Chorin, Alexandre Joel Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. (English) Zbl 0198.50103 Math. Comput. 22, 745-762 (1968). Cited in 10 ReviewsCited in 1371 Documents Keywords:numerical analysis × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Hiroshi Fujita and Tosio Kato, On the Navier-Stokes initial value problem. I, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 16 (1964), 269 – 315. · Zbl 0126.42301 · doi:10.1007/BF00276188 [2] A. J. Chorin, ”A numerical method for solving incompressible viscous flow problems,” J. Computational Physics, v. 2, 1967, p. 12. · Zbl 0149.44802 [3] J. O. Wilkes, ”The finite difference computation of natural convection in an enclosed cavity,” Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1963. [4] A. A. Samarskiĭ, An efficient difference method for solving a multidimensional parabolic equation in an arbitrary domain, Ž. Vyčisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. 2 (1962), 787 – 811 (Russian). [5] Richard S. Varga, Matrix iterative analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962. · Zbl 0133.08602 [6] P. R. Garabedian, Estimation of the relaxation factor for small mesh size, Math. Tables Aids Comput. 10 (1956), 183 – 185. · Zbl 0073.10804 [7] C. E. Pearson, ”A computational method for time dependent two dimensional incompressible viscous flow problems,” Report No. SRRC-RR-64-17, Sperry Rand Research Center, Sudbury, Mass., 1964. [8] Alexandre Joel Chorin, The numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1967), 928 – 931. · Zbl 0168.46501 [9] S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability, The International Series of Monographs on Physics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961. · Zbl 0142.44103 [10] A. J. Chorin, ”Numerical study of thermal convection in a fluid layer heated from below,” AEC Research and Development Report No. NYO-1480-61, New York Univ., Aug. 1966. [11] P. H. Rabinowitz, ”Nonuniqueness of rectangular solutions of the Benard problem,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. (To appear.) · Zbl 0164.28704 [12] E. L. Koschmieder, ”On convection on a uniformly heated plane,” Beitr. Physik. Alm., v. 39, 1966, p. 1. [13] H. T. Rossby, ”Experimental study of Benard convection with and without rotation,” Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., 1966. [14] F. Busse, ”On the stability of two dimensional convection in a layer heated from below,” J. Math. Phys., v. 46, 1967, p. 140. · Zbl 0204.28401 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.