Schmidt, Wolfgang M. On simultaneous approximations of two algebraic numbers by rationals. (English) Zbl 0173.04801 Acta Math. 119, 27-50 (1967). The author establishes a well-known conjecture, extending the famous theorem of K. F. Roth [Mathematika 2, 1–20 (1955; Zbl 0064.28501)]. He proves that if \(\alpha, \beta\) are algebraic numbers such that \(1, \alpha, \beta\) are linearly independent over the rationals then, for any \(\varepsilon > 0\), there exist only finitely many positive integers \(q\) such that \[ \Vert q \alpha\Vert \, \Vert q \beta\Vert q^{1+\varepsilon} < 1 \tag{*} \] – here, as usual, \(\Vert x\Vert\) denotes the distance of \(x\) from the nearest integer. The theorem implies, in particular, that there exist only finitely many pairs of rationals \(p_1/q, p_2/q\) such that \[ \left|\alpha - p_1/q \right| < |q|^{-3/2 - \varepsilon}, \quad \left|\beta - p_2/q \right| < |q|^{-3/2 - \varepsilon}, \] and, dually, that there exist only finitely many integers \(p, q_1, q_2\) such that \[ \left|q_1 \alpha + q_2 \beta + p\right|<q^{-2 - \varepsilon}, \] where \(q=\max \left(\left|q_1\right|, \left|q_2\right|\right)>0 \). This further implies a best-possible result on the approximation of algebraic numbers by rationals or quadratic irrationals. The structure of the proof is similar to that of the author’s earlier work [Acta Math. 102, 159–224 (1959; Zbl 0215.35104)]. It is shown first, by techniques from the geometry of numbers, that (*) implies the existence of a pair \(\mathfrak{m}_1, \mathfrak{w}_2\) of independent integer triplets satisfying one or other of a set of three linear inequalities with mutually adjoint forms. Let either of these sets of forms be denoted by \(L_1, L_2, L_3\). It is assumed that (*) has infinitely many solutions and \(m\) are selected so that the corresponding pairs \(\mathfrak{w}_{h 1}, \mathfrak{w}_{h 2}, (1 \leq h\leq m)\) satisfy conditions of magnitude of the type required by Roth.Let \(M_h\) denote the unique linear form with relatively prime integer coefficients which vanishes at \(\mathfrak{w}_{h 1}, \mathfrak{w}_{h 2} \). A polynomial \( P\left(X_{11}, X_{12}, X_{13}, \ldots, X_{m 1}, X_{m 2}, X_{m 3}\right) \) in \( 3 m \) variables is constructed which is homogeneous in \( X_{h 1}, X_{h 2}, X_{h 3}(1 \leq h \leq m) \) and which vanishes to a high degree with respect to \( L_1, L_2, L_3\): By a modified version of Roth’s lemma it is shown that the index of \(P\) with respect to \(M_1, \ldots, M_m\) is small. On the other hand, the construction implies that \(P\) and its derivatives to a high order must vanish at all points of a certain “grid” based on the \( \mathfrak{w}_{h 1}, \mathfrak{w}_{h 2} \), whence \(P\) must have a large index with respect to \(M_1, \ldots, M_m\). The contradiction proves the theorem. The main innovation as compared with the author’s earlier work concerns the utilization of the derivatives of \(P\) in the latter argument, thereby allowing a contraction in the size of the grid. Reviewer: Alan Baker (Cambridge) Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 4 ReviewsCited in 34 Documents MSC: 11J13 Simultaneous homogeneous approximation, linear forms 11J68 Approximation to algebraic numbers Keywords:simultaneous approximations; two algebraic numbers by rationals Citations:Zbl 0064.28501; Zbl 0215.35104 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Cassels, J. W. S.,An introduction to the geometry of numbers. Springer Grundlehren 99 (1959). · Zbl 0086.26203 [2] Davenport, H., Note on a result of Siegel.Acta arith. 2 (1937), 262–265. · JFM 63.0922.01 [3] Davenport, H. & Schmidt, W. M., Approximation to real numbers by quadratic irrationals.Acta arith. To appear. · Zbl 0155.09503 [4] Mahler, K., Ein Übertragungsprinzip für konvexe Körper.Časopis pro pěst. mat. a fys., 68 (1939), 93–102. [5] Roth, K. F., Rational approximations to algebraic numbers.Mathematika, 2 (1955), 1–20. · Zbl 0064.28501 · doi:10.1112/S0025579300000644 [6] Schmidt, W. M., Zur simultanen Approximation algebraischer Zahlen durch rationale.Acta Math., 114 (1965), 159–209. · Zbl 0136.33802 · doi:10.1007/BF02391821 [7] Wirsing, E., Approximation mit algebraischen Zahlen beschränkten Grades.J. Reine Angew. Math., 206 (1960), 67–77. · Zbl 0097.03503 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.