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Hakmi, Sedda; Lekadir, Ouiza; Aissani, Djamil Analysis of priority queue with repeated attempts using generalized stochastic Petri nets. (English) Zbl 1449.68015 Miskolc Math. Notes 20, No. 2, 925-939 (2019). MSC: 68M20 60J20 68Q85 90B22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Hakmi} et al., Miskolc Math. Notes 20, No. 2, 925--939 (2019; Zbl 1449.68015) Full Text: DOI
Ikhlef, Lyes; Lekadir, Ouiza; Aïssani, Djamil MRSPN analysis of semi-Markovian finite source retrial queues. (English) Zbl 1358.90029 Ann. Oper. Res. 247, No. 1, 141-167 (2016). MSC: 90B22 60J20 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{L. Ikhlef} et al., Ann. Oper. Res. 247, No. 1, 141--167 (2016; Zbl 1358.90029) Full Text: DOI
Lekadir, Ouiza; Aïssani, Djamil Error bounds on practical approximation for two tandem queue with blocking and non-preemptive priority. (English) Zbl 1219.90044 Comput. Math. Appl. 61, No. 7, 1810-1822 (2011). MSC: 90B22 60K25 60J10 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Lekadir} and \textit{D. Aïssani}, Comput. Math. Appl. 61, No. 7, 1810--1822 (2011; Zbl 1219.90044) Full Text: DOI
Lekadir, Ouiza; Aissani, Djamil Stability of two-stage queues with blocking. (English) Zbl 1160.90349 Le Thi, Hoai An (ed.) et al., Modelling, computation and optimization in information systems and management sciences. Second international conference MCO 2008, Metz, France - Luxembourg, September 8–10, 2008. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-87476-8/pbk). Communications in Computer and Information Science 14, 520-529 (2008). MSC: 90B22 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Lekadir} and \textit{D. Aissani}, Commun. Comput. Inf. Sci. 14, 520--529 (2008; Zbl 1160.90349) Full Text: DOI
Lekadir, O.; Aissani, D. Strong stability in a Jackson queueing network. (English) Zbl 1199.60321 Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 77, 96-108 (2007) and Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 77, 107-119 (2008). Reviewer: Mikhail P. Moklyachuk (Kyïv) MSC: 60K20 60K25 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{O. Lekadir} and \textit{D. Aissani}, Teor. Ĭmovirn. Mat. Stat. 77, 96--108 (2007; Zbl 1199.60321) Full Text: Link