
Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003, the 5th European conference on numerical mathematics and advanced applications, Prague, Czech Republic, August 18–22, 2003. (English) Zbl 1046.65002

Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-21460-7/hbk). xiii, 863 p. (2004).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference has been reviewed (see Zbl 1013.00024).
Indexed articles:
Bermúdez, Alfredo; Rodríguez, Rodolfo; Salgado, Pilar, Numerical analysis of finite element methods for eddy current problems. Applications to electrode simulation, 3-19 [Zbl 1067.78014]
Blaheta, Radim, Space decomposition preconditioners and parallel solvers, 20-38 [Zbl 1056.65045]
Gallouët, Thierry, Boundary conditions for hyperbolic equations or systems, 39-55 [Zbl 1198.35148]
Haslinger, Jaroslav; Kozubek, Tomáš; Kunisch, Karl; Peichl, Günter, Fictitious domain methods in shape optimization with applications in free-boundary problems, 56-75 [Zbl 1056.65063]
Alaa, Nour Eddine; Roche, Jean Rodolphe, Domain decomposition method for a class of nonlinear elliptic equation with arbitrary growth nonlinearity and data measure, 79-88 [Zbl 1056.65072]
Banda, Mapundi Kondwani, Variants of relaxation schemes and the lattice Boltzmann model relaxation systems, 89-101 [Zbl 1198.76106]
Baudin, Michaël; Coquel, Frédéric; Tran, Quang-Huy, A time semi-implicit relaxation scheme for two-phase flows in pipelines, 102-111 [Zbl 1198.76089]
Bause, Markus, Computational study of field scale BTEX transport and biodegradation in the subsurface, 112-122 [Zbl 1052.92050]
Becker, Roland; Braack, Malte, A two-level stabilization scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations, 123-130 [Zbl 1198.76062]
Becker, Roland; Vexler, Boris, A posteriori error estimates for parameter identification, 131-140 [Zbl 1056.65106]
Beneš, Michal, On a phase-field model with advection, 141-150 [Zbl 1198.80005]
Börm, Steffen, Fast evaluation of eddy current integral operators, 151-158 [Zbl 1056.65120]
Braack, Malte; Ern, Alexandre, Adaptive computation of reactive flows with local mesh refinement and model adaptation, 159-168 [Zbl 1198.76064]
Brandts, Jan; Chen, Yanping, An alternative to the least-squares mixed finite element method for elliptic problems, 169-175 [Zbl 1056.65110]
Brigadnov, Igor A., Limit analysis method in electrostatics, 176-185 [Zbl 1059.78006]
Burda, Pavel; Novotný, Jaroslav; Sousedík, Bedřich; Šístek, Jakub, Finite element mesh adjusted to singularities applied to axisymmetric and plane flow, 186-195 [Zbl 1198.76065]
Burman, Erik; Hansbo, Peter, The edge stabilization method for finite elements in CFD, 196-203 [Zbl 1198.76066]
Burman, Eric; Picasso, Marco; Rappaz, Jacques, Analysis and computation of dendritic growth in binary alloys using a phase-field model, 204-220 [Zbl 1198.80007]
Celiker, Fatila; Cockburn, Bernardo; Güzey, Sukru; Kanapady, Ramdev; Soon, Sew-Chew; Stolarski, Henrik K.; Tamma, Kummar, Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Timoshenko beams, 221-231 [Zbl 1198.74095]
Čiegis, Raimondas, Numerical algorithms for solving elliptic-parabolic problems, 232-238 [Zbl 1198.76148]
Cox, Dennis D.; Klouček, Petr; Reynolds, Daniel R.; Šolín, Pavel, Stochastic relaxation of variational integrals with non-attainable infima, 239-249 [Zbl 1056.65005]
Darbandi, Masoud; Mazaheri-Body, Kiumars; Vakilipour, Shidvash, A pressure-weighted upwind scheme in unstructured finite-element grids, 250-259 [Zbl 1198.76067]
Dolejší, Vít, Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the numerical solution of viscous compressible flows, 260-268 [Zbl 1198.76068]
Eymard, Robert; Herbin, Raphaèle, A finite volume scheme on general meshes for the steady Navier-Stokes equations in two space dimensions, 269-277 [Zbl 1173.76361]
Eymard, Robert; Gallouët, Thierry; Gervais, Véronique; Masson, Roland, Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to a stratigraphic model, 278-287 [Zbl 1198.86020]
Eymard, Robert; Hilhorst, Danielle; Vohralík, Martin, Combined nonconforming/mixed-hybrid finite element-finite volume scheme for degenerate parabolic problems, 288-297 [Zbl 1056.65078]
Faragó, István; Horváth, Róbert; Korotov, Sergey, Discrete maximum principle for Galerkin finite element solutions to parabolic problems on rectangular meshes, 298-307 [Zbl 1057.65064]
