Arnaudiès, Jean-Marie; Bertin, José Groups, algebras and geometry. Vol. 2. (Groupes, algèbres et géométrie. Tome 2.) (French) Zbl 0926.00002 Paris: Ellipses. xvii, 760 p. (1995). See the joint review of Vols. 1 and 2 in Zbl 0926.00001 above. Cited in 1 Review MSC: 00A05 Mathematics in general 13-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to commutative algebra 15-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to linear algebra 20-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to group theory 20H15 Other geometric groups, including crystallographic groups 20G05 Representation theory for linear algebraic groups 16-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to associative rings and algebras 12-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to field theory 51-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to geometry Keywords:crystallography; linear representation; finite groups; finite-dimensional algebras; generators and relations; quaternion algebra; Hecke algebra; universal algebras; modules; algebras; Witt theorem; bilinear algebra Citations:Zbl 0926.00001 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J.-M. Arnaudiès} and \textit{J. Bertin}, Groupes, algèbres et géométrie. Tome 2. Paris: Ellipses (1995; Zbl 0926.00002)