Zadeh, L. A. Fuzzy sets. (English) Zbl 0139.24606 Inf. Control 8, 338-353 (1965). A fuzzy set is a “set” of elements with a continuum of “grades of membership”. The rigorous definition is: let \(X\) be a set of objects (elements); a fuzzy set \(A\) in \(X\) is defined by a “membership (characteristic) function” \(f_A\), which associates with each element \(x\in X\) a real number \(f_A(x)\in [0,1]\). The value \(f_A(x)\) of \(f_A\) at \(x\) represents the grade of membership of \(x\) in \(A\). If \(A\) is an “ordinary” set, its membership function \(f_A\) can take on only the values 0 and 1: \(x\in A\Leftrightarrow f_A(x) = 1\) and \(x\neq A \Leftrightarrow f_A(x)=0\). Various usual notions are extended to such sets (for instance, the notions of union, intersection and convexity). Reviewer: Newton C. A. da Costa (São Paulo) Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 74 ReviewsCited in 8707 Documents MSC: 03E72 Theory of fuzzy sets, etc. Keywords:fuzzy sets; continuum of grades of membership; membership characteristic function; separation theorem for convex fuzzy sets × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Zadeh L A. Fuzzy sets. Inf Control, 1965, 3: 338-353 · Zbl 0139.24606 [2] Pawlak Z. Rough sets. Int J Comput Inf Sci, 1982, 11: 341-356 · Zbl 0501.68053 [3] Zhang L, Zhang B. Theory and Applications of Problem Solving (in Chinese). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1990 [4] Liang P, Song F. What does a probabilistic interpretation of fuzzy sets mean? IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst, 1996, 4: 200-205 [5] Lucero Y C, Nava P A. A method for membership function generation from training samples. [6] Mitsuishi T, Endou N, Shidama Y. The concept of fuzzy set and membership function and basic properties of fuzzy set operation. 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