
On the theory of Diophantine approximations. II: Inhomogeneous problems. (English) Zbl 0086.03902


number theory


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[2] R. Descombes, Sur la répartition des sommets d’une ligne polygonale regulière nonfermée.Annales scientifiques d’école normale supérieure,75 (1956), pp. 284–355.
[3] Vera T. Sós, On the theory of diophantine approximations. I,Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.,8 (1957), pp. 461–472. · Zbl 0080.03503 · doi:10.1007/BF02020329
[4] Vera T. Sós, A lánctörtek egy geometriai interpretációja és alkalmazásai,Math. Lapok,8 (1957), pp. 248–263.
[5] Vera T. Sós, On a theorem of A. Khintchine,Acta Arithmetica (under press).
[6] Vera T. Sós, On the theory of diophantine approximations. III, to appear inActa Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. · Zbl 0080.03503
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