Fedotov, Alexander I., Cubature-differences method for singular integro-differential equations, 308-315 [Zbl 1057.65102]
Flemisch, Bernd; Mair, Michael; Wohlmuth, Barbara, Nonconforming discretization techniques for overlapping domain decompositions, 316-325 [Zbl 1056.65133]
Ford, John A.; Moghrabi, Issam A., On the use of implicit updates in minimum curvature multi-step quasi-Newton methods, 326-335 [Zbl 1056.65057]
Fredman, Tom P., A boundary movement identification method for a parabolic partial differential equation, 336-345 [Zbl 1056.65094]
Frolov, Maxim; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey, On computational properties of a posteriori error estimates based upon the method of duality error majorants, 346-357 [Zbl 1056.65062]
Garimella, Rao; Kuchařík, Milan; Shashkov, Mikhail, Efficient algorithm for local-bound-preserving remapping in ALE methods, 358-367 [Zbl 1198.76092]
Ganzha, Victor; Liska, Richard; Shashkov, Mikhail; Zenger, Christoph, Mimetic finite difference methods for diffusion equations on unstructured triangular grid, 368-377 [Zbl 1056.65079]
Gödert, Günter; Suttmeier, Franz-Theo, On computational glaciology: FE-simulation of ice sheet dynamics, 378-390 [Zbl 1194.86042]
Grote, Marcus J.; Kirsch, Christoph; Meury, Patrick, Nonreflecting boundary conditions for multiple domain wave scattering in unbounded media, 391-399 [Zbl 1056.65124]
Hämarik, Uno; Raus, Toomas, On the choice of the regularization parameter in the case of the approximately given noise level of data, 400-409 [Zbl 1056.65053]
Hartmann, Ralf; Houston, Paul, Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods with interior penalty for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, 410-419 [Zbl 1179.76051]
Haškovec, Jan; Šolín, Pavel, On a novel technique for parallel unstructured mesh generation in 3D, 420-429 [Zbl 1056.65128]
Hoffman, Johan; Johnson, Claes, Adaptive finite element methods for turbulent flow, 430-439 [Zbl 1179.76052]
Hoppe, Ronald H. W.; Nash, Eva, Numerical solution of a nonlinear evolution equation describing amorphous surface growth of thin films, 440-448 [Zbl 1163.35412]
Horák, Jiří, Constrained mountain pass algorithm for the numerical solution of semilinear elliptic problems, 449-458 [Zbl 1056.65112]
Horváth, András; Horváth, Zoltán, Optimal shape design of Diesel intake ports with evolutionary algorithm, 459-470 [Zbl 1198.76111]
Horváth, Zoltán; Horváth, András, Numerical simulation of compressible fluids with moving boundaries: an effective method with applications, 471-482 [Zbl 1198.76094]
Houston, Paul; Perugia, Ilaria; Schneebeli, Anna; Schötzau, Dominik, Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations, 483-492 [Zbl 1170.78305]
Houston, Paul; Schötzau, Dominik; Wihler, Thomas P., Mixed \(hp\)-discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the Stokes problem in polygons, 493-501 [Zbl 1179.76053]
Janovská, Dáša; Janovský, Vladimír, A postprocessing of Hopf bifurcation points, 502-509 [Zbl 1056.65140]
Janovská, Drahoslava; Opfer, Gerhard, Givens’ reduction of quaternion-valued matrices to upper Hessenberg form, 510-520 [Zbl 1056.65037]
Jiránek, Pavel; Maryška, Jiří; Šembera, Jan, Model of compressible flow and transport in a time-dependent domain, 521-530 [Zbl 1198.76140]
Kantur, Olga; Tsybulin, Vyacheslav, Numerical study of convection of multi-component fluid in porous medium, 531-538 [Zbl 1198.76143]
Kienesberger, Johanna; Valdman, Jan, Multi-yield elastoplastic continuum-modeling and computations, 539-548 [Zbl 1198.74012]
Kincaid, David R., Celebrating fifty years of David M. Young’s successive overrelaxation method, 549-558 [Zbl 1057.65012]
Kiss, Béla; Krebsz, Anna, On the relational database style parallel numerical programming, 559-568 [Zbl 1056.65047]
Klouček, Petr; Romerio, Michel V.; Wightman, Jennifer L., A dynamical system describing evolution of the implicit surfaces in incompressible viscous liquids, 569-579 [Zbl 1216.76017]
Korotov, Sergey; Křížek, Michal, Discrete maximum principles in finite element modelling, 580-586 [Zbl 1056.65113]
Korotov, Sergey; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey, A posteriori error estimation in terms of linear functionals for boundary value problems of elliptic type, 587-595 [Zbl 1056.65104]
