De Giorgi, E.; Letta, G. Une notion générale de convergence faible pour des fonctions croissantes d’ensemble. (French) Zbl 0405.28008 Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Cl. Sci., IV. Ser. 4, 61-99 (1977). Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 72 Documents MSC: 28A33 Spaces of measures, convergence of measures 28A20 Measurable and nonmeasurable functions, sequences of measurable functions, modes of convergence 28A10 Real- or complex-valued set functions 28C15 Set functions and measures on topological spaces (regularity of measures, etc.) Keywords:Weak Convergence; Monotone Increasing Set Functions; Lattice; Riesz- Markov Type Theorem; Vague Convergence; Positive Radon Measures; Positive Bounded Borel Measures × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Numdam EuDML References: [1] G. Aumann , Reelle Funktionen , Springer , Berlin ( 1954 ). MR 61652 | Zbl 0056.05202 · Zbl 0056.05202 [2] P. Billtngsley , Convergence of probability measures , Wiley , New York ( 1968 ). MR 233396 | Zbl 0172.21201 · Zbl 0172.21201 [3] N. Bourbaki , Topologie générale , Chap. 9, 2. éd., Hermann , Paris ( 1958 ). MR 173226 · Zbl 0085.37103 [4] N. Bourbaki , Espaces vectoriels topologiques , Chap. 1 et 2, 2. éd., Hermann , Paris ( 1966 ). MR 203425 · Zbl 0145.37702 [5] N. Bourbaki , Intégration , Chap. 1-4, Hermann , Paris ( 1952 ). · Zbl 0049.31703 [6] F. Cafiero , Teoremi di prolungamento per le misure in particolari reticoli di insiemi , Ric. di Mat. , 5 ( 1956 ), pp. 273 - 312 . MR 84553 | Zbl 0072.27901 · Zbl 0072.27901 [7] F. Cafiero , Misura e integrazione , Cremonese , Roma ( 1959 ). MR 215954 | Zbl 0171.01503 · Zbl 0171.01503 [8] J. Dieudonné , Eléments d’analyse , vol. 2 , Gauthier-Villars , Paris ( 1968 ). Zbl 0189.05501 · Zbl 0189.05501 [9] A. Horn - A. Tarski , Measures in Boolean algebras , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. , 64 ( 1948 ), pp. 467 - 97 . MR 28922 | Zbl 0035.03001 · Zbl 0035.03001 · doi:10.2307/1990396 [10] G. Letta , Il problema di Vitali-Lusin negli spazi perfettamente normali , Ric. di Mat. , 8 ( 1959 ), pp. 128 - 137 . MR 108564 | Zbl 0145.28102 · Zbl 0145.28102 [11] G. Letta , Teoremi di prolungamento per misure in reticoli algebrici , Ric. di Mat. , 8 ( 1959 ), pp. 300 - 319 . MR 125927 | Zbl 0102.04005 · Zbl 0102.04005 [12] G. Letta , Teoria elementare dell’integrazione , Boringhieri , Torino ( 1976 ). Zbl 0316.28002 · Zbl 0316.28002 [13] J. Neveu , Bases mathématiques du calcul des probabilités , Masson , Paris ( 1964 ). MR 198504 | Zbl 0137.11203 · Zbl 0137.11203 [14] K.R. Parthasarathy , Probability measures on metric spaces , Acad. Press , New York ( 1967 ). MR 226684 | Zbl 0153.19101 · Zbl 0153.19101 [15] B.J. Pettis , On the extension of measures , Ann. of Math. , 54 ( 1951 ), pp. 187 - 197 . MR 41912 | Zbl 0043.27903 · Zbl 0043.27903 · doi:10.2307/1969320 [16] J. Pfanzagl - W. Pierlo , Compact systems of sets , Springer Lect . Notes, 16, Berlin ( 1966 ). MR 216529 | Zbl 0161.36604 · Zbl 0161.36604 · doi:10.1007/BFb0078990 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.