bassiouny}, Math. Japon. 38, No. 5, 883--887 (1993; Zbl 0780.62004)