
Found 38 Documents (Results 1–38)

On the asymptotic behavior of a sequence of random variables of interest in the classical occupancy problem. (English. Ukrainian original) Zbl 1329.60052

Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 87, 31-40 (2013); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 87, 28-37 (2012).
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Weak convergence of sequences from fractional parts of random variables and applications. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1247.60032

Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 83, 59-69 (2011); translation from Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 83, 49-58 (2010).
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Open problems on densities. II. (English) Zbl 1198.11008

Komatsu, Takao (ed.), Diophantine analysis and related fields 2010. DARF–2010. Proceedings of the conference, Musashino, Tokyo, Japan, March 4–5, 2010. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (AIP) (ISBN 978-0-7354-0815-9). AIP Conference Proceedings 1264, 114-128 (2010).
MSC:  11B05 11K99
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