
A note on a modified block replacement policy for units with increasing marginal running costs. (English) Zbl 0399.90046


90B25 Reliability, availability, maintenance, inspection in operations research
62N05 Reliability and life testing
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[1] Berg, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 4 pp 89– (1976)
[2] Berg, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 5 pp 315– (1977)
[3] Berg, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 23 pp 15– (1976)
[4] Cléroux, Technometrics 16 pp 235– (1974)
[5] Stochastic Processes (Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1962).
[6] Ran, Technometrics 18 pp 459– (1976)
[7] Schaeffer, Technometrics 13 pp 139– (1971)
[8] Tilquin, Technometrics 17 pp 291– (1975)
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