Kozel, Karel; Louda, Petr; Sváček, Petr, Numerical solution of flow in backward facing step, 596-604 [Zbl 1216.76018]
Kružík, Martin, Periodicity properties of solutions to a hysteresis model in micromagnetics, 605-614 [Zbl 1109.78006]
Kuznetsov, Yuri; Repin, Sergey, Mixed finite element method on polygonal and polyhedral meshes, 615-622 [Zbl 1056.65114]
Levy, Doron; Nayak, Suhas, Semi-discrete schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on unstructured grids, 623-630 [Zbl 1057.65060]
Minárik, Vojtěch; Kratochvíl, Jan; Mikula, Karol; Beneš, Michal, Numerical simulation of dislocation dynamics, 631-640 [Zbl 1163.65309]
Möller, Matthias; Kuzmin, Dmitri; Turek, Stefan, Implicit FEM-FCT algorithm for compressible flows, 641-650 [Zbl 1179.76054]
Murakawa, Hideki; Nakaki, Tatsuyuki, A singular limit method for the Stefan problems, 651-657 [Zbl 1056.65080]
Muslu, Gulcin M.; Erbay, Husnu A., Higher-order split-step schemes for the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation, 658-667 [Zbl 1056.65090]
Ouazzi, Abderrahim; Turek, Stefan, Numerical methods and simulation techniques for flow with shear and pressure dependent viscosity, 668-676 [Zbl 1216.76020]
Pedas, Arvet, Piecewise polynomial approximations for linear Volterra integro-differential equations with nonsmooth kernels, 677-686 [Zbl 1056.65145]
Perugia, Ilaria; Schötzau, Dominik; Warsa, James, On a discontinuous Galerkin method for radiation-diffusion problems, 687-697 [Zbl 1057.65086]
van der Pijl, Sander P.; Segal, A.; Vuik, C., Modeling of multi-phase flows with a level-set method, 698-707 [Zbl 1216.76057]
Prokop, Vladimir; Kozel, Karel, Numerical modeling of bypass flow, 708-715 [Zbl 1216.76021]
Repin, Sergey; Sauter, Stefan; Smolianski, Anton, A posteriori estimation of dimension reduction errors, 716-725 [Zbl 1056.65105]
Rivière, Béatrice, Analysis of a multi-numerics/multi-physics problem, 726-735 [Zbl 1216.76033]
Roos, Hans-Görg; Zarin, Helena, The discontinuous Galerkin method for singularly perturbed problems, 736-745 [Zbl 1056.65116]
Sawyer, William; Jeltsch, Rolf, A finite volume mass- and vorticity-conserving shallow-water model using penta-/hexagonal grids, 746-755 [Zbl 1179.76055]
Šenkýř, Milan; Mikyška, Jiří; Beneš, Michal, Application of parallel computing techniques for problems of degenerated diffusion, 756-765 [Zbl 1057.65050]
Sobotíková, Veronika, The finite element analysis of an elliptic problem with a nonlinear Newton boundary condition, 766-774 [Zbl 1056.65117]
Šolín, Pavel; Demkowicz, Leszek, Automatic goal-oriented \(hp\)-adaptivity without error estimates, 775-785 [Zbl 1056.65109]
Stolper, Mirjam; Rjasanow, Sergej, A compression method for the Helmholtz equation, 786-795 [Zbl 1056.65121]
Sváček, Petr; Feistauer, Miloslav, Application of a stabilized FEM to problems of aeroelasticity, 796-805 [Zbl 1216.76035]
Tomoeda, Kenji, A numerical approach to the dynamical behavior of initiated pulses in some nonlinear diffusion equations, 806-814 [Zbl 1216.80023]
Váchal, Pavel; Liska, Richard; Wendroff, Burton, Fully two-dimensional HLLEC Riemann solver and associated difference schemes, 815-824 [Zbl 1179.76059]
Vermolen, Fred J.; Vuik, Kees; Segal, Guus, Deflation accelerated parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient method in finite element problems, 825-833 [Zbl 1056.65029]
Walther, Andrea; Griewank, Andreas, Advantages of binomial checkpointing for memory-reduced adjoint calculations, 834-843 [Zbl 1056.65064]
Wan, Decheng; Turek, Stefan; Rivkind, Liudmila S., An efficient multigrid FEM solution technique for incompressible flow with moving rigid bodies, 844-853 [Zbl 1216.76037]
Zítka, Martin; Segeth, Karel; Šolín, Pavel, Higher-order FEM for a system of nonlinear parabolic PDE’s in 2D with a-posteriori error estimates, 854-863 [Zbl 1056.65091]


65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to numerical analysis
74-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mechanics of deformable solids
76-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to fluid mechanics
78-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to optics and electromagnetic